Barb S. posted a comment 4 years, 8 months ago
Bang on! I had my RNY in June 2008. Starting weight was 335. ...

Barb S. posted a comment 5 years, 3 months ago
I don’t live near you as I am On Vancouver Canada but am more...

Barb S. uploaded a photo 14 years, 4 months ago

Barb S. uploaded a photo 14 years, 4 months ago

Barb S. uploaded a photo 14 years, 4 months ago

Barb S. uploaded a photo 14 years, 4 months ago

Barb S. uploaded a photo 14 years, 4 months ago
About Me
New Westminster, BC, XX
Surgery Date
Aug 05, 2004
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Back to Work 65 pounds lighter
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A Quick Jaunt to Seattle
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