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Today I'm feeling kinda down don't know why. I have been to church and was blessed with the message. I guess I'm having mixed feelings I have less than 2wks to surgery. IT has been a good week for me. My family is very supportive of me having surgery. I'm hoping with the weight lose my health will improve so I can do the things that lighter people do. I really could use someone to talk with I guess I will call my mom for her to shed some light on me.

March 29,04
Well I have 3 more days to the losing side and I'm feeling really good about it. I'm very nervous because I'm ready for Friday to get here. I have cleaned my house from top to bottom and there is nothing left for me to do. My daugther will be staying with her Godmother so that is a big relief for me. My son is 14 so he can stay at home by himself. He's looking forward to being home by himself. My mom will be coming in from South Carolina on Friday morning to take me to the hospital. It would be good to see her since it's been awhile since I seen her. We do get a chance to talk on the phone daily. I have alot of support with my friends they will all be coming to the hospital to support me and be there with me once my surgery is done. I spoke with my Pastor yesterday and let her know I will be having surgery on Friday and she is my conveant and when she prayed over me I know in my heart that everything will turn out fine. All of my trust is in GOD. He will see me through this surgery because he will show Dr.Bauman how to peform this surgery and see me through it. I'm sitting here ready to go out and do something besides being here at work my nerves are in a uproar.

April 01,2004
Well it's less than 24hrs until I be on the losing side. I have taken that nasty stuff to run your stomach and I feel like it's not going to stay down. I did get a chance to have a good breakfast I went to IHOP. I couldn't even eat all my food just knowing that I had to drink that stuff. I guess I will be in the bathroom the rest of the day. It feels strange that I'm not even nervous I'm just ready to have surgery. Everyone has been calling me to see if I'm scared but I told them that I was prayed up and ready to go. I guess I will update once I get on the losing side. Amos Family just contiune to keep me in your prayers.

April 30,04
I know I haven't been on here since my surgery but I have been through alot in the past four weeks. For starters I couldn't drink any of the protien drinks or shakes. So I basically laid in bed for 2 weeks just drinking water. When I did go and see Diane for my 2week check-up she put me on soft foods. That following Sunday I went back in the hospital for Virual Mengenitis. I was there for 2 day drugged up on Meds. I just went back to work this week part-time. This is the first week since the surgery that I have felt my best. I thank God that he has bought me through my trial and error. Right now I have been working on getting in my protien with food which is very hard since you can only eat 2oz at a time. I feel like an IV at times since I walk around and drink water all day. Then I feel like a newborn because I have to eat every two to three hrs in which I'm not hungry when it's time to eat. I go back to Dr. Bauman's Office this afternoon to see how much weight I have lost in the past 4weeks. I'm very excited to see what the scale says. I refuse to buy a scale for my house just yet because I know that I will be on it every minute of the day. I do get out daily and walk at the park. I have my girlfriend trying to lose weight also so it's really helping me out alot with my walking. I'm just ready to go to the gym and really workout so this weight can get off of me. I don't see the weight lose that everyone else see but my girlfriend that had surgery also said that you really won't see it until around 50lbs or more. Amos family you have beeen very supportive of me and I just want to thank all of you for the support. Until I get back from the doctor everyone stay healthy.

May 03,04
I seen the surgeon on Friday and I have lost a total of 30lbs. I don't see the weight lost and I'm kinda upset because the weight is not coming off fast enough for me. Right now I'm having a bad day at work. My co-workers have no young children in my group, I'm the only one that has small children. It use to be five of us but now there's only four of us. We already work one day a week until 7pm. So my supervisor did a new schedule and put it as if you work that Saturday that you will work that Friday before until 7pm. They are sitting there crying about this. None of them have a life here. They don't even have friends outside of work. So I told my Supervisor that I wasn't going to allow my son to raise my daughter to make them happy I would quit and go and work at Hardees. I hope that things get better at work because I'm really stressed out today. I just started the book The Purpose Driven Life. It's the book that tells you what your purpose in life is about and it really seems interesting so far. I have prayed on this job and I feel that I will just have to do what I have to do to make my family and self happy. Amos family just contiune to pray for me and my strength.

May 10,04
Hello Amos Family!!!!!!!!!!! Today seems to be going pretty good so far at work. My co-workers are still acting like themselves crazy. I hope that all the mothers had a blessed Mother's Day. I surprised my mother and went down and spent the day with her. that was the 1st time I drove a long distance since the surgery. When I got back home my feet was sollen and I was fit to be tired. Had a blessed day at chruch but was happy to get home so I could rest. I really could use another day to catch up on my rest but I guess I will have to wait until Thursday to rest on my day off which I have much stuff to do. I guess I need to get some work done so I will be back on later...............

May 14,04
I went to see Diane Stout yesterday and I'm down 34lbs. Can you believe that I have finally made it out of the 300's and it feels good. This morning I started back at the gym and I'm kinda sore from my 30-minute work-out. But I know in the long run it will pay off. So far this week it's been pretty good at work without them crying for once. This is my weekend to be stuck here and work so I really can't get out and adventure the nice weather. I will keep the family posted on weight loss as I weigh myself. Love all of you much and thanks for the contiuned support.

May 28,2004
Well today I was scheduled to see Dr. Bauman and things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. When I got there my appointment time was 9:30am. In the office there where some people from Wilmington NC and they got taken back before me. When I got there they were all running on with their mouths to the staff so I know that I would have to wait but I didn't expect to have to wait over 30 mins and never got to see him. So I didn't get a chance to weigh because I had to get back to work. I was kinda hot when I left out because they should have never put those people ahead of me. I do go and see Diane next month I guess that's when I will find out how much I weigh. I have been working out 3 times a week now. I see a little of my weight loss in my face but others say they see it all over me. I will be taking some pictures soon to post how I look now. Once again AMOS Family thank you so much for being supportive of me. Contiune to pray my strength in my health and mind.

June 10,04
I would just like to let everyone know that I'm almost 10 weeks out and down 43.7 lbs and I really can feel the difference in my weight. I don't really see the loss but my energy level is really good. I would recommend this surgery to anyone who is suffering from weight loss problems. I would do the surgery again if I had to. I know GOD put this surgery in my life as a blessing for my children and myself. Without this surgery I would still be smoking cigarettes and eating out of control. Now I Have control over my life and I feel so Blessed to be able to manage my life healthy. Thanks for all of your support AMOS Family. GOD bless all of you on your success and also on becoming a loser.

June 24,2004
Hello AMOS Family,
I just wanted to update everyone on my weight loss. I weighed myself on Tuesday and I have lost another 7lbs since last seeing the Nutrionist. It feels good with all of this weight coming off me. So that makes me 50lbs down since surgery. I have another 50 to go to make it to the Century Club. I just thank GOD that the weight is coming off and I'm feeling healthier about my life. Right now I'm on the go 7 days a week and don't have time for myself. It just feels so good to be able to get up and go out and don't get tired anymore. I have been getting up at 5 everyday so I can make it to the gym everyday to workout. Once I workout in the morning my body feels so good throughout the day. AMOs Family just contiune to pray for my strength and GOD Bless of you on your weight loss and journey.

July 01,04
Good Morning Amos Family,
I just wanted to stop by and tell everyone to have a good 4th of July this weekend. My plans are to just enjoy myself as much as I can. I wil get outdoors and grill this weekend and go swimming. I didn't get up in time to make it to the gym this morning I had a bad headache so I laid in bed until it was time for me to get up and go to work. I usually get to feeling like this when it's time for my cycle to start. What gets me is that I get so bloated just before it comes on and that is usually when I'm schedule to go to the doctor so it looks like I really didn't loss much. That really gets me down at times when this happens right now my feet are so swollen and I don't use anything with salt in it. Well once again Enjoy and have a blessed time.

July 06,2004
Hello Family,
Once again I stopped by to share my news with my family. I just got back from seeing the surgeon and I'm down 58lbs and it feels so good. Believe it or not yesterday I took my daughter and her friend to the park to ride bikes and I was able to be out there in all that heat and not get tired. I think that I had more energy than the kids they were ready to go home and I wanted to to contiune to play with them. Thank GOD for this surgery it has really turned my life around. I give all my praises to GOD for giving me such a loving surgeon that helped changed my life. God is good and all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 14,2004
Hello AMOS Family,
GOD is good!!!!!!!! I just wanted to give an update as to what is going on in my life. Right now all of my clothes are too big and it makes me very depressed because now I have to go out and buy new ones but the good part about it is that they will be sizes smaller than the ones I have now. I know that I shouldn't be depressed but I guess this is just a stage I'm going through as part of the WLS. I just turn to the LORD when I get to feeling like this and have the faith that it will pass me. I guess also I could be missing my children. My son is in South Carolina with my mom and my daughter is in Hemby Bridge NC with the Associate Pastor. Good thing is though I will get a chance to see my daughter tonight at church. I have not weighed myself this week because I don't want to become addicted to weighing myself. I weigh myself once a month so this way I don't run tot he gym every chance I get to weigh in. I had decided against buying a scale for my home which I think is good for me. I would like for my goal weight to be 170lbs. Right now I have 104lbs more to lose. I'm just so anixous to get there to see exactly what I look like. You just don't know how excited I get when I look in the mirro now and see myself. But I just want my AMOS Family to contiune to keep me lifted up in prayers and I will do the same for my AMOS Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 07,2004
Hello Amos Family,
I just wanted to drop by and let everyone knwo that I have now lost a total of 64lbs in 4 mos and I feel soooooooooooo good. I'm bless to have this surgery and get a second chance at life because if I didn't have surgery I would be here much longer. I haven't really ben exercising that much becuase I haven't had the time. I have been drinking my water and trying to get in as much protein as possible. I haven't bought me any clothes just yet I'm waiting for hte weather to change so this way I don't waste no moeny. All of my clothes that were 26,24,22 are way too big for me so I did get a chance to pack them up. The clothes that I'm wearing now are 22's. I can just sit back and look over my life and say GOD is good because he bought me from a mighty long way with this surgery. I want to thank my AMOS Family for keeping me in your prayers. I did promise myslef that I was going ot go back to the gym once the kids went back to school and I have more myself. I just feel that all of our praises here at OH should be given to GOD. Until I update again family contiune to keep me in your prayers. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 12,2004
Hello Amos Family,
I decided to try on a pair of old Capris that I had about 5yrs ago and guess what they fit. They are a size 20 I can't remember the last time I wore that size. It feels goods to be losing this weight like this. I have up my water intake to help me out with losing the weight. I haven't really had time to go to the gym and workout due to the fact that we have Revivals going on. I do walk as much as I can and eat alot of protien but it does get hard when you sit around and drink water all day long. ONce again I have to give the Highest Praise to GOD for seeing me through this far. Praise be to GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 16,04
Hello Amos Family,
I just wanted to check in and let the family know that I'm now down 72lbs and it feels so good. I give the highest praise to GOD for this weight loss. Without him having control over this surgery I wouldn't have made it. Just to sit back and think where I was last time this year couldn't breathe because I was so fat and smoking cigarettes. But I thank GOd that on Sept 2,04 I will have a year in without smoking. The devil tries to attack me at times but I rebuke him like there is no tomorrow. I want to thank everyone for their support and words of encouragement when I needed it. I thank God for my family and friends that have been supportive in my decision. Once again contuine to pray my strength in the LORD and be BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 31,04
Hello Amos Family,
Just an quick update. I went to my PCP yesterday and I have dropped another 3lbs which puts me at 75lbs in less that 5 months. I'm so Blessed and I give the Highest Praise to GOD for this surgery. I have come to realize that without GOD I'm nothing. With him head of my life all things are possible. I would like to always give thanks to my family here on OH for your support. Once again contiune to keep me in your prayers and I will do the same for you. GOD BLESS AND BE BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 9,04
Hello AMOS Family,
I just got back from seeing the Nutrioustist and I have lost a total of 79lbs. GOD is good. I'm hoping to lose this other 21lbs before October 2,04 which will be my 6 mos anniversary, but if I don't all I can say is that I will still keep working on the weight loss. This surgery has really changed my life for the better. My self-esteem was up there but now it just shows me how much better I feel about myself. I thank GOD for the support that I receive my BAF and others here at OH. I would like for everyone to just contuine to keep me lifted up in prayer as my journey contuines. I will be praying for everyone here at OH the is post-op and pre-op. I haven't been working out that much because of my busy schedule but one thing that I can say that I didn't want to realize prior to surgery is that water really works in helping you lose the weight. All Praises to GOd and Stay Blessed AMOS Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Octpber 01,2004
Hello AMOS Family,
I would just like to give all Praise to GOD for this surgery. Tomorrow marks my 6 month Anniversay and I have lost a total of 88lbs. I really wanted to be at the 100lb mark but it didn't work out that way. But I still will contiune my journey with my weight lost. That now puts me at 244lb which I haven't been this size in over 7yrs. I would like to lose another 90lbs to be at around 150lb. I don't know what GOD has in store for me with this weight loss but I know that I feel so good about myself and I do enjoy the compliements that I have been getting. I have been slack about going to teh gym lately because I don't have the time and I do get in over a 100oz of water daily and get my protien in. Family just contuine to pray my strength in the LORD that I will contuine to drop the pounds and I will contiune to pray for my AMOS Family that is pre-ops and post-ops. GOD BLESS and thank all of you for supporting me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 30,2004
Hello Amos Family,
I know it has been a long time since I have updated my profile but alot has happened to me since my last entry. Well I have lost 117lbs to date and it feel Blessed to have that weight off my me. I have had surgery for my hemerriods and have not been able to sit down so I have been in the bed these couple of weeks. I just thank God that he has bought me a mighty long way this year and I'm blessed to come through every surgery fine. My goal for next year is to contiune to stay in shape and lose another 50lbs hopefully before April 2005. My doctor's goal is for me to lose another 40lbs. I feel good about myself these days I can get into a size 16 loose and a 14 with no problem. I sit and say to myself some days who thought that 8 mos ago that I would be wearing a size 14? I tell you God is so good I just have to give all my praises to him and thank him for how he just blesses my life. I know it's the power of God when I can't get up and workout for 6 weeks and I don't gain a pound or lose any, but I feel happy just knowing that I didn't gain since I couldn't workout. Right now I plan to put more effort into working out in 2005 and contiune to do Praise dances which is a good workout because you are using your muscles all over. I just want to let my Amos Family know that I love each and everyone of you and I contiune to keep all of you lifted up in prayers. Everyone here at OH I want all of you to have a healthy 2005. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 09,2005
Hello AMOS Family,
I know that it has been a long time since I last updated my profile. Well just to let everyone know that I'm now down to 205 can't wait to be under 200 which I have been under 200 since I was an teenager. Right now I'm doing Cardio 3 times a week and it's really helping out a lot. I wish I could get to the gym more often but with my busy schedule I barely have time for myself. I get one day a week sometimes just to sit back and relax. Right now I work with a group called Multi-Culture Community Student Union and it's children that get to show their talent and learn about the Lord at the same time. We meet twice a week and take the children to different events on the weekends. I really do enjoy working with them because a lot of them don't even know the Lord and didn't realize that they have talent and can persue these talents as their careers. I will be posting a new picture of me once I get it uploaded on my computer. I rarely have time to be on the computer at home. But I just wanted to let my family that has been here for me what's going on in my life. I want everyone here to stay Blessed and contiune on with this new life the Lord has giving all of us. Take car and I love all of you here on OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 02,2005
Well It's been a year since surgery and I must say that God is ood. I have been on my journey now for a year and I have been blessed throughout the journey. I have lost 130lbs to date and have 30 more to go to reach my doctor's goal. As I look back over my year all I can say is I thank God for putting this surgery in my life. Without this surgery I don't think that my life would be like it is today. I fit comfortably in a size 14 and can wear a scretch 12 with no problem. I workout 3 times a week when I have time and I still do 2 hrs of praise dancing once a week. I wil be updating my pic real soon just don't have the time right now with school and work. But I thank BAF and my AMOS Family for the support with my journey. So much has changed in my life I really don't know where to begin but take it from me once you get the energy to become more productive nothing stands in your way. Many Blessings to come for those working towards having surgery and those that is on the same journey as me. Love all of you take care!!!!!!!!!

July 14,2005
Hello AMOS Family,
I know it has been awhile since I have updated my profile. I have been going through so much with school, work, and being a single mom it has really taken a toll on me. I'm almost at the doctor's goal weight I have 15lbs more to go. I'm ready for reconstuctive surgery because when I look in the mirror with no clothes on I want to run. I feel good now because I can get out and do things that I wasn't able to do prior to surgery. I know tht I need to take soem time out for myself because even though I take my vitamins and exercise I'm just so drained at the end of the day because I'm on the go all day. But I have decided that when school starts back for the kids that I was not going to spread myself thin and work more on me. Until next time family keep me in prayers and I will do the same with you!!!!!!!!!!!


Hospital Reviews
  • (Concord, NC) - Northeast Medical

    Weight Loss Survey Responses
    Click Here To View

    Member Interests:
  • Family & Friends - My 2 children are very important to me whick are Kyle and Jenyane
  • Sports - I enjoy going to my son's Footballs games to watch him play and also watch it
  • Fish - I have a fish at work his name is Aggressive
  • Computer Games - I enjoy playing games on the computer when I have the time
  • Bowling - I would really love to be able to go bowling again right now with my weight i do
  • Black American - I enjoy hanging out here I learn so much from my people
  • Religion & Spirituality - I enjoy going to church and spending time with GOD
  • Basketball - I use to play but now I can only watch it hoping someday to play again
  • Comedy - I enjoy watching Comedies when I have the time
  • Shopping - I love shopping for nice things in my home.

    Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: Roc Bauman, M.D.
    Dr. Bauman is very professional and helpful with answering any questions that you may have about the surgery. His staff was very pleasant to deal with. Kim was wonderful in explaining the final procedures that I needed to have done. I have enjoyed working with his team so far.
    Insurer Info:
    BCBSNC, Blue Choice
    I haven't had to deal with them because Dr. Bauman staff is handling the insurace claim.

  • About Me
    Concord, NC
    Surgery Date
    Feb 11, 2004
    Member Since

    Friends 25
