What's the deal...seriously?

Mar 21, 2009

Hello WLS Friends,

 This coming Wednesday will be my 6th week post op. I'm celebrating the fact that I've lived through this ordeal given the complications and multiple rehospitalizations. However, I actually convinced myself to get on the scale today and am really disappointed in the amount of weight I've lost. I know the whole story about how this is "my journey" and "don't compare your journey with anyone else or their progress" but seriously? The day of surgery I was 286 and this morning I was 262. Yes, I am happy that I have lost some weight but shouldn't I have lost a lot more by now? I can barely keep any food down at all, luckily after fixing the stricture I can hold down fluids again. I am walking several times a week. What's the deal? Did any of you lose this slowly? Am I overreacting? I don't want Dr. W. to think I'm not following the plan because I really am.  The scale isn't showing any difference but my jean sizes are. I was a 24 the day of surgery and this weekend I bought a size 16. Hooray for small miracles.

Thanks for listening to me complain, I know I should just suck it up!

Love to you all,



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Surgery Date
Feb 17, 2009
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