Mar 26, 2007

I am down to 219 largely because I decided to get with the program and eat more proteins and exercise more. For a 60-year old woman with a very bad back, this was a big decision for me. After all, I had to go on disability and leave a job I loved because of it. I knew that the only exercise that seemed to work for me was walking and I had already walked myself in to disability. I could not understand why the more I walked, the worse I became. My doctor told me a Recumbant bike is the only thing I could do. Well 3-years later, I have my Recumbant bike. The first day I rode it I forced myself to ride it 9-miles. I was in the bed for 2-days. I have since learned to ride it at least 25-30 minutes every other day. Most days I ride it every day. I tried twice a day, but I just could not get back on it because of the pain. I weighed 237 when I left the hospital, so it is coming off slowly but it is coming off. Silly me!

Why Didn't I

Mar 19, 2007

I wish I had gotten the Gastric By-pass!!! I am only down to 228.5 and even  that much has been such a hard thing to get to. I though the way to go for me was the Lap-Band, but If I had it to do over I would have had the G-B. I don't think I have my stomach small enough and I have to wait another 3-weeks to have it filled more. In the long run I think G-B is the better of the two for me.  Well, I am here now so here goes.

My First Fill

Mar 11, 2007

I am 3-days past my first fill, and I feel great. I have spoken to several of my relatives who have called to check out how I feel. I think they don't believe I will do it, but I am definately on my way.  I'm down 3 pounds already and will certainly do more as the days pass. It is going to be slower for me, but I will get there. I am just so glad to be over all of the bad so I can look foword to the good.


Mar 07, 2007

March 8th 2007

I was not prepared for the possiblity that I would gain weight before I had the first fill. I was eating the way I was given and was going nowhere. I called the office and was told that sometimes this happened and to wait to be filled and then, I would lose weight. Our friend that had this last year had lost thirty pound before he went back for his first fill. I was told that since he was over 300 pounds that is how he lost his first.  Well, I go today for my first fill and I'm a little aprehensive. I only slept about 2-1/2 hours last night, but I know I want it done in order to catch up. My daughter is down almost a hundred pounds, so I have to get started. Maybe next post I will have better news.

Frustrated, does not describe how I feel.

Feb 20, 2007

Well, I am three-weeks after surgery tomorrow, and about to scream because I can't seem to loose weight. I have been so careful of how much and what I am eating, and I am still not loosing. I have talked to several people who have had the Lap-Band done, and they tell me not to worry that my body will catch up with the weight loss. WHEN!! I ask myself daily. My daughter is just two pounds above me, and she had her By-Pass in November. I had teased her about running the race, but had no idea she would catch up with me. Oh well, something better start quick on I'm going to lose. Hills, I will catch up some how. I am so proud of you, so don't pay any attention to me. We are going to be so cute one day. I love you.

I will have to start over

Jan 07, 2007

I have regained all of the wieght that I lost before Christmas, and I am scared I will never lose it  again. I am one of those people that can diet like mad for a while, but then I give it up and eat like mad to gain it back. I begged to have my surgery before Chistmas, bacause I new this would happen. I am 60 years old and know my body. The office messed up my insurance information, and that has put me to today. All I can say is argue your point about your insurance. They may have done it a million times, but you should take it upon your self to get the ball rolling. Although I did tha, the nurse still argued with me. I am waiting until they call me to tell them where I am and to beg to see if he will please just do mine without the weight loss. We will wait to see what happens.

Objectives Met

Nov 30, 2006

I was at the doctor's office today to weigh, and thank goodness I've lost the weight I had to before surgery. There were a few mountains to climb, but I made the next to last today. Dr. Ray's office will call me with my surgery date soon. I am so determined to finally get the weight off and stop the drugs I take for back pain. The final objective is to stop the drugs. I pray that with the weight gone, the drugs can be also.  I still may need surgery to stablelize my back, but at this point that is nothing. I've been told that I will have to live with the arthritis in my hands and back, but I'm sure going to try to do it by myself and not with drugs.

About Me
Maryville, TN
Oct 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 7
Why Didn't I
My First Fill
Frustrated, does not describe how I feel.
I will have to start over
Objectives Met
