New Member

Mar 19, 2009

Hi ya all,

I just wanted to say "hello" to everyone and introduce myself. 

I've been heavy since adolescence and have watched my weight constantly increase for the past 40 years.  I recently hit 250 and can't stand looking at myself, having relations with my husband, or in general just liking myself.  I no longer can do the things I enjoy because of my weight and arthritis.  I've begun breaking toilet seats in my home, and even split the shower towel bar in my shower from leaning on it. 

My weight has been embarassing for for a long time, but now I no longer want to see people whom I haven't seen in years.  I hide in my home and play computer games when I'm not working and expecially feel confined to my house during the winter.

I hate to excercise and have no will power when it comes to food.  I'm a very controlling and strong personality and hate that I can't control my food. 

I want an easy way out, I'll admit it.  After 40 years of repeatedly trying and yoo-yooing with various diets, it seems like surgery might be an easier solution for me.  But it seems if I have to go on a liquid diet, I might be better to try counting calories again.  I can't stand the thought of no food for an extended period of time and never eating the things I enjoy again.  It's the loss of control as my issue again.

Just thought I'd put down my feelings and fears here on my initial visit......then start doing research into the various options of bariatric surgery.  

Thanks for listening,


About Me
Lakeview, OR
Mar 19, 2009
Member Since

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