
Hi - My name is lauren and I'm morbidly obese. :P  Thats what my BMI says at least. (42%) I've always been bigger and taller than everyone around me.  I wasn't an overweight child so I never was ridiculed, but towards the end of middle school I started gaining, slowly but surely.  But I never really hated myself for it.....strange as it sounds. I've gained probably 40 lbs in the past year. And not really sure why.....Before these last 40lbs I was very comfortable in my skin, even being a size 16. I am now a 22.  Its only when I have seen pics of myself have I realized how heavy I am.  I don't look like that in the mirror.  I've been with my boyfriend for the past 6 years and he has never made me feel less than beautiful.  So, its not like i didn't know, I just didn't see myself as THAT big. 

I think the reason why I became so comfortable with my weight gain is because I hit puberty and bloomed well before everyone else did which brought a lot of negative unwanted attention from jealous girls and hormonal boys. Not to mention the stares I'd get from male adults.  Some girls like that sort of attention, I was terrified by it. Plus I wanted to have friends and be liked, and I was pretty much hated by every girl in school b/c i developed before them. So I put on weight and I didn't care. I became less hated and seen as a threat, which was more important to me. I also started getting less attention from guys, which didn't bother me. I wasn't even interested in boys until way later. 

So what brings me here is not any sort of need to be thin or fit in. I genuinely want to be healthy. I discovered I have a heart murmur and thats what scared me into trying to lose weight.  I am truly thankful to be alive. I love my life. and I want to live as much of it as I can.  Being morbidly obese is going to prevent me from doing that. 

About Me
Apr 30, 2009
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