Feb 01, 2011

Normally I'm not so hard on insurance companies because I can see their side of things - but not this time! I have BCBS/NC, however, apparently since all the paperwork is done in SC - we have to go off of SC's requirements for WLS - which is VERY different than NC!

SC needs a 6month dr supervised diet where as NC only needs a letter from your PCP saying they agree and how the surgery will benefit you.

So now I'm at least 6 months away from surgery - when I was under the impression that after all my visits to the mirad of doctors I've seen for evaluations - I'd get to schedule my surgery this Friday.

Now I'm nervous. If I show weight loss - is the insurance going to deny the surgery because I can obviously lose weight by other means? If I don't lose weight are they going to say I was cheating or something and deny the surgery? Do I follow the doctors orders to the letter or do I mess up a bit?

AHHHHHHHH I am soooo NOT a game player! Why can't they just see that I NEED this surgery and say yes??!!

I'm feeling super depressed now.

WLS Journey has officially started!

Jan 19, 2011

I had my sleep study for sleep apnea Friday Jan 14th. They ended up having to use the CPAP machine on me - so I'm just waiting for my Dr. to call and give me the news. I'm kinda sad about it - there goes my "sexy" status! lol But I can honestly say that I woke up in the SAME position I fell asleep in with the machine and I wasn't tired ALL DAY - and that was with just a few hours of sleep with the CPAP - imagine what an entire night would feel like!!!

I went to my new patient appointment with Dr Oh in Federal Way this Monday Jan 17th! How exciting! I've got my Endoscopy scheduled for Jan 28th - next Friday. I'm a bit nervous because I've NEVER had any kind of medical anything done before. Heck my first time in a hospital - as a patient - was for my sleep study Friday! And that felt like a hotel stay - with wires, he he. My honey will be with me and I took the day off work - as recommended by the Dr. but I'm def nervous about the procedure.

The Dr. says depending on the outcome is whether he writes to my insurance for WLS approval! Boy oh boy I hope all is OK inside me. I'm sooooo NOT a patient person and now that I've decided to go down this road - I want it done NOW!!
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Decision made....moving on!

Jan 07, 2011

So I've decided I want to have the surgery. I went to Dr. Oh's free seminar - He's really funny and had TONS of info. I have my consultation appointment January 24th!!!

I'm on my way! Yayyyyy!

Now, here's to hoping all goes well and BCBSNC insurance approves the surgery! I've got butterflies in my stomach I'm so excited! Although, I just found out that BCBSNC might not cover the Sleeve. That's the surgery I really wanted. If not - RNY here I come! Wow - I've only had the appointment for 2 days and I'm already done with waiting! lol    Patience is NOT my strong point!! lol

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Port Orchard, WA
Dec 29, 2010
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