About Me...

Aug 19, 2007

I came into this world on May 14th, 1970 weighing in at a whopping 9lbs. 3oz.  I feel that, since birth, my weight has been my ball and chain.  Whether nature or nurture played the critical role, I'll probably never know, but after struggling my entire life with weight loss and (mostly) weight gain...by June of 2006 I decided I needed to do something drastic.  I made an appointment with a bariatric surgeon and got some information.  Of course, this came after two other failed attempts at WLS.  I had no problem making and keeping the scheduled appointments...I just had a hard time following up with the weight loss plan afterward.  Actually, I chickened out.  I have to be very honest with you...I did not like the thought of having my insides cut up and rerouted just so I could finally learn how to not eat so much.  I was pretty prejudiced about the whole thing, actually, and I saw WLS patients as being "weak" and giving in to failure.  I, for one, was not willing to admit failure and thought I could be quite successful at pulling off being a happy fat person!  I was well-liked at work, didn't have too much of a problem getting a date, my kids loved me...what was there not to be happy about?  Well, honestly...inside, I was miserable.  I hated that I felt so lousy physically.  I hated that I always made myself believe that I was "unworthy" of a decent man and set myself up to be used by the not-so-decent ones.  I hated that I couldn't fit in many of the amusement ride seats at Kennywood with my kids.  I felt as if I was watching my life pass before me and could do nothing about it.  Needless to say, after reliving the horrific reality that I just described countless times, by the time I finally decided that WLS was the right choice for me, I was absolutely desperate!  

About Me
Pittsburgh, PA
Mar 28, 2007
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