Checking in...

Jan 30, 2013

I added several pictures of me and my fiance, we will be married in Hawaii in April. It will be 3 years in March and I have kept my weight off successfully! I am very happy! I had a arm lift and tummy tuck in October 2012. I will have a thigh lift and the loose skin that hangs over my bra removed on February 19, 2013. I look exactly how I want to look and feel like MYSELF for the first time in 30 years!

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Well, a long time since I update this....

Apr 04, 2012

I am happy to report I am still doing great! I have actually hit a few roadblocks, last year I was laid off and my husband left me for another woman after 16 1/2 years and us both losing 125 lbs! I was devastated, however, I now realize it was all in God's plan. I have met a wonderful man who far exceeds my husband in every way and I have found my dream job at $30K more a year!

I have done a fairly good job of keeping my weight consistent. I have gained about 15 lbs more than I would like so I am in the process of losing that by making better food choices and uping my exercise.

My next goal is to have a tummy tuck to remove all the loose skin before August 5, 2013 (my 50th birthday)!!
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Hit 100 lbs lost!

Sep 21, 2010

Woohoo! Hit 100 lbs lost...Feel better than I have in 20 years!

Surgery completed!

Mar 12, 2010

Finally!! After changing surgeons, Shawn had is surgery on 2-26-10 and I had mine on 3-5-10. Really like Dr. Katsis, the care at Bailey Medical Center was great also.

Had a problem on Day 4 after surgery when I started back on the non-clear diet and had protein shakes, figure out I am now lactose intolerant. That sucks. But went back to clear liquids and cleared right up.

Added scrambled egg yesterday and it was great. Had another one this morning, then tried to add peanutbutter for lunch. Not so good had my first 'dump' I can see how that will help avoid that food in the future! For SURE do NOT want to experience that again! I hate, hate, hate to throw up!


Small setback

Feb 19, 2010

Had to change surgeons to Dr. Katsis, found out Aetna will not pay for me to have with Dr. Gorospe at Muskogee Hosptial. Shawn and I had our pre-op testing, so hoping to get a surgery date soon!

WOW!! Aetna already approved my surgery!!

Jan 05, 2010

7 days! That was quick, now just waiting on Shawn to get his approved then we can schedule our surgeries!!! I hope they approve his as quickly as mine!!

PAPERWORK went to Aetna....

Dec 29, 2009

Now I just have to wait and see what happens over the next 30 days.

Getting close to submitting to insurance

Dec 17, 2009

I have my last appointment with the Hillcrest HELP program next Monday then I can get my letter and Dr. Gorospe's office can submit to Aetna. Soooooo ready!!!

Going thu the 'motions' for insurance hoops

Oct 08, 2009

Shawn and I have been doing the necessary medical appointments and pre-op certifications so Dr. Gorospe's office can file the paperwork with Aetna. We should be completed by the end of 2009....sure hope they approve it after all of this.....

Getting excited...

Aug 26, 2009

My husband, Shawn, and I have our first appointment with Dr. Gorospe on Friday the 28th. Got our paperwork all filled out and we are ready!

About Me
Jul 23, 2009
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