Insurance Approval

Mar 13, 2013

So today is the day!!!! They have submitted my papers to the insurance. I'm so nervous! I really hope that I'm approved because if not I don't know what I'm going to do. Not to many good things happen to me and if this was to happen I'd feel like my life is now just beginning. I so need this! 


Psych Eval...

Feb 11, 2013

Today is the day of the eval and I'm totally shook. I've never seen a therapist before and I pray she doesn't ask me nothing crazy. This just happens to fall right after my brother in-law's passing so who know what's going to happen. I just pray everything goes well! 


2 more months left of the 6 month requirement!!!!

Dec 10, 2012

I can't believe it...time is flying. I'm feeling really nervous lately, like it's tomorrow or something. I'm freaking out and still have all this time left. I just hope that when I'm done with the requirements that I get approved because to do all of this not to...I'd be pissed. I keep having this thought that I'm going to go through all of this only to wimp out on the day of the surgery. I need!!!!


About Me
Dec 10, 2012
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