4 Months Out!

Sep 24, 2009

I haven't been on here for so long....that I almost forgot what a good source it is. I had a rough 4 months, first month was hell I couldn't get my liquids in then turned out to be allergic to carafate so I had a rash from head to toe. Then two months ago I was so sick I couldn't keep anything down not even water so I stayed a week in the hospital and had a endoscopy and they dilated my pouch outlet because it had closed up to 2ml, but I am so much better now and total weight loss has been 83 pounds i am going to put up some pics soon

I am upset!

May 13, 2009

Okay so yesterday was supposed to be my surgery and get in there at 10:30 and get back and get dressed and wait for an hour and a half the nurse comes in and says Dr. Evanson is running behind he had a "study" patient that had some complications and that it would be another an hour and a half. Okay I was fine with that besides I had a killer headache so I ask for something. Dr. Evanson then came in to say hello and that he was sorry about making me wait and told me that he okay ed the nurse to give me something and that he would see me soon. I said okay no problem I can wait, then my family left to go get lunch and I laid there trying to ease my head about and hour later nurse comes in with the phone and says it's Dr. Evanson's office and it's about my surgery. Okay at this point I am about to lose it. She says that I am going to have to reschedule my surgery and the soonest is next Wednesday. I was okay that's fine, the poor guy that had complications that morning was back in the or. Then I asked the question what time. She said 2pm. I was like hell no! Because I know I will be having another headache from not eating. But of course I am taking the time but I don't want to. I am so upset! It seems like this always happens to me....what luck huh?

I have my date!!!

Feb 26, 2009

I was  at home yesterday resting after a long sleepless night.(my son up with a tooth ache) when the phone up and I pick it up and looked at the caller-Id and it was Dr. Evanson's office. I felt my heart skip a beat. I answered and it was Dana! She said I have your surgery date and tears flowed down my face. I have been waiting long enough to hear those words. Now here is the hard part....the wait! May 15th can't come soon enough. I called my husband at work and he done thought something was wrong because I was talking so fast...lol Then I called my sisters and then my parents. Hell before it's over I will be shouting from the roof top. That's how excited I am

About Me
North Vernon, IN
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2007
Member Since

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