Scott Bovard

"I was unsure if I wanted to do this or not. Some days I would think I can do it I don't need help. Others I thought "no way". I researched the Lap Band for a year before I made up my mind. I found 3 surgeons in the Raleigh area that did them. I went to seminars for Dr. Enoks and Morran. They both seemed to be more about getting your money than helping you. I didn't really notice that until I met Dr. Bovard. He was completely different. My first thought when I saw him was "I'm not a real doctor, but I play one on TV." But that was very quickly changed. He obviously knows what he is doing. I thought I knew how to lose weight because I have been doing it my whole life but Dr. Bovard flipped that around right away and I saw what I was doing wrong all along. The other guys didn't even come close to my first experience with Dr. Bovard. I actually got to talk to him! Imagine that. I had a one on one for about an hour and a half, and he didn't mention money once. He seems very passionate about what he does and it is infectious. When you leave there the first time you just know that this time you will not fail. The only thing negative I have to say is that I wish I didn't wait that year before starting this new chapter of my life."
About Me
Raleigh, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2006
Member Since
