Weight Loss Slowed

Dec 22, 2011

It's been 5 weeks since surgery.  The first 3 weeks I was losing 10 pounds per week, now in the past 2 weeks I've lost only 4 lbs.  The dr. said this would happen as I eat a bit more.  I exercise 4 times a week and I eat healthy.  I usually have a yogurt for breakfast, a turkey burger for lunch, a protein shake or 2 sometimes for snack and then grilled chicken or fish over a small salad with low fat dressing.  I keep low calories and I make sure I get my protein in every day.  I'm get discouraged about the slowness of the weight loss.  Maybe I'm just going thru something. Not sure.  I'm down 34 pounds which I am proud of but lately the scale isn't moving.


Just Scheduled Surgery

Nov 02, 2011

After a year worth of testing and planning, I finally received my surgery date this past Monday and approval from Insurance.  I can't explain how excited I was but emotional at the same time.  I felt like I'm losing a part of myself, as crazy as that sounds.  I may not like the "fat girl" in me but its still a part of me.  Anyway, that was 2 days ago and it was my initial reaction.  Its been 2 days later and I'm all full of excitement and a bit nervous because of the procedure.  I'm ready to say goodbye to that girl.
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