Steven Poplawski, MD, FACS

"My first impression of Dr Poplawski was that he doesn't look like my husband's side of the family so we must not be related. He was very nice and told me that he did not mind in the least that I had to bring my two kids with me because they came with my husband to watch them. His office staff I found a little scatterbrained but chalked it up to it being Friday afternoon. Melanie Edwardtowski was great though, she has had the surgery and works there now. Dr P is very straighforward but didn't seem to care much for the internet. He seems competant and emphasized the aftercare program as the surgery can be a start but it is up to me to make it work etc. We actually have monthly support meetings about 20 mins from my house and I am on the other side of the state. Melanie is the leader of my local group. He told me all about the risks of surgery but emphasized that walking walking walking will drastically reduce most complications. I will update later after my surgery. Feb 14 01, I am not thrilled with the staff at all. The floor nurses are nice but no one was able to replace my iv when it needed to be done. The have not returned my phone calls even when I ask to speak specifically to the Dr. He is very nice and I like him alot. He seems genuinely interested and always asks about my husband and children. I also like the nutrition staff very much. They always answer their telephones and are always very polite. The nutrionist and the Dr get my highest rating. The nurses on the floor I like except for the IV thing. The technicians in the lab and radiology are very efficient and keep things going smoothly. Even the admissions person was very nice and efficient. The PAT and group practice staff (except for Melanie and the Receptionist with the blond hair, I don't remember her name) are in need of what the Marine Corps calls intensive retraining."
About Me
San Diego, Ca
Surgery Date
Sep 01, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
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Marine Corps Ball 2000

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