One Year Anniversary

Nov 12, 2007

Yes, I made it my first year. This has been the best ride of my life.
I am offically down 102 lbs from surgery and with 35 lbs lost prior to surgery I am down a total of 137lbs. 
I still want to lose about 20 to 30 more pounds. Although, I keep hearing from people that I look great the way I am. I am sure this is due to the fact that I don't really look my actual weight. I currently weight 160 lbs and people think I look about 130-140lbs. 
Any way , I will see how I look when I get to my goal. If I look to skinny than I will see if I need to gain a couple. I will crioss that bridge when I get to it.
I can't say it enough that this surgery was the best decision of my life. This day is truley my new birthday. I will forever cherish this day every year of my new improved life.

Eleven Month Update delayed

Oct 28, 2007

Well this last month has been a little fustrating. My weight has been bouncing back and forth to 1 lb to 2 lb up and than down 2 lbs. At this time I am down a total of 99 lbs.
I have uped my time in the gym and I hope to lose more weight by my one year post op.
Overall like is really good and I am so proud of all my accoplishments.
Being thinner has really made me to happy and confident about my self.

Aruba Pictues are up

Oct 11, 2007

Well I finally got around to putting some pictures from my Aruba trip from August 2007.

Some relief

Sep 19, 2007

It looks like I lost the 2 lbs I had gained last week.
I am back to a total of 97 lb weight loss post -op.
I joined the YMCA over the weekend and I think the extra workouts really helped me out. This weight gain has given a wakeup call that it could happen this early on. I always assumed that the threat for weight gain could only happen after a year out post -op. Boy was I wrong. I am glad I learned from this lesson. It has also really motivated me to attain my goal of lossing 20-30 lbs.

10 Month update

Sep 16, 2007

Well things have been pretty good. Except for the fact that I have experineced a 1-2 lbs weight gain. I don't know what is going on. As a result I have joined the local YMCA inorder for me to workout more than my usual workout. I am disappointed with this weight gain but I will work very hard to continue to succeed during this jorney.  I am not ready to stay at this size.

Nine Month Update

Aug 20, 2007

Well I'm a little late in reporting my nine month progress.
I was in Aruba on vacation/ with no scales. That was a little scary for me. I normaly weight myself everyday.
So anyway the good news is that I am down a total of 96 lbs since surgery.
I am so happy and I can't wait to hit the 100 mark.
I will upload my pics of Aruba soon. I had allot of fun.

Eight Months

Jul 12, 2007

Well I am down a total of 89 lbs.
A 3 pound differnce from last month.
For this month my weight has really  been fluctuating.
Since I weight myself daily I noticed that my weight was going up one pound and than down a pound. It has really been fustrating.
I hope this is normal and I will contiue to loss more weight. I have a goal to loss atleast 24 lbs and idealy I would like to loss 40 more pounds by the time I reach my one year anniversery.
Overall, life is pretty good.

Seven Months Post -OP

Jun 12, 2007

Just a quick update.  
I am down 86 lbs.
Life is really great.

Six months Post-op udate

May 13, 2007

Well I am really enjoying life these days.
I am down 81 lbs post op and total of 116 lbs loss.
Shopping for clothing has been a great experinece. I am shopping in places that I only wished that I could have shopped before. Places like Ann Taylor Loft, Gap and the Peite section at Macy's.
I am truly having a ball.

5 month Post-op

Apr 13, 2007

Getting a little scared. I only lost 5 lbs since last month.
Total loss to date is 72lbs pounds.
I hope this slow down doesn't mean it will stop completely.
I am not done losing.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2007
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 11
One Year Anniversary
Eleven Month Update delayed
Aruba Pictues are up
Some relief
10 Month update
Nine Month Update
Eight Months
Seven Months Post -OP
Six months Post-op udate
5 month Post-op
