My Story

Oct 18, 2006

I attended the seminar last night and it was good.l I have my “packet” to complete. Of course I have to write my two page story and take a full length picture. I told my husband, my goal is to have every thing turned back in by Wednesday of next week. So that’s my next step. I am calling today to make the appointments with my hematologist and my regular doctor so I can get my letters. Then I will wait to hear from the office to make my first appointment. I know last night was the first step of many but I am ready for the journey to begin!

Another step taken, today I made my appointment with the Psychologist. I will see him on 4-24-06. Wonder what all he will ask? I guess I'll see soon enough.
Tomorrow I will see my PCP to get my "medical necessity" letter. Hopefully she will not have a problem writing it for me. For the past 4 years I have ask her for the latest and greatest diet pills so hopefully she will be happy for me!

I received a call from the Psychologist office……BCBS says they will not pay for any services associated with the Lap Band surgery!?!?!?! I am so aggravated! When I began my journey, this time around, I called BCBS to confirm that they do cover Lap Band under my policy and I was told they did! I also called the person in charge of the insurance at my husbands place of employment and she told me they do cover it under the policy?!?!
Needless to say, when I received the call today, I was very unhappy. Now it’s a waiting game. The HR person is out until Monday, April 24th…the day of my appointment that I now have to reschedule!!!!!

Well I am trying to relax for now and wait till Monday to see what I need to do. I get so worked up and think everything is OK then I hit another road block!

I’ll up date later…

OK so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!! I went to see the Psychologist today - the nicest man I think I have ever met! Everything went fine.....glad it's over. He seems very supportive and understanding. So I can check that off my list of neccesary steps. Steps in the right direction, for sure!!!!
Till next time...

Received a letter from the surgeons office today...they received my "packet" so now I'm just waiting for them to call with my first appointment date. YEA!! I'm excited and ready to go now!! :)

Today I was able to schedule my appointment with the Nutritionist and the Support Group Meeting. I will attend these on May 20th....I am excited, this is two more items I can check off my "to do" list. My day is coming...........

There is no time to get board during this process!!!!!!!!! On 4-27-06 I received my letter from my surgeon saying they received my packet and they would be called to schedule my first appointment.....the letter also said if I didn't hear from them in 2 weeks to I called...they all of a sudden don't have my packet?!?!?! What is going on?!?!?! I'll be so glad to be a loser and not have to deal with all this mess! One day..........

Well today I'll be taking another step in the right direction! The doctor's office found my "packet" and I'm going for my first appointment today. I am excited and I believe I'd completed a lot of the necessary steps so maybe my "date" will not be too far away.

My first appointment on 5-16-06 went pretty well after I picked up my mouth off the floor! The doctor walks in and tells me that after looking over all of my paperwork that I do not qualify for surgery!!!!! I thought I was cry! I ask her why and she said I had no comorbids but she looked a little more careful and found that I had several! Boy am I glad she's not the surgeon, just the PA!
Now I have to have and EKG and some additional lab work. No problem! I'll be completing those test next week and hopefully then we'll be ready to submit everything to BCBS.
I'm getting closer and closer!!

Just giving an update….I found out last week that my PCP is leaving the practice so getting an appointment for my EKG hasn’t been easy. I don’t have a date yet but home to have one this week. Her last day is Friday….what a great time to have to change doctors!! No problem, I’ll get it done and move on to the “losing side” soon!

Well now I seem to be playing the "waiting" game. As far as I know, I have completed all of the required test. For the past 2 days I have called my doctors office (insurance person) to find out what I need to do now. I haven’t heard one word from them. I know they are busy BUT………..
I know, be patient….
In my mind, everyday that we lose could push my "DATE" back weeks even months?!?!?!
It's kind of hard to be patience but I guess I have no choice.
My day is coming, I do know that! This past Wednesday (6-21-06) was 3 months since I attended the seminar. Hopefully, my day is coming!! Sometimes we just need to "vent". I guess today is just that for me! Until next time....

Just giving an up date...My doctor’s office submitted my paper work to my insurance company on 6-27-06...YES!!!!!!
I've called several times just to see if they have received it but...I'm told I can't just confirm receipt...I have to wait until a decision has been made?!?!?
I don't really understand that but I'm being patients anyway.
I am getting even more excited thinking my day isn't too far away!!
I have a lot of "last supper" ideals......guess that's normal for us about to have WLS!
Until next time...

Where do I began? I've had lots of ups & downs in the last month.
I received a call from my surgeon’s office on Friday July 21st saying I AM APPROVED!!!!
Needless to say I was very excited and ready to get my date!
I waited anxiously to hear back form the office with my date. On Tuesday July 25th I got the call…thought it was the call I had been waiting on but instead it was the surgeon’s office telling me I had been approved for the wrong surgery!!!
I was told by the office manager that the insurance coordinator would have to resubmit my request to BCBS. I e-mailed the insurance coordinator on August 2nd and she replied saying “approval has been received and letters are being mailed out”
I am not exactly sure what that means and I don’t want to make any incorrect assumptions so not I am waiting on a call from her to clarify WHAT approval has been received!
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, that’s the name of the game!
I’m SO ready to become a loser!!

My insurance company is about to drive me crazy!!!!!!! The insurance coordinator at the doctor’s office is not much better! She isn’t as aggressive as she needs to be in her position. She e-mailed me on August 3rd and said she received approval and “letters were being mailed out”
I can’t get her to call me back to find out exactly what she means!
I assume she means she got verbal approval from BCBS but is waiting on a letter. I have called BCBS almost everyday asking them to fax me a copy but that hasn’t happened yet. I am just SO discouraged. BCBS tells me I can’t speak to the prior approval dept….that’s only for the doctor’s offices. Finally I got a rep. who transferred me and all I got was a voice mail!?!?!? I left a message but needless to say I haven’t received a call back or a fax.
To top it all off, the approval is only good thru Sept. 25th!?!!? Then we’ll have to reapply!!
This is beginning to be a joke! I am just so tired of if and feel helpless.
My next step is to contact the city Manager, again. She is over the H.R. dept at my husband’s employer.
Until next time...

Well it's been almost a month now so it's time for me to update....
Still no surgery!! Like I said before, this is beginning to be a JOKE!!!!
I have finally received the approval from BCBS and completed all the requied test. Think I'd be getting ready for surgery, right?
NO!!!!! I received a call from my doctors office last week telling me my doctor would be out of the office until the end of October!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I have already taken a leave from work because I was supposed to have surgery before Sept. 25th!!!
What a huge mess and a huge waste of time!! Needless to say, I am switching doctors! I went to see the new doctor on Monday and really liked him. He was nice enought to accept all my test and clearances althought they were written to the first doctor. THANK GOODNESS I KEPT COPIES OF EVERYTHING!!!!
Well hopefully my day is coming! I'll be a loser soon, right?? :)

My new surgeon is sending me for an Upper GI tomorrow. No problem....
I'm still tring to stay positive and hopefully I'll have a surgery date really soon. I am SO ready to be a loser!!
I was really impressed with my new surgeon. His staff seemed really on top of things. Unlike my first surgeon, they don't seem too busy to help you out. I never feel like I'm bothering them when I have a question. I guess this is just where I was meant to be...right?!?!? :)
Until next time....

One more test complete....went Monday and had the Upper GI...gross!!! I'm glad I don't have to do those often! The "stuff" you have to drink is REALLY nasty!!!
I called BCBS yesterday to see if they had made the change to the new surgeon but not yet....I'll keep checking back with them just to make sure they're working on it :)
I am SO ready to have surgery and learn how to adjust with my band. Just waiting for the call telling me the switch has been made and I have a date!!!
More later....

I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, finally after 8 long months I have a DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On October 3rd I will become a LOSER!!!!!!!! Needless to tell all of you who are post op, I am VERY excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until later.....

Well here I sit, the night before surgery...can't sleep so I'm online. I am (of course) very excited and nervous too! It's been a long time coming but my day is almost here!! I was on liquids today...that was fun! I went and bought chicken broth and propel since that will be my diet for a few days. I already have my protein powder so I am ready! It just turned 12:00 so it's official.....I WILL BE BANDED TODAY! Wow, that sounds so sweet! I'll officially be a loser the next time I post. YAH!!!
See ya on the losing side....

I'm thankful to say, surgery went well on Tuesday, 10-3-06.
It feels so wonderful to say "I'm a loser" :)
I haven't felt like being up so I've slept a lot since I've been home. Today I am feeling a little better but I'm sure each day will be better.
I'm trying to get thru "bandster hell".....
I'll post more later when I feel a little stronger. See ya, losers ;)

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I updated!! 
Well things are going well, thankfully! I went today for my second fill. I now have 3cc's in my 4cc band. I'm down about 30 pounds so far. The holidays were really hard for me so I'm glad they are over!!
I'm still very thrilled with my decision to have Lap Band!! 
DH & I are going on a cruise in 6 months and I hope to be down LOTS more by then! Maybe this summer I can feel comfortable wearing a bathing suite! 

I got my third fill last week so now I have 3.75cc's in my 4cc band. So far so good, no problems. I can no longer eat first thing in the morning like I used to. I am very glad to have some restriction. I have another appointment in early March so we'll see if I'll get another fill at that time. My doctor said after my visit in March, I may be able to start coming to see him ever three months. For all of you new people, please remember to be PATIENT!!!! It's easy to get frustrated, we're all human and we want the results NOW! :)

WOW! I just can't believe it's already been 7 months since surgery! Time really does fly! I love my band! I will say that I feel I'm a slow loser compared to some but I'm staying positive and looking ahead. I went for my appointment last month and everything seems to be fine. I've lost 9 more pounds since my visit in March. I now have about 3.25cc's in my 4cc band. This visit my doctor didn't think I needed a fill and I don't have to go back for 3 months. I hope to be down at least 10 more pounds by then!! DH & I are going on a cruise in 3 weeks (I pray I don't gain!!!)
I'm thrilled about my decision overall and wish all of you the best!!! E-mail me anytime if you have questions. I don't post a lot but I read the boards everyday!
Hugs, AC

The Start of my new life!

Oct 18, 2006

Just like everyone else here - I have a story to tell. I am 35 years old and I've been trying to have WLS for the past 3 years. I was denied the first time by my insurance company so I'm trying again!

I will be attending a seminar on 3-21-06 so I am excited about that! I hope to schedule an appointment with the surgeon soon after.
I will keep you all posted.

About Me
Marietta, GA
Surgery Date
Mar 14, 2003
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 2
My Story
The Start of my new life!
