
Apr 01, 2010

3 months post op,,,,A1c at 6.1, no diabetic meds/insulin, cholesterol under 200,,,,1 blood pressure med,,,,,incredible!

7 wks post op

Feb 15, 2010

Things are going well, no problems with food.  I am grateful for my bariatric team and the education and support they have given me.  I have reduced my diabetic and blood pressure meds and see the doc in a couple of days to review/change them again.  This was my goal and I am reaching it.  I need to keep my mind focused on this goal, instead of getting wrapped up in the weight loss game.  I've lost 40 lbs since last year at this time but can sometimes hear those old tapes playing that it's not enough, not fast enough, and I'm going to fail. As long as my health is the focus not the numbers, then I don't get so off track into the diet mentality.
thanks everyone

post op finally

Jan 02, 2010

Yay, I had the RNY on 12/29 and was discharged home on New Year's Eve.  What a New Year's Gift!  Only problem now, is my husband was sick before I went in the hospital and now I'm caught his cold.  Seriously, my head is causing me way more problems than my stomach right now.  helpppppppppppp


Dec 16, 2009

Finally, after 2 denials and a doc 2 doc appeal,,, I have been approved for WLS.  Scheduled for 12/29, It will be a brand new life, in a brand new year.............

insurance woes

Dec 09, 2009

so I had a date of 11/24 for surgery...on 11/20, my insurance decided to deny the authorization.  Did not have all the current info, which had to be faxed off, then denied again, saying I hadn't lost the 5% that was required,,,now mind you, that was a requirement before surgery, not the insurance and needless to say, yes I had lost then I had to go into my doc's office and weigh again,,, to show that I had maintained the weight loss...done,,,now waiting for approval tentative date is 12/29...on liquids, off liquids, on liquids, back off,,,,it's making my head crazy and now i'm afraid to eat....dang this is maddening.

got a date

Nov 11, 2009

so my surgery date is 11/24/09 --- getting out of the hospital on Thanksgiving. Appropriate!  I have started the liquid food plan and am watching my blood sugars drop. 

the journey continues

Jul 25, 2009

no one told me that one test would only lead to another.  the at home sleep test, led to a sleep study in the lab, which led to the cpap,,,now understand  I have had no symptoms of sleep apnea and hardly slept thru both tests, but while in the lab, my oxygen levels fell in to the 80's around 4am after having to sleep on my back,,,,which I never do.  soooooooooo am now trying to get used to the cpap, so far, not so good.
the tread mill stress test led to them having me cut out the exercise until I see the cardiologist again.  Apparently, abnormal rythms/Twaves and waiting til next week for that experience. 
Lab tests led to a positive H pylori test, which led to 2 wks of antibiotics, and now 4 wks to wait for a retest. 
It seems like I have been going thru testing for months,,,oh yeah, I have been! 
I am hoping the end is in sight.

what a trip

Jun 27, 2009

well, I've just completed all my preop tests and have to meet with the nutritionist next week.  I've started a walking plan after seeing the exercise specialist and been poked and prodded in every way possible.  The treadmiill stress test was the worst, even worse than the upper GI.  I thought I was going to die on that treadmill.  But  I didn't. lol
Waiting for all the results and meeting with the nutritionist and hoping to have a date soon.


Jun 04, 2009

This is the beginning of my blog for this journey.  I am still early in the process and just completed the paperwork to get into the bariatric surgery program.  I have been updating all annual exams and tests and am now ready to proceed. 

About Me
Albany, OR
Feb 15, 2009
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