My weight tracker

Nov 09, 2008

218 lbs

Surgery a no go!

Oct 12, 2008

I have decided against having surgery for now. I am not ready and I have to many issues with work and nervousness and I think surgery would end up a flop. I don't want to go into surgery with these issues. . For everyone going to have surgery or has surgery Congrats. Good luck and I wish u the best....

Accomplishments after Surgery!

Jul 21, 2008

I thought I would make a list of accomplishments for after surgery:

1.) Be able to enjoy my kids.
2.) Do my job without huffin' & puffin'.
3.) Buy clothes in the 'Normal People' section of the stores.
4.) Lose weight & keep it off.
5.) Become physically fit.
6.) See myself as a more attractive woman.
7.) I want to climb the hill behind my house up to the "Guidelines".(Major Hill)
8.) Be attractive to my DH. (even though he says he loves me anyway I am)
9.) Try out some of JuneCleaver's recipes.
10.) The children I work with not ask if I am going to have 'a Baby'.(A major accomplishment to me)
11.) See my feet & tie my shoes, instead of slipping them on. LOL
12.) Not have to sleep with that oxygen machine.


Jul 08, 2008

 I did my measurements this morning.....

Waist- 45 1/2"
Hips- 48"
Chest- 44 1/2"
 I didn't measure my arms and legs because they are small and it's not a big deal to me... The big 'GUT' is what I want rid of!

About Me
Paintsville, KY
Jun 06, 2008
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 4
Surgery a no go!
Accomplishments after Surgery!
