I am a married 28 yr old female with two wonderful children, Summer age 6 1/2 abd Autumn age 2 1/2. I have been overweight most of my life. I loose it and gain it back. I lost a lot of weight about 11 years ago and got down to a size 12. I got married and pregnant and it started coming back. I eventually have gained it all back and some. I want to be able to run and play with my children. It seems the older and heavier I get the harder it is. I am looking into the WLS.

2/20/03-I went to see my primary care phys. Dr. C. Williams at Lewisville Family Medical Center, in Lewisville, NC. I have been having some major leg and knee pains. I talked to him about the gastric bypass and he started in about the diets I have tried and exercise. We went over the diets and diet pills I have tried and the limitations of exercise because of pain and weight. He said he would give me a referral to see Dr. Goco-kellum. He said they would call and set up an appt for me.

2/21/03- The next day, I have the appt time and date. My appt is scheduled for 4/9/03. They are also sending me a package with other information in it.

2/24/03-I got the package and I have to do a lot before my appt date. I called and got an appt w/ a nutritionist and psychologist.

3/10/03-I went to the nutritionist appt. I learned a lot that I didn't know. I will have to go back and see them when I do get the surgery etc.

3/20/03-I went for my psych eval today w/ Dr. Webster. You would think I was crazy......some of the questions that they ask you. Dr. Webster seems to think I am very stressed and will be a good candidate but will need further stress management.

4/2/03-They called me from Dr. Goco-Kellums office. They need to reschedule until 5/19/03. BOO-HOO........

4/3/03-I called Dr Kellums office to see if she had any cancellations and to see if I could get in earlier. NO Cancellations. They did check Dr Goco's and I can see him on 4/21/03 if I want to see him instead. Since they both do the surgery together, what the heck. I took it. Atleast it is a little earlier.

4/21/03- Saw Dr. Goco today. It took forever to see him. I had an appt at 3:30 and I actually didnt see him until 4:45. I would have waited forever if I had to. He was cool. He expressed the risks of this surgery and went over as much as he could. He checked me out and poked around on my stomach and I was on my way. I had to speak to Amanda who does all the paperwork and she said she would fax BC/BS the info and just wait for her call.

4/28/03- Amanda called me and said she faxed all the dictation from my appt w/ Dr Goco and all the other paperwork to my insurance today. She said she should hear something in a few days. She said everything looked good, but if there was a problem she said it would be for the psych eval. She said I may have to show how I am managing my stress. I will just have to wait and see.

4/29/03-I went to Salem Chest Specialists to do the pulm test today. It was pretty easy. I just had to blow into a machine that registered what my lungs were doing.

4/30/03-Still NO answer, I guess no answer is good at this point. It also hasnt been but 2 days but it seems like the longest days of my life.

5/1/03-Still NO answer, I will go all weekend not knowing what they say. I dont know if I can do it. I tried to call Amanda but she is out for the rest of the day. I guess I have no choice but to wait.

5/4/03-I cant wait....I called BC/BS today, it is still pending.

5/5/03-I called again, still pending. I know they are getting tired of me calling. They have been really nice so far.

5/6/03- I called once again, this time I didnt get the nice person. She was rude and told me it was denied. I am devistated! I cant believe it. I asked her why and she said they put it is not medically necessary. I was so upset. I thanked her and hung up. I called back and asked again just to make sure what she said was true. She told me the same thing but was nicer about it. She did tell me that I should file an appeal. I waited a while and called back again just to make sure I heard them right. I guess I am in denial. lol.....I dont want to believe it. They once again told me the same thing. This time I got a wonderful rep who explained the whole appeal process and gave me information I needed. She said the computer doesnt say why it was denied that to wait and check w/ the dr office and see if it was something simple as something they forgot to send. I was feeling a little better at that point. She did say to go ahead and write an appeal letter that way if it wasnt something simple or missing I could go ahead and send it in. I emailed Amanda and told her I wanted a copy of everything she sent BC/BS. I then thought about what I did and emailed her back apologizing. She hasnt even had a chance to do her job. I over reacted.

5/7/03- I talked to Amanda bright and early. She informed me that they needed more supporters and tasks for reducing situational stresses. She said I am medically approved but need to reduce stress. I told her I would get everything to her today. I faxed her the extra support letters that I had and scheduled another psych eval. I will write more when I get that appt done.

5/9/03- I went to Forsyth Hospital and had the stress test and EKG done. I guess I am getting closer and closer. All I need is the approval.

5/13/03-Went and saw another psychologist. I saw Dr Burkhart in Clemmons. All went well. I just told her what I needed and what I was doing to reduce stress. She said that she would type up a letter and call me when it was ready. I cant wait until its done. She said probably Monday.

5/19/03- I called and they said they didnt get the dictation back so I would have to wait. They said they would call me. I asked if they could just fax it when it was ready.

5/20/03-They called me and I had to pay $20.00 before I could get the letter. I had them run it over the phone and fax the letter right away. I cant believe I had to pay for the letter, but oh well. I guess I could have to pay for it all. Waiting for the approval. I also called Amanda to let her know they were faxing it and she is out sick so I will have to wait.

5/21/03- Called Amanda first thing and she said she would check and see if it was there. She said it was and she would fax it to BC/BS ASAP! She said she would let me know as soon as she found something out.

5/23/03-Well finally I get good news! Amanda called and said I was approved. She said she would call me back with the surgery date and pre-op date. I cant wait!!!! I have been APPROVED!!!!!! It has taken forever. I never thought it would happen. I am so happy! Now just waiting for the surgery date. I didnt get a return call but they said it was busy so I will just have to wait until Tuesday when they reopen from the holiday.

5/27/03-Well today I emailed Amanda to see if she had the dates and she appologized for not calling me back on Friday. She said the Theresa the lady that does the scheduling was busy w/ patients and it was late when she got done. She called me back and let me know my surgery date is JUNE 16,2003. I cant believe it is so close. I have to schedule another appt w/ the nutritionist and I have to call the hospital to find out about paying my deductible. I have a $250.00 deductible. I hope they let me make payments. I have spent a lot so far but I will manage. This is what I want so I will get it no matter what. I called the nutritionist and left a message. It seems like two weeks is forever but it really is just around the corner. I am just happy that it is appoved. I have to go see Dr Goco too on the 11th for my last appt before my surgery. I guess for the final stuff. I am going to the support group on the 29th. I am getting stuff ready for when I am out of work. My daughter gets out of school on the 10th, because of snow days this year she is getting out late. I am preparing them for this too. I cant wait. I will write more when I find out more. Until then Good Luck and thanks to all of those who were open enough to talk to me and let me ask questions. THANK YOU!!!!

6/4/03- It seems it has taken forever to get here to this date. I saw the nutritionist today. We talked about what I am going to be eating and the vitamins I have to have and everything else. I am so ready to get this done. I have everything that she mentioned so I am ready to go. I will update more when I find something new out.

6/12/03- I know it has been a few days since I last updated. I had my last appt w/ my surgeon yesterday and it was wonderful. I am finally getting there. I have pre op tomarrow and then I have to make it through the weekend. I have to go get the magnesium citrate to take Sunday. I guess I wont be going far from a bathroom....lol..... I have never taken that stuff I guess I am just gonna have to hold my nose and take it in. I looked at my email and I am so surprised at all the emails of support. I am so excited and happy. My cousin started on me today about just forgetting it and I told her no! So I started to get a little depressed about it but I look at it like this. I need this and I am going to get it and if I make it through, then GOD said it was the right thing to do. If I dont then I will be going home to a new body anyways! Either way I win! I hate to sound so cruel but I deserve this and I deserve to be happy. If I had any doubt I would not get it done. I hope everyone out there that reads this knows that it is hard work and if you are prepared for it you can do it. I am very stubborn so it would take an act of congress to convince me not to do it. I know in my mind and body that I am ready. I support anyone that wants to make their life a better life. I am just so grateful to all the people that emailed me for their support. Each time I go to the website or get an email it lets me know I am making the right decision. I am happy and ready. I will post as soon as I can. I am just a few days away. Good luck to anyone wishing to go through this or are on their way! Once again.......THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.......for all the emails I have gotten. ((((Hugs to everyone!))))

6/22/03-Hello everyone. I am home. I had my surgery on the 16th and I am now home. I stayed in the hospital for 5 days. I was supposed to stay until today but since I was doing so well and I was so home sick they let me go home. I am sore but doing well. I am not having any problem eating, I just dont feel like it. I cant seem to get enough in. I am not hungry enough to eat all I am supposed to but it seems like if I try to eat what they say I have to I cant. I feel like I am stuffing myself. The surgery took longer than expected because they said my gall bladder was full of gall stones and they had to take xrays to make sure no poison had leaked and they took my appendix which was also enflamed also. I knew there was a possibility of them taking them both out but they said in this case they had to. I am cut from my chest bone to my belly button. I have staples all the way down which I am due to have them taken out on Wednesday. I am sore. I didnt realize how much you use your abs until I couldnt. I feel like I am going to tear something. I know I am not but it just feels like it. I dont have a problem with the carnation instant breakfast other than I dont like it and I think it is quite expensive for something I dont like. I do have funny tastes now. I was watching tv and walking most of the time. I get tired really easy right now so I am not walking what I want. I have cried a bit. I feel useless. I came home because I missed my family so much and I cant do anything to help them. I know that is the way it is supposed to be but I dont like being useless. I know it wont last long though. I cry because I would like to take a shower and all I can do is wash off until my staples come out. I am of course had to get the old monthly too (Thursday) so that doesnt help the emotions or feelings anybetter. That maybe why I dont feel too good. My husband has been great. He has helped me so much but I am used to doing it all myself. I guess at first I was wondering what I had done to myself since I have basically gone down since the surgery. I know things will get better. I just wonder if these feelings are normal. I read others profiles and most of them just tell the major problems or great things that have happened so I wanted to include all in mine. I dont want anyone to read my profile and dont know the whole story. One good thing is that I have already lost over 10 lbs since I left the hospital. I have this very tight binding on me that makes me kinda look smaller....ha ha....nope it is big and I couldnt button my pants when I left the hospital Friday. I felt good though. I get tired walking long distances I guess I will slow it down for a bit. Once again I wanted to thank all of those who have emailed me. I had over 40 emails when I checked my email today.....THANK YOU!!!!! I will be going to the support group held at Forsyth Hospital in Winston Salem on Thursday night 7-9 pm held in meeting room 1. See you there.

7-3-03-Hey there! I am finally back. I havent been doing much but going to the Dr......lol....I had everyother staple taken out on 6/29/03 and I had the rest taken out yesterday. I have lost a total of 31 lbs so far. I hope to lose more but I havent been drinking or eating like I should....I just cant get it all in. I dont know what to do. If anyone has any answers please let me know. I am begining to gag on water. I dont know what else to do. I am feeling better. I am going to start really exercising now. I just wish my clothes fit better. I can tell in my jewelry and my shirts but my pants arent getting any bigger. I guess it is the swelling. I will write more later.

8/28/03- I have been so busy lately and now that I am moving around and sleeping good I am back to the normal busy, busy, busy me. I had all my staples taken out and had a little episode where the scar looked like it was getting infected and it was a little red and when I went to sleep one night I felt something running down my side and I turned on the light and it was blood. I guess where I have lost so much weight and all that my stomach kinda folds where I was cut and what ever was going on I guess it pinched it and caused it to pop. I felt better after that happened but I went to the dr and they cleaned it and said it was ok and to leave it alone. It has healed up and I am fine. It was just the size of a Q-tip head. I am glad its better though. I thought I was gonna get sick when they cleaned it but they said they have seen worse. I guess this little update sounds better than before. I was feeling kinda down but I do feel much better now. I have gotten down to 230 lbs and I am finally in a size 16 again. I had to go get me some Tommy Jeans since I could finally fit into a smaller size again. I shouldnt have done it but it made me feel good to do it. I know that I will be out of them soon but that is ok. I just like the fact that I was in them. It has been so long since I have been in a size 16 that I cant hardly believe it. I feel so good. I have been eating the monster shakes which have 50g of protein and then eating an odyssey protein bar which has 30g of protein and then the regular tuna and stuff to get some more. Some days I cant eat the protein bar because it just seems so sweet. I will just have to deal with the shakes for now. I am gonna try to see if I can get some size 16 clothes from the clothing exchange. I bought 200.00 in clothes size 18 and now I am in a 16. Of course all my friends are taking my clothes. But that is ok I am not gonna miss them. As long as I keep going in the right direction. I havent had any problems so far. I hope all keeps going well. I do have a small pulling sensation sometimes in my side. They keep saying it is where I am still healing where the gall bladder and appendix was. I guess I am kinda empty there now. lol... Well I will try to be better and keep this updated better. I am gonna try to get some pics sent in soon. I am back at school now and its just been so crazy. I promise to write again soon and good luck to all of you that are reading this wanting this surgery. It is the best thing I have done in my entire life except having my lovely children. lol...

9/12/03- Hello once again. I am still doing well. I am in between sizes. I am in a 16 but close to a 14. I weigh 226 lbs. I finally sent a post op pic in and I cant wait for them to post it. I hope all is well for you out there that are waiting. Once again this is the best thing I have done ever. I can tell you this....I went out last Friday night and I had two wine coolers...I guess I shouldnt of done that, but we have to try it all...anyways I dry heaved for about 10 minutes and it sucked. I guess where I hadnt had any thing to eat and I drank and got hot dancing that it made me sick. I didnt get sick but the heaves was enough. I dont think I will do that again any time soon. Well that is about it for now. I will get back later. Good luck to all!

9/16/03- Well I am back once more and proud to see my after pics posted. I am down to 224lbs now and I still havent gotten in the 14 comfortably yet but working on it. Believe it or not I have lost my before pics. I guess I hid them away and cant find them now. I will try to see if I can get a copy from Dr Goco and get it scanned and sent in. I hope all is well. I am still doing well. I still have my days where I dont feel like eating at all and then some days I feel like I could eat all day long. I guess that is normal. Atleast I hope. I am still learning so if anyone has any suggestions or anything please email me and let me know. I am working on loosing my stomach....it seems to be the thing sticking out in my pics. lol.....

11/15/03- Hello once again. I am finally sitting down to send my before pic and thought I would jot a few more lines. I am now down to 195lbs. I am in a size 14 working on a size 12. I feel so good. I have been a little lazy since it has gotten so cold and rainy lately. I hope and pray that I will get some half way decent weather so I can walk again soon. I can tell when I dont do right. I feel not so good. I dont really know if it is that or if I am trying to catch a cold. Who knows. I havent had any problems and hope not to have any. I havent lost any hair yet. I am just 5 mo post op and everyday I weigh. I know I am probably getting obsessed but I cant help it. I have had a few plateaus and I cant stand them. I will update more when I have anything else change or just loose any more weight. Good luck to all....

11/23/03- Hello all.....I am writing to say I have lost another few pounds since I last wrote. I am now down to 192. I have one more pound to go until I reach losing 100 lbs. I cant wait. I have 41 more lbs to goal. I sent a before pic in and it hasnt posted yet so hopefully it will soon. I will also be sending in another after pic. I am in a size 13 now and I am loving it. I just wish that I could tighten my stomach. I think it is gross. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. I have to do something. Well good luck to anyone who is trying to get the surgery done. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

12/28/03- Hello all. I guess it has been a while since I last wrote. I am doing well and actually better than I thought with the holidays and all. I am down to 178 lbs and I feel wonderful. I have had some bad days where I didnt feel like eating at all and then some days I feel like I could eat the world. I guess that is the way it will be. I watched what I ate though. When I am really hungry or think that I am I try to drink first and then if I am still hungry I will wait a bit and then get something healthy and light. It usually works. I did sneak a bit of a piece of apple pie over Christmas, It was really good but I felt scared. I dont want to gain it all back so I just ate the apples, No crust. I guess that would still be as bad but I have to admit I did it. I probably wont do it again because I felt really bloated after I did it. Oh well. I got a stepper for christmas and it really works the legs. I really have to work on my body. I was gonna try to join a gym but with school and all it is really hard to get to one unless I go after 10pm at night and none are open around here that late so I have to do it on my own. If anyone has any cool ideas on how to tighten without having all those fancy machines please email me and let me know. I have to get to atleast 160 lbs by feb 9th. I am hoping to get a tummy tuck. I hope all works out. Well I pray for anyone out there that needs it. I know I do everyday. So many people think this is the easy way out but it is a hard job. Take care and good luck. Merry Christmas to all!

4/4/04- Hello all. I know that I haven't written in a while and I appologize. I am back in school now and been back to the usual busy life I love to have....lol... I am now down to 152 lbs and just recently sent in a new pic. I am trying to get the plastic surgery done but I am not having any luck coming up with the money to get it done. I am still working on it though. I hope to atleast have it done by next year if not this year. I have to come up with 10,000.00 to have it done and that is a big chunk of change. lol....I plan on loosing atleast another 10-15 lbs and I will be happy. I dont know if anyone else is having the same problems that I am having. They are not bad but they are all mental. I do not see myself as small as I really am and know that I am. I guess it is wierd. I still think of myself as fat. I hope this all goes away or that my mind catches up with my body. I am still doing the protein and that really helps me lose weight when I get on a plateau. I am really working on getting my arms tight and it is really hard to do. I dont want to get them cut so I am trying to do it the right way and work on them. I have no hope for my stomach there is just too much skin. I hope all is well. A friend of mine just had her surgery last week and is doing well. I hope she does just as well if not better than I did. I hope all do well. You guys have a wonderful time and good luck. I will write more later. Hope my new pic is on soon.

6/4/04- Hello everyone. I am back. I haven't had much new going on so I dont really have much to say other than I NEED $10,000.00. I can't get a loan for it and it is driving me crazy. Plus I just blew the motor in my car and I went out and got another one. I tell ya. It is something else. I was gonna get the loan for the surgery but I couldnt get but like $3,000.00. I had them file it with my insurance and they sent me a denial letter the other day. I am devistated. I was hoping to be able to wear a bathing suit. This is depressing. I have lost 153 lbs and still cant wear what I want. I tell ya. I look like I have an inner tube on my waist. I guess I will just be saving for a few years and see what I can come up with. IF anyone has any ideas or wants to contribute to the fund let me know....lol... :) I think I am obsessed. I have to lose atleast another 10-15 lbs and they said that it would be it if I had the tummy tuck and lift. If anyone has any appeal letters to BC/BS let me know. I would like to see a copy. I will update more later. Please pray for me that I will some how come up with the money to get the surgery done. Thanks a bunch.

10/7/05- Hello all and long time no see. I have been quite busy, believe it or not. I have had a lot happen in the last year. I have gotten separated and my divorce will be final in December. I have gone back to school again. I am dating and having a wonderful time. I have gotten down to 154 lbs. I am going to post a newer pic of me and my current boyfriend this past July. I hope all is doing well. I am still waiting for my tummy tuck. I have a lot of skin to get taken off. I have appealed my insurance and they denied me and finally the state changed plans w/ BC/BS so I had to request it again and they denied me again so I will be filing an appeal again. Wish me luck. I am sure that if I get the skin removed I will have much better self esteem. I am happy that I have lost the weight but I do not look good without clothes on...lol.. Take care and I will try to post more frequently.

10/18/05- Well I finally got a new pic posted. I am 154 lbs in this pic. I have a lot of skin tucked believe it or not. After looking at all my pics I almost cant believe it myself. What a difference. I am standing w/ my new boyfriend who makes me so happy. He has been a blessing in my life. Now if I can just get my tummy tuck I will be complete. Good luck to all!

2/1/07-  Well, I am finally back after a few years and still doing well.  I have sent in to try to get my tummy tuck approved with BC/BS a couple of years ago and this January I finally decided to do it all over again and if I am denied this time I will appeal it all the way and never give up until they approve me.  I am pending breast surgery on March 15th, wish me luck.  I still think this is the best thing I have ever done.  I not only got a new healthy life I have a new man in my life.  I guess God looked out for me all the way around.  Hopefully he sees that my tummy tuck is a good thing too.  Well good luck to all those out there that are getting ready to make a major change in your life.  It is not easy but you can do it.  Be strong! 

 2/23/07- Well I am back again today for an update.  I went to Dr. Tucker and on March 15th, he is going to do my breast augmentation.  I am so happy.  I paid the $6,880.00 yesterday and I am going to pre-op on Monday.  I am still in appeal for my tummy tuck and hopefully they will approve it and I will be able to get my tummy done at the same time.  If they dont approve it I will appeal it again and again until they approve it.  If anyone has any ideas as to how to get them to pay please let me know.  I have an umbilical hernia that they need to repair so they should just go ahead and approve it so they can get it done.  Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers.  

1/24/2008- Well Hello there! I know it has been quite a while since I have written.  All is well with me at the present time.  I had my surgery in March of last year and I am getting ready to have my tummy tuck next month I hope.  I have gained about 20 lbs since I had my breast implants, I am not liking that at all but it is ok.  Well Keep in touch.  I will try to write more often. 

2/22/08- Well, I am back and have paid to have my tummy tuck.  My surgery is scheduled for 3/10/08.  Wish me luck! 



291 lbs

Most recent picture I am 154 lbs.

Hospital Reviews

  • (Winston-Salem, NC) - Forsyth Medical Center

    Weight Loss Survey Responses
    Click Here To View

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: Ismael Goco, M.D.
    My first impression of him was good. I felt comfortable talking to him. The office staff is wonderful and I have always been treated nice. The only thing I didn't like was the long wait to see him. I am just happy that I finally got to see him. He is very persistant about letting you know of the risks and aftercare program you must do. He is very persistant w/ having a lot of supporters. I like that. Yes he does have an aftercare program. I would rate him probably so far a 10. I will update more when I learn more. Both.
    Insurer Info:
    Amanda at Goco Surgical sent in all the information to BC/BS. She said once she faxed the information in that it shouldn't take but a couple of days to find out. She faxed the information in on April 28, 2003. I found out today which is May 6, 2003 that they have denied it and said that it is not medically necessary. I think it is and have gotten the address to file an appeal. I can't believe they said it was not necessary. I sent an email to Amanda to let her know that it was denied. I tried calling her and letting her know but it seems that she is out of work today so she probably doesn't even know yet. I have had no problems with the employee's they have been really nice and told me what to do to appeal it. I think that they either didnt get all the information I provided or they just didnt read it all. Hopefully they will approve it when I am done with them. It took them too long to deny me. If anyone has any ideas help me out please! Well Amanda did a courtesy review and they said I had to do another psych eval and I would be approved. I did that and I HAVE AN APPROVAL.









  • About Me
    King , NC
    Surgery Date
    Apr 26, 2003
    Member Since

    Latest Blog 1
    I am so happy!
