Well I have been overweight all my life but now I am at my heaviest and I need help.

I have been trying to have WLS for over a year now. My ins will not pay for it and I was turned down by Voc. Rehab. Well I contacted Voc. Rehab again and they put me in touch with Dr. Blake and told me to get a surgury date from him and they would pay for it I AM SO EXCITED !! ! !!

Tues 8-2-02 I got my letter from Dr, Blake today and I have an appointment to meet with him 3-22-05 (such a long time to wait) I called his office and if they have any canclelations they will call me. So all I can do now is PRAY......

Well my appointment got moved up to OCT THANK YOU SWEET JESUS ! ! ! ! I met Dr. Blake and I was really impressed. He seemed to really know his stuff. I had to go the very next week for a PFT (I didn't relize I had that much air lol) Now I am waiting to have my psych test done. My appt says Feb but I belive through prayer it will be alot sooner. KEEP PRAYING ! ! !

Well once again the Good Lord stepped onto the seen for me. I had my Psych test done in Nov and I AM NOT CRAZY LOL LOL. Now I am just waiting on an appointment to meet with the medical doctors for clearence for surgery.

3-12-06 Ok so I know it has been awhile since I updated I ought to be shot lol. My life has been a total whirlwind with be being back in school and all. Well I had surgury on 2-27-06 it has been an eventful journey. I can't wait to get the stiches out and they are supposed to come out on 3-21-06.

9-24-06 Ok guys I am really crappy about updating this thing. I will be 7 months post op on the 27th of September, so far I have lost 182 pounds. This has been the greatest thing I have ever done.

9-25-06 Well I am going to try and do better about updating this site, becasue I know that it helped me so much to read about everyone elses jounrey and kinda like I am paying back a debt. I would have WLS again tomorrow that is how much I believe in this tool, and that is what it is a tool. I have had no complicaitons. I went in the hospital on a mon morning at 6am and came home on wed afternoon after having an open RNY. I will say to anyone thinking about WLS DO YOUR RESEARCH, find a good doctor that you feel comfotable with, don't be afraid to ask questions. This is a life changing expirence and it is a roller coaster but a fun one. I am enjoying life again. ok well I will update more later but if any one has any questions for me then don't be afraid to e-mail me I will answer anything.


Ok I know that I ought to be shot for not updating this thing,  But here goes.  When I first started this journey I weighed in at almost 550 pounds.  Here is is almost 3 years later (Feb 27 will be 3 years) and now say 179 pounds.  I have an AWESOME job as the Web Developer for the City of Meridian.  I live in Meridian now.  I am about to be married (Dec 6) to the best man I know.  My previous BMI was 94.4 today my BMI is 29.8.  According to the charts I am still over weight but where I came from I am proud of 29.8 ! ! !

About Me
Philadelphia, MS
Surgery Date
Aug 03, 2004
Member Since

Friends 14
