Hello everyone. I have researched WLS for almost two years and have finally made the decision to try for it. I am having some trouble documenting any weight loss attempts but other than that I believe everything will be in order for my July 12 consult.

I am so disgusted with my family doctor. I went to pick up my letter of support and she really let me down. Over the past ummm, lets see almost 10 years of records she has not noted any of my questions and concerns for weight loss. The only thing listed is OBESE. Time to find a new Doc.
I have read this site alot lately. I am so nervous just waiting for my consult. I keep trying to think of anything that will help me document any weight loss. My biggest fear is being denied by my insurance, well that and dying.
I also want to thank all who post on this site, you all really do help. Reading the postings of those going through ,the same t
hings just lets me know I'm not the only one. God Bless You ALL!

Hello everyone. Great news. I met with Dr. Bolar and his staff yesterday and everything went great. My insurarce only requires medical necessity (GOT IT), sleep study, and pshychological(GOT IT) from what I understood. I guess the Lord above really is leading me toward this surgery and this new way of life. Especially considering he has helped me out since my doc didn't bother to document anything over the last 10 years. (Yes that is still a sore subject.) But I am so happy, I was so pleased with the BIK staff. I am to go for my sleep study tomorrow and after that is finished they will submit for insurance for me. I just keep hoping above all else to get it done in time for me to start college this semester. I really want this behind me so that I can start living my life to the fullest.

Okay. I'm a bit in shock here. I called Dr. Bolars office to see if I needed to do anything else in order to submit to the insurance company since I received my sleep test info (it was okay by the way), and guess what? I AM APPROVED. Bette said that she submitted yesterday and received approval today. I am now scheduled for AUG 4th. I really don't know how to feel, its almost like I'm giving birth or something. I guess in a way I am, I'm giving birth to a new me. My mother in law said that I wouldn't be the same after surgery that I had always been pleasant and plump, I said sure I won't, I'll be skinny and b****y. Well you have to know me to get that one. Anyway. I have so much on my mind, my anniversary is this weekend, 7 years, I keep thinking that by this time next year my husband will have a new wife (so to speak). :) My daughter turns 12 in a few days, this is what really scares me, she is over 200lbs herself. I just hope and pray to the lord above that by getting ME right, it will influence and change her lifestyle enough to lose weight. Again, thank all who post on this site, without you all I'm not sure I would have ever had the gumption to make the call in the first place. The positive feedback is really encouraging. Thank you and God Bless.

I have been going thru my photos trying to find one of me to post on here and there really aren't too many. I have always been camera shy because it hurts so much to see what I look like.
Not long now and all of that should change.
I received my information for post op and for surgery today. Last nite I started a journal, for that just in case something goes wrong. I just wanted a few things off my chest and to tell everyone how much they mean to me or to jump off a cliff if need be. Oh well, 12 days til surgery. I'm excited, scared, everything all wrapped up into one. Time flies when your having fun. See ya'll later.

I see that my pic has posted, this is me and my daughter in March of this year (she turns 12 the day before my surgery by the way). I just wanted everyone to see one of the major reasons I'm going thru this surgery. I am so scared for my daughter, her weight is getting so much out of control. I hope and pray that by me changing my lifestyle of eating habits it will help her to lose the weight, since I won't be buying and cooking the bad stuff anymore she won't have as much access to it and since mom will be walking and exercising more she will to. I also spoke with the nutritionist at Good Sam, I hope to be able to get her on a regimin with me thru their office if possible.
Well I had all of my pre-op testing yesterday at Good Samaratin, everyone was so nice and helpful from registration on. I then went to see the hospitalist and we decided that since I have been having chest pains it would be best to do some more testing on my heart so back at 6am this morning. It wasn't so bad, every one in Nuclear Medicine was so nice to me even though someone didn't do their job correctly and I wasn't on todays schedule. They worked me in with their other patients and got me taken care of.
Good news though, my stress test was okay, so I should be set for surgery next week. Am I scared yes, mostly of a heart attack or a blood clot, these two things are what concern me the most. I met a lady yesterday while going thru the pre-ops (who does't live 5 miles from me by the way), she was concerned of getting food stuck in the pouch and believe it or not, I hadn't even thought of that.
I got to finally meet the nutritionist and she explained "why" on alot of the do's and do not's on this list of foods which helped me tremendously, now I KNOW why I don't need to drink when I eat.
Well I guess that's about it for now, I'm going to try to stock up on my list of necessities this weekend,
Oh yeah get this. I called my family last nite since I stayed in Lexington, my five year old wanted to talk to me, he wanted to know if the Doctor cut open my stomach yet, when I told him no, he said "OK, I just wanted to know". Out of the mouth of Babes. See ya'll later.

Oh what a day already. Today was the first day of Kindergarten for my youngest one. I am so glad the kids are back to school though, they get so bored at home and really need the structure and routine.
Well I have a surgery time, 7:30am on Thursday, they called to see if I could do it tomorrow but I wasn't in this morning. So Thursday it is. I'm not sure how I feel, excited, anxious, eager to have it over with and behind me for sure but I am also getting so scared now that it's down to the wire. Even though they did all of the extra heart testing I am still afraid that I will have a heart attack or a blood clot. I know, I have to put my faith and trust in the Lord above, I feel that if He didn't want me on this path things wouldn't have gone so smoothly for me to get here. All I can do is pray that everything goes right and that I now will be able to enjoy watching my kids grow up and be able to be a part of their lives instead of just a bystander. Talk with ya'll later.

Hello all. Today is my daughters birthday. 12 Years Old. I only weighed 200 before I had her. I have a pair of jeans that I gave my mother from before I got pregnant with her, I've asked for them back. I can't wait to get them on again. Oh just to see what I will look like 6 months, a year from now. I'll be tickled to see what I will look like a month from now, everyone says you'll need new clothes. Not for a while, I have three sizes in my closet of things that were favorites that I have outgrown and wouldn't part with.
My mother told me to check into the hospital giving me a hotel room since I live so far, YES, it is provided. KUDO"S. That means I can sleep an extra hour or two in the AM. If I can sleep.
I have been cleaning and getting things taken care of today, you know, ironing (oh, how I hate that), bills, and all of that stuff. Just making sure everything is caught up. I'm starting to get hungry, I ate some cream of chicken soup (strained). YUCK. I had tomato soup for today but was told it wasn't a good idea, something about the red dye making my stomach look like its bleeding or something, so just to be safe I skipped it. I just ate some killer yogurt though, orange and vanilla swirl. For my "last supper" last nite, I had a cheeseburger and fries from the local deli. I figure I won't be able to eat that grease anymore so I might as well enjoy it one last time. I'm packed and ready to go, as soon as husband gets in tonite and we get the kids squared away we are off. I just want this over and behind me so badly right now. I'm not dreading it as much as I was yesterday, You see I was reading on another person's profile (thank you Cyndi) here on OH, and something she had quoted really stuck with me.
I'll see you all on the losing side. ME


I'm home. Dr. Bolar said that my surgery went perfectly, and all of the nurses and techs said I did great. I know my respitory therapist Jericho (I think that's right), well I know he got a little put out with me for trying to sleep thru my treatments and for fighting them at first, but hey I was on morphine and besides they hurt. The nurses and staff at Samaratin were great. I have no complaints only praises, every one of them treated me with the greatest care and dignity. Donna & Bette are the only two names I remember other than Mr. Jericho but they were all great.
I had some problems with keeping an IV and with them taking blood so I am black and blue on my arms, and my vien in my right arm feels like a steel rod where my IV didn't do right. As for pain in my abdomen it's not so bad, it just feels like I've been kicked by a bull. I've noticed the longer I sit the more it hurts so I've been trying to move around as much as possible, that also is helping with the build up of gas. Forgive me here but it felt so good to fart - pass gas whatever you want to call it. It has relieved so much pressure.
I am also belching alot. I'm not sure if this is normal so I will probably ask about it when I call the office tomorrow to schedule my appt.
Well time to move around for a while, Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Well today hasn't been that great. I've had alot of gas and belching, called Dr's office but they haven't called back yet. I've gotten 2 oz of jello, 2 popsicles and some coffee and crystal lite down. I tried my Isopure zero carb blue rasberry, YUCK. I got 2 oz down then started gagging. Guess that protein drink won't work.
Have you all noticed that every stupid commericial on TV seems to be about food? Not only that my Aunt brought in food yesterday for the family, this was great that means no-one had to cook, and it didn't bother me yesterday but today that chocolate cake is driving me nuts. Two ladies from my church called offering to bring me food, I have to explain thank you but I can't eat, I then just told them that we had plenty from my aunt and other family. I know everyone means well and all but today just isn't a good day. I did do something though I really wasn't supposed to. I weighed. Drum Roll please. 291!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 lbs in less than a week, I know its probably fluids but I have to have something to make me smile right???? My almost 70 year old Grandma is mowing my yard, It makes me feel so useless. Oh well tomorrow will be better, right?

Well I got to get out of the house today, a trip to the dollar store. Wow. I also had my sister in law who is an RN tell my family that I do not have to lay on the couch all of time. They liked to have had a coniption fit when they found me doing a load of laundry. So here comes my Grandpa who has had several strokes and heart attacks doing my vacumming. I give up arguing he wanted to help me in some way so I just let him do it.
And here comes more food from my aunt. Lasanga, some pizza type casserole. It undid me. I did good while everyone was here eating, yeah they all have to eat when they bring the food, so after everyone left I got outside and was doing better. My hubby is building a dog pen so I was outside sitting in the shade with him. After a while I come in to eat my supper, jello. Here comes my mother in law - "so what do you eat now?", and i show her my jello," don't you get tired of that, do you like it, aren't you able to eat blah blah" and crap like that. I LOST IT. I know she didn't mean anything by it but man just shut up. So here I am in my bathroom balling and she's at the door telling me about so and so that she knows at her work that's had surgery and so on. I just told her to leave me alone I don't want to hear about. She finally got the message and left. I am so sick of everyone telling me they know what I'm going thru because they KNOW someone who has had surgery. Until they go thru this shit shut up. It's a personal hell. Food is everywhere it's a staple of life and we as obese people have an addiction to it, that's why we are here. So now I have this surgery and not only am I fighting an addiction but I'm doing it in a way that everything reminds me of what I don't have. Magazines _HELLO???, TV, do I really need to preach on the commercials?, and then just daily life. You know to get to my diet jello I have to reach over the left over lasagna. I did tell them to take the choco cake out of here though, it was just sitting on the kitchen counter since yesterday. You know chocolate, you can smell it. UGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. So I told my Granny to take it home with her if the kids want it they can go down there. Another lady from church called tonite wanting to bring food, I just told her we had plenty, I just can't handle it much longer. Friday I hope to go on full liquids maybe it'll get better. They can eat soup with me - right? I don't want to hurt their feelings so I try not to say to much, but I am only human. Lets just hope tomorrow is a better day. Pray for me if you get a chance.

Hey all. Well I made it last week for my first post op. All is doing great the Doc said. Full liquids over the weekend then on to pureed today. I cheated just a bit last nite, I had husband stop and pick up supper for him and the kids and I pureed some of his fried chicken, without the skin and rinsed thouroughly of grease I might add. The kids loved it that way believe it or not. Today I ate my egg beater, well about 1/2 of it. For lunch I had yogurt and just a few minutes ago I finished about 16 oz of my Isopure Zero Carb - Apple Melon. Lets just say it's making it way right back out. Thank God. It is tearing my innards up. I've got a whole case of the crap, I know someone who will buy it off of me though. I'll just have to find another protein source. I wish I could find samples of some of these mixes so I could experiment some.
I also have called the nurse, I am having pain in my shoulders if I try to do anything around the house or when I get to walking. It started in the hospital after surgery but it's only getting worse. HMMM??? Who knows.
I weighed in this weekend. Drummrollllllllll Plllllleeaassee. 280. WOW. I'm down 21 lbs. WOW. It is so hard to believe, Hubby says he can see it in my legs. Okay, thats nice. I do have to share this one though. You see we are afraid that I may lose a little too much weight topside if you know what I mean. So I'm teasing him by telling him that I'll have to have implants to go along with my tummy tuck next year. Sad part is I can see his mind working. Ha Ha. Gotta love him. He has put up with some of the most crazy crap from me, from this surgery to all of my other issues. I married a good man, I do know that. Well it' s time for the bus ya'll. I'll try to post again soon. Take care and God Bless. Angi

I just received the email that my profile had been spruced up. Isn't it awesome. Thank you to all of the volunteers on this site, you are indeed appreciated. Thank you Joan, this is awesome.

Hello all. I had my 2nd post-op today. I am doing great. He did prescribe me some meds for my heartburn type of feeling. He explained what it was and told me to take this med for two weeks to coat the pouch and I should be a-okay. He was really surprised that I am walking 1-2 miles. (It surprises me too :) ) I have also been instructed that I must eat at least twice a day, that's a bummer cause now I just don't want to eat. Amazing isn't it, two weeks ago I was nawing on the furniture for something other than clear liquid and now all I want is water. And the best part of my visit is now I have permission to get in the swimming pool. KEWL!!! I weighed in at his office at 281 for an official loss of 20lbs, BUT my scales at home (naked) are at 278. I like my results better. Oh well I had best be off to my frist flag football practice with my 5 year old. Believe me tonite is going to be interesting, can't wait for the first game Saturday. See ya'll. Blessings.

Hey all. Things here are going. I'm only down 26lbs, for a weight of 275. I just wish it would fall off quicker, I am not patient. I stay nauseated any more, just about everything I eat makes me that way, I just wish I didn't have to eat period, but the Doc had said I have to make myself eat at least twice a day, so I am trying.
I also want to say that for any of you who were or have family that was in Hurricane Katrina my thoughts and prayers are with you. It has made me realize just how much I take for granted every time I turn on the TV or see an image from the areas affected. God Bless you all and may He bring you and your family comfort and guidance. Take Care of yourselves. Prayers and Hugs. Angi

Just some FYI, as of today I have lost 30.5 lbs. WOW. I am wearing a size 26 comfortably, meaning I can actually breath in them, and I am wearing a 3x shirt without trying to stretch it to the moon and back. In my mind I don't feel like I've lost any weight then I get into my closet and when stuff starts fitting again, it makes me feel oh so good.

Wow, another month has gone by. I am now down 45lbs and feeling great. I actually jogged with my son last week, not a marathon but I DID IT!!! I am so proud of this, can't you tell.
My husband is in Baton Rouge with the Guards which is a real bummer but his time is winding down and hopefully he'll be home soon. I miss him so much when he's gone, but I am so proud of him and the work that he does with the Guard.
My birthday is coming up on the 27th. Please let me lose another 6 lbs by then. I really would like to roll my 33rd year on this earth in weighing under 250. I went thru my med records and I think its been like ten years since I was there.
I went on yet another job interview last week. Maybe one of these days I'll find the one out there for me. I start my seasonal temp job in a couple of weeks but I would like to have something permanent. Maybe this one will be it, I can only pray that God Leads me where he wants me. He lead me here didn't he.
Well, time to go take a midterm, I've put it off long enough.
God Bless you all. Until the next update,

Good news, I made an A on the midterm thanks to a curve! More good news, Husband made it home last nite from Louisiana. And even more good news, I have officially lost 50lbs. I'm a third of the way to my goal. YIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Can't you tell I'm excited. Now if only I could get someone to write my research papers. Oh well, life can't be perfect! Ha. Ha.
I am so blessed, even if I do get a little stressed now and then. Like my husband says, Don't sweat the small stuff, and if there ain't bullets flying, then its small stuff. So today, I am going to enjoy my success and my husband being home. Tomorrow I can worry about research papers and paying my taxes :(
God Bless!

Happy Birthday to Me!!! Yep, I'm another year older. 33 years young. I made it past my birthday goal, I'm down to 248, I wanted so desperately to be under 250 and I made it. I had my first sweet since surgery, its 12 weeks today. I had sf ff angel food cake with ff low sugar whipped topping and strawberries. It was good but "sweets" just don't hold the same place in my life as they used to (thank the Lord). I tried on a prom thing from high school tonite, something I've not been able to wear since the early 90's and it fit. Blew my mind, the only problem is my "girls" didn't want to hold it up if you know what I mean. My husband was so sincere, he told me he would get the money somehow to get em done. He knows its really bothering me because I've lost so much in my upper chest area. I ran into someone I hadn't seen since presurgery and she even commented on "where" I had lost so much weight. Oh well, they make push ups! Right???
Well I'm off to the treadmill. I've got to stay focused on getting my excercise in I am so naughty.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.

November 22, 2005
Well I'm still here and kicking. I know I've not updated in a while, but hey, life has kept me busy. I went for my three month check up today, all is going well. According to my scales I'm down 65lbs, Docs was like 59 or so but that was fully dressed with winter clothes on. I'll stick with the 65. I now weigh in at 236, I've not been this small since the early 90's. I've lost over a third of my goal so far, aint it COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, best get with it, laundry waits for no one!!!
Take Care and God Bless

Hey all, I'm still around just busy as a bee. Finally got a real bonified job, only took me three years to get there though. I love it, but you know what, they interviewed me FAT!!! (Interviewed right after surgery). I had always thought that my weight had held me from finding gainful employment but it just wasnt' my time and wasn't in God's plan for me. So now, I've had WLS, and have my dream job. Life is so good for me. I just wanted to share that with those out there who get disgusted and down when things don't go their way, just take a deep breath, pray about it, put it in God's hands and let it go. When its your time, if HE wants you to have it HE will lead you to it. Oh well that's my sermon for the day.
PS, I'm down to 223, not bad 78 lbs in under 5 months huh???
Take Care Ya'll, God Bless!!!

Wow its been six months since I've updated. Hard for me to believe that much in life has passed by that quickly. I'm now down to 178 lbs - 123 lbs gone forever. I'm wearing 16's now, haven't done that since I can even remember, Hey, I don't ever remember wearing 16's in high school I was already in the 20 sizes by then.
Life is good these days and God has really blessed my family, I have a new nephew now 3 months old - one of the cutest critters!!! I'm now off of probation on my job which is a relief to just know I have security.
On the down side my husband is heading out in a couple of weeks for an 18 month Iraq deployment through the National Guard. Time is really winding down and he leaves us in just a few more days - its hard, I would be lying to you and myself if I said otherwise but I am so proud of him. This is what he wants to do - he wants to fight for our country and secure the lives of our children and this nation. So if you are reading this say a little prayer that God keeps him and all of those out there with him safe and sound and brings them home to their families SOON!
Take care and God Bless

WOW. I've made it a year. Its so hard to believe a year has come and gone. I'm down to about 176 now, I made it to 171 a few days ago but I think I may have been a bit dehydrated so I hate to even use that one. But 125lbs is alot of weight gone! Was it worth it? Dang Skippy!!! My only regret is that I had done it sooner. Skin is getting to be a problem for me. Friends and family say they can't see it but I know its there. My husband is totally behind me in any plastic surgery, he even said we could take out a second mortgage to finance it. His only reqest is that they add some weight back in at a couple of spots as they remove the rest (He's a man use your imagination here). I'm wearing some 14's but mostly still in 16's. Considering I started at a 30/32 I think thats pretty good! One of these days I'll take a pic of me wearing my dress that I have saved and put it on here compared to one of me wearing it pre-surgery.

As for personal life. Things here are going. Thats about it. My husband is in pre-training for Iraq down in Mississippi and with the Army we don't know the magic date for his leave time so we walk on eggshells waiting to see him before he heads over to the sandbox. The kids are doing great for the most part. It's hard on them with Daddy being gone and knowing what is still to come. The youngest who is now 6 came into me the other nite crying holding Daddy's picture and telling me how much he misses him. I just tried to explain once again why Daddy is gone and the reason he fights for our country. His response, "I'm the big man now and I will take care of the bad guys". He would too! We tell him he is the man of the house: I let him put the tithes in at church and he says the grace before meals. It has backfired somewhat though, he has tried grounding his sister a time or two. Speaking of which, I'm now officially the mother of a teenager. My little girl turned 13 on Thursday. Makes me feel really OLD! She's a trooper though. She has helped me out so much since Daddy has been gone. It's like I told my husband, I didn't realize just how much he did do around here until he left. She's done a splendid job with this difficult situation and I am so very proud of her.

Well guys, thanks for reading my post. My hope is that if one person can be inspired to make a go of it here it's worth my weight lost in gold! I just ask that you remember God has a plan for everyone, if things aren't looking up it may just not be your time! Take a deep breath, PRAY, and use a bit of patience. You all know the song by Garth Brooks "Unanswered Prayers"? Thinking back to some of the things I had asked for in my life, I am so glad that I have a few unanswered prayers, how bout you???

God Bless & Please Pray for Our Troops

Time flies when your having fun huh??? I'm down to 157lbs as of this morning, I'm sure a bit of that is dehydration due to a bout of brochitis, sinus and pluracy but hey 157 sounds good to me. I'm almost half the woman I used to be!!! LOL
Life is sure moving. I will have been at my job a year next month, my kids are growing up so fast and my husband is in Iraq. That's it in a nutshell. I work, clean and correspond with my sweetie.
My weight is still dropping a bit slowly. I was staying stable at around 161 til this bout with sickness this week. I'm down to a size 12 in jeans wearing med to large in shirts. Didn't think I would ever say that. WOW!!!! Not bad 32 to a 12!!!
Oh well for those of you out there needing a boost of confidence there are success stories and I am proud to admit I am one of them! My life is great, I have a good husband who was most supportive, I have a great family who stood beside me fat and thin and I have faith that the Lord above led me to be here to help someone else along their journey! Take care and God Bless.

1/27/07. Another  couple of months have flown by. Still hovering around 155lbs give or take. I just can't seem to break that 150 mark, oh well I'm happy anyway. I'm wearing some 10's but mostly still in 12's in jeans and dresses. WOW. 30/32 to a 10/12. That my dear is reason to celebrate!!! Husband is still in Iraq, going to be coming home on leave in about three mths - he really likes the pics of me, the ones posted here were his christmas present! Kids are doing great, my daughter got straight A's again this semester and was chosen student of the month for her team! Work is going great, training in another program... Fun! Oh well thats life. Just busy as a bee that would be me. My son is signing up for basketball with church so that will cut my time even more but it will be worth it! Ya'll take care and God Bless. Remember our troops in prayer, lets hope it ends and they are all home soon.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2005
Member Since

Friends 2
