Totally Weird

Aug 12, 2017

Had my RNY on Tuesday 8/8 and I am grilling chicken for my family lol. The smell and act of grillign keeps me involved and looking forward to a few weeks when Ii can start trying real food again.

Pain is not bad, not taking meds regularly...but i am sick of the "protein coat" on my tongue from the drinks.

Mentally i am pretty good minus the social part of eating that I am missing. So I am at least participating in my family cook out.

Regrets? No, and dont anticipate any...but i could use a quarter of a xanax once in a while when i feel antsy. After 4 days i am not goof enough to do stuff around the house to take my mind off food so it gets to me.

I have been researching this for 6 years. It was time. I was ready. Doc was great. Hospital was great. No bumps in the roads. Just waiting...


About Me
Jul 05, 2017
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