
Jun 06, 2012

As of today, I am three weeks and two days post-op.  I am not loving life so much right now.  I have developed a pain in my left shoulder and left side that seem to be getting worse.  I have talked to several people about it and it seems it can be one of two things: A) an air bubble that has yet to dissapate or B) I may have "struck a nerve".  Either way, the only thing I can do right now is wait it out.  That sucks.  Especially since Extra Strength Tylenol doesn't seem to even touch the pain.  Oh well, at least I am off of work for now.

Other than that, it seems to be relatively smooth sailing.  So if you are reading this, I must have sparked some kind of interest in you.  If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask.  I have had a 'mentor' through my ordeal, and I would love to return the favor.  

I didn't realize how big of a decision this surgery was when I made it.  After going through it though, I realize how serious this is.  I knew this was going to be a lifestyle change, but those were just words until now.  This is going to be really tough for me, but I am willing to stick it out.  I love looking at all the Before and After photos on the home page.  A lot of those stick in my mind when I am going through a tough time.  

I have my Before picture, now I just need my After!

About Me
May 18, 2012
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