Liver shrinking diet- first ten days

Jan 17, 2014

I told myself I was going to wait at least two weeks to weigh myself after beginning the liver-shrinking diet prescribed by my surgeon.  When I've dieted in the past, I would weigh myself in the first week, and then expect that same amount of weight loss in the second week, even though I knew a lot of the first week was just water weight.  Then I get discouraged and give up.  So, my plan was to not weigh for at least the first couple weeks or maybe longer. 

Despite doing a really excellent job the previous 8 days, I had a rough day yesterday and ended up eating pizza.  Then, today, I started out with my protein shake, but later found myself eating junk food my roommate left when he moved out. There is definitely some truth to the carb-detox thing.  Once I had carbs again, I just started craving them more and more.  I recognized the problem, and hopefully will have the control I need to keep my focus.  I decided that weighing myself would be a motivation (or a needed warning if I hadn't lost anything), so I did, and am happy to report a ten pound loss in as many days.  Reminding myself to keep realistic goals for the next time I weigh.  My goal is to lose 25 pounds in the five weeks between the start of my liver-shrinking diet and my actual surgery date.  With ten pounds gone, four pounds a week for the next four weeks will get me right where I need to be (and out of the 400's!). 

So.  Exercise.  A big motivation for me to get this surgery is that my knees have really started to ache, and I'm having a hard time walking short distances or going up and down stairs.  For Christmas, I bought myself a treadmill, and of course, it hasn't had much use.  I walked on it for the first few days, and then not at all until I started my liver-shrinking diet.  So far, I've walked on it 3 times for about 10 minutes.  I know this is next to nothing.  I just get so incredibly BORED.  I even anchored a board across the top of my handlebars so I can sit my laptop on it and surf the web while I walk.  Doesn't help.  I have an aversion to boring exercise (with the exceptions of weight lifting and swimming, but I have no gym membership).  Than being said- I want my body to be as strong as possible for surgery.  I'm going to commit to 3 more days of walking, 15 minutes each time, in the next seven days.  I'll re-assess for the following week, based on my level of mobility.


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