My Story....where do a begin???  Well, I have always been a big girl ever since I can remember.  At the age of 10 or 11, I was weighing in at around 185 pounds.  That is when I first started going on diets.  My mom had also always been heavy and dieting so I was on every diet that she was on.  Cabbage Soup, Grapefruit, Nutrisystem, Weight name it, I have been there.  The summer going from 5th grade to 6th grade I had lost 85 pounds and started my 6th grade year in a size 5/6 jeans.  From that point on; I did nothing but yo-yo back and fourth gaining 10 pounds, loosing 5...for years and years.  After I graduated high school I continued to gain and loose more and more....going through my divorce in 2003; I attended Weight Watchers and lost  40 pounds, but soon after that I had started another relationship and dating and then two pregnancies later I gained the 40 back and then some.  Soon my weight was up at it's highest, which was 297.  That was NOT where I wanted to be.  So again I started Weight Watchers...again. I lost 30 pounds and no matter what I did to exercise and how much and what I ate I never could loose any more.  So my husband and I started discussing my options for Bariatric Surgery.  Yes, I was scared at first because you hear of ALL the "horror stories", but I had God on my side and a huge support system.  So on May 6th, 2014...I had Gastric Bypass (also know as the RNY) and it has been the best decision I have made.  I came home from the hospital and had no incision pain only muscular. I am now off of my high blood pressure medicine. And I am down 34 pounds as of today (June 16,2014).  I continually remind myself slow and steady wins the race. 

About Me
Jun 15, 2013
Member Since

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