Third PICC Line

Oct 30, 2008

So I'm on my third PICC line from pain in the small intestine that is horrible but they can't find what's wrong.  Of course, the first time it was from scar tissue which ended up with a 6 hour surgery to remove it...

So I'm a bit sad right now....

Good news down to 160!!!

45 pounds to goal and 60 lost since surgery!


I just might make it to goal!

I'm on the Loser's Bench

Feb 11, 2008

So I had WLS Surgery on Feb. 6th and felt wonderful.  I was so excited to start off my new life with a different point of view; however, I started having crazy pain!!!!  So they had to do a second surgery on Feb. 8th and found that I had an internal herina.  :0(

So today is either 6 days or 3 days from WLS!!!

I feel great as long as I take my pain meds; otherwise, I start to have back pain, etc; but I'm sipping, walking, and resting....

Take care,


Jan 21, 2008

Well, I gained 8 pounds I know it's mostly water weight but it doesn't make me feel any better knowing that my surgery is only in 15 days!  Yes, 15 days.  It's going by so quickly and I'm trying to exercise every day, do my breathing exercises, eat right, and be perfect.  No small challege for a complusive eater like myself!  So I gained 8 pounds because I have my wonderful monthly.  I suppose the good news is that I'm having it now and not during my surgery week because that would totally suck and I'd been so worried they would cancel my surgery that I wouldn't like eat a thing...

So yes, 15 days and time is going quickly!  I can't wait but then I can.  It's really hard to explain.  I'm still nervous.  I have a lot of the fears I've been reading about in my WLS for Dummies book about regaining the weight, how to control my head hunger etc.  Fear!  I'm telling you.  I seriously don't want to go through all of this hard work and surgery in order to just gain the weight back.  So I'm going to come on here everyday, so to my Images meetings, etc and doctor appointments.  I suppose I'll have to take it one day at a time like all the other addictions out there.

Take care,

I have a date!!!

Jan 15, 2008

I'm so nervous, excited, worried, happy, etc....

I can't stop thinking about it.  Only three weeks.  This process went so slow but yet so fast...sort of like pregnancy!  One minute you think the baby is never going to get here and then the next you don't know what to do first because you have so many things to do at

So I'm drinking water, trying to lose more weight and working on my exercise to ensure a quick recovery!  :0)

Take care,

Today is the day!

Jan 13, 2008

I excited and nervous.  I get to meet Dr. Johnson today I've lost a total of 12 as of this morning so I hope that he's proud of me for losing that much weight.  I know I've been working hard.  It was hard last night when everyone was eating birthday cake for my niece but I prevailed and made it through.  I was happy that I was able to control my eating last night and for the whole weekend.  Weekends seem to be hard for me.

I've been thinking a lot about Grandma and what I said and did with her or what I didn't say or do.  I couldn't sleep last night or get her off my mind.  I keep wondering how she's doing and what is she doing?  I know Grandpa's with her so I know that she's "okay" but...I don't know.  I hope that she'll visit soon to put my heart at rest....

Oh My Gosh!

Jan 11, 2008

I'm so nervous and so excited for Monday to get here and this week took so very long to get through.  I'm down to 232 but the surgeon would like me at 230 for my surgery which is a lose of 13 pounds, now I've already lost that but gained it back and have lost another 11 pounds so that makes is back down to 232...I've done this my whole life!  UGH, but with the increase in my thyroid meds this last month the weight seems to have been coming off easier.  

I'm just hoping and praying that the 2 pounds come off before my Monday appointment to show them how hard I've been working on this...

That's all from here...I'll let you know more on Monday.

Teaching appointment and meeting the surgeron!

Dec 26, 2007

I'm so excited.  I was approved by insurance and I'm meeting Johnson on January 14th!!!  I also, have my teaching appointment that day.  I can't wait to find out more information....

Psyh Eval

Oct 30, 2007

I passed my psych eval and I'm so excited.

I have gained some weight but I'm back on the band wagon and working hard again at losing pounds.

I hope to hear soon from my nurse or insurance company.  I've been biting my finger nails. 

More Weight Loss.

Oct 18, 2007

I have lost a total of 18 pounds now and I'm very excited about that.    

Which means that I have met my goal of losing 13 pounds prior to WLS!  

I have another pysch appointment on October 25, 2007 and I'm hoping with my success that it will be my last.  I'm even going to an Images meeting on October 23, 2007 to help my in my sister is coming with me.  I'm excited to go and see what goes on at these meetings.  Only six days left for my pysch evaluation and I'm so hoping that this will be one of the last steps to take before my approval of WLS!

Wish me luck....

Weight Loss

Oct 11, 2007

I've lost a total of 8 wonderful pounds!!! 

About Me
Ogilvie, MN
Sep 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 12
Third PICC Line
I'm on the Loser's Bench
I have a date!!!
Today is the day!
Oh My Gosh!
Teaching appointment and meeting the surgeron!
Psyh Eval
More Weight Loss.
Weight Loss
