Some preop ramblings

Mar 24, 2008

It's been a while since I posted anything on here.  Having a hard time focusing at work today, so I thought, hey! might as well update my blog.  I am now just under 2 months out from surgery and it is coming faster than I could have ever imagined.  I had all these grand plans in my head of getting my house spotlessly cleaned and organizing all of my clothes and I have yet to start any of it.  I HATE doing housework, one because it's not fun and two, because it is physically hard for me to do it.  I'm at the point where I'm considering just straightening up and hiring somebody to come in and do a good cleaning.  I do want to get my clothes organized by size so I can shift through them as needed post surgery.  Otherwise, I am just doing the waiting game.  

My preop class is on April 9th so that Is a big milestone to look forward to, along with the excitement of getting more information specific to my surgeon's program so I can start planning what I will really need after surgery. 

I am starting to get worried that I have put back on a few pounds and the surgeon is going to refuse to do my surgery but I am trying to do the "no white foods" thing and see if that works but it is hard.

I am also worried about being able to recuperate from surgery.  I live about three hours from my surgeon and so I will be staying with my sister and her husband in Phoenix for 3 weeks, which is no big deal as I stay there like every other weekend for visits...BUT they will have a one month baby by then so it will be interesting to see how that goes.

Anyway, enough rambling for now, back to work!


Jan 30, 2008

So it's been a while since I've updated this blog. I was busy completing all of the steps for the 6 month diet, then was informed of new insurance requirements to attend support groups. Then we decided to wait until January to submit the request so that I could drop my 2003 weight off of my 5 year history. Well as it turns out all of that work and planning has paid off!!!! I got a call from the surgeon's office on Tuesday morning that I had been approved for my gastric bypass and they gave me my May 19th surgery date! I was in such disbelief that I called the insurance company after I got off the phone w/ the doctor to verify that yes indeed I was approved. It must have been meant to be because from everything that I hear my insurance is notoriously difficult and they approved me in 1 week from the request being filed and my surgeon is notoriously busy and I can't belive they had a date just 3 1/2 months away. I got my email today with all of the preop and postop appointments (whew! 9 in all) and I am so excited that this next step is getting under way. Soon I will be a whole new me!

Dr. Blackstone's office called!!

Apr 24, 2007

Woohoo! I got a call from Terri at Dr. Blackstone's office today, they have processed my packet and I can schedule my initial consultation at any time.  She did tell me it would be $427 for the stuff not covered by insurance like the psych eval, etc. and I would need 4 hours for the appointment.  Wow!  She also verified I needed to complete the 6 month diet and gather my 5 year medical history.  She also suggested that I wait a couple of months to make the appointment to get into my diet and to save up the money for the visit.  What a sweetie!  This way it doesn't have to go on my credit card and I still have plenty of time to accomplish everything necessary w/ Dr. Blackstone before my diet concludes so that approval is fast.  I am really loving everything about their office so far.

Starting my journey

Apr 23, 2007

Well I've done the insurance research and I have to complete a 6 month physician supervised diet much like everybody else here. I met with my PCP today and I am so pleased with the support she is providing me. She is referring me to the local nutritionist with the Department of Health to establish a diet plan. She also prescribed me Zantac due to some problems I've had with choking on phlegm, if that works she will make a diagnosis of GERD. My blood pressure was high again and if its high next month, I have to go on blood pressure medication. She has also ordered a sleep study to test for sleep apnea. She is fully on board with developing documentation of everything I need both for my diet and for formally diagnosing my suspected comorbities. I am so pleased she is on my side and I am excited to begin this journey.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 28

Latest Blog 14
Wow! Pictures really do show the difference!
2 Month Post-Op Appointment
Low Potassium and a stall
6 weeks out
Hospital Experience
Preop musings
Preop appointment done
Preop nervousness
