BarbaraDuke 15 years, 8 months ago

I never could do the protein shakes. I had surgery in 2001. I lost about 80 lbs right off, but then struggled later. Someone should have told you to loose as much as you can during the first 6 weeks. It may take a little longer now. But, you CAN DO IT! Things to avoid: Carbohydrates (white food, i.e., chips of any kind, potatoes, rice, etc.) I bought a small one cup blender. Now they have the Bullet Blender that comes with cups. Anyway, take the things that you fix for your family, or leftovers from restaurants, and blend them up. Sometimes just a little salt and pepper, or a little milk to smooth it out will make it more palatable. Just put everything in one cup (hot), pour in the milk, and blend. Actually, I got used to it. Now I make soups all the time so I can get the protein and vegetables that I need. I eat oatmeal every morning for breakfast. I bought instant because it was something I could fix at work. After you loose all you want, then you can try whole foods again. I never have been able to hold whole food down unless I take blend it up. I usually order soup when we go out. I really don't mind but it did take a while to get used to it. Make sure you eat 5 small meals a day, You can loose more weight. Make you shake, over 50% protein (fish/chicken). I have a lot of friend that have had GBS and the consensus is that red meat is very difficult to digest. Vegetable I have to avoid are Sweet Potatoes, cooked cabbage, brussel sprouts. Also, cut the soft drinks. Drink water. (After a month or so, soft drinks will taste awful!) Take this opportunity to DETOX your body, keep a POSITIVE ATTITUDE, and don't let anyone guilt you to eat anything you shouldn't (NO ONE). I have always said that I was going to write the simplest diet book with only 2 pages, EAT LESS-MOVE MORE. Start a MOVEMENT time EVERY DAY! Start with 5 minutes if you have to, and then increase a minute each day. Small steps. Use your surgery as a tool to help you loose weight. It is only a tool, you still have to do the work. I will be praying for you. Let me know what you are doing. I recently gained 15 lbs and my clothes don't fit and I am getting on the plan again. Exercise today. I have the excuse of having surgery on both feet. I can walk now, so I am going for a walk today, how about you? Love and Belief,

BarbaraDuke 15 years, 8 months ago

I never could do the protein shakes. I had surgery in 2001. I lost about 80 lbs right off, but then struggled later. Someone should have told you to loose as much as you can during the first 6 weeks. It may take a little longer now. But, you CAN DO IT! Things to avoid: Carbohydrates (white food, i.e., chips of any kind, potatoes, rice, etc.) I bought a small one cup blender. Now they have the Bullet Blender that comes with cups. Anyway, take the things that you fix for your family, or leftovers from restaurants, and blend them up. Sometimes just a little salt and pepper, or a little milk to smooth it out will make it more palatable. Just put everything in one cup (hot), pour in the milk, and blend. Actually, I got used to it. Now I make soups all the time so I can get the protein and vegetables that I need. I eat oatmeal every morning for breakfast. I bought instant because it was something I could fix at work. After you loose all you want, then you can try whole foods again. I never have been able to hold whole food down unless I take blend it up. I usually order soup when we go out. I really don't mind but it did take a while to get used to it. Make sure you eat 5 small meals a day, You can loose more weight. Make you shake, over 50% protein (fish/chicken). I have a lot of friend that have had GBS and the consensus is that red meat is very difficult to digest. Vegetable I have to avoid are Sweet Potatoes, cooked cabbage, brussel sprouts. Also, cut the soft drinks. Drink water. (After a month or so, soft drinks will taste awful!) Take this opportunity to DETOX your body, keep a POSITIVE ATTITUDE, and don't let anyone guilt you to eat anything you shouldn't (NO ONE). I have always said that I was going to write the simplest diet book with only 2 pages, EAT LESS-MOVE MORE. Start a MOVEMENT time EVERY DAY! Start with 5 minutes if you have to, and then increase a minute each day. Small steps. Use your surgery as a tool to help you loose weight. It is only a tool, you still have to do the work. I will be praying for you. Let me know what you are doing. I recently gained 15 lbs and my clothes don't fit and I am getting on the plan again. Exercise today. I have the excuse of having surgery on both feet. I can walk now, so I am going for a walk today, how about you? Love and Belief,

Heather T. 19 years ago

How big are your food portion intake? and How did you know when to get a bone density test done?

Carol S. 19 years ago

Happy Anniversary Barbara! Four years! I bet your life has drastically changed. Please come tell us about it... how are those twin grandkids. I'm a Nana too. And the kids that made me Nana are my twins! They will be 27 tomorrow. Good luck in life.

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 7 months ago

<b>I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY~*~ I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind, I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all. (unknown author)FROM MY HEART TO YOU ~*~Hugs~*~</b>

BarbaraDuke 21 years ago

Actually. It will be 2 years on June 11, 2003. I have lost a total of 108 lbs. I think I could have lost more, but I am on Cortizone shots every 3 months for Eczema. I am also 3.25 inches shorter due to Osteoporosis developed since the surgery. Could be from lack of absorbsion or from the Cortizone shots. Other than that, I don't feel bad, mostly good. Easier to get around, don't dam the bathtub anymore, I fit in airline seats without a seatbelt extension, fit in movie seats, can hold both of my new twin grandbabies at the same time, getting swelled head from all the compliments on my new shape. Just much happier than I was, but looks like instead of being a tall obese woman, I may end up being a short thin woman. Oh well! That's life, and I love it. More energy for all my outside projects: Deacon at church, Leader in Celebrate Recovery, Lions Club Secretary, Woman's Club Member, and working full time for Uncle Sam. Not to mention, taking care of my wonderful husband of 8 years, 7 grandchildren and 1 great grandbaby. Happy and Blessed am I. Thank God for the Surgery. I probably wouldn't have been here to see the twins if I hadn't had the surgery. Thanks to all for your support.

Amy B. 21 years ago

Best Wishes.

Cinna G. 22 years ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You. I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please stop by from time to time to update your profile. Others enjoy following wls journeys. You never know who you might inspire. Have a gret day.

Judith W. 23 years ago

Hello Barbara, I wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers. I have looked for an update on your surgery, hoping everything went well. A fellow GEHA member from Little Rock.

BarbaraDuke 23 years ago

Thank you for your comments. I am fine, getting things ready for my mother's visit and making sure my husband will not have anything to worry about. Setting up my office so I can work from home after I get home from the hospital. I find that keeping busy is keeping my mind off of the actual surgery. I have utmost confidence in Dr. Clark and I know the Lord will watch over me and the surgical team during the operation. I am not so sure that I could be very calm about this if I didn't have a strong faith in God. Feel free to visit the day after surgery. I will be at Riverside Regional Hospital on the 5th floor. Blessings to all. Barbara
About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 08, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
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Looking Forward to Surgery
After Surgery
