14 Days Post Op-- Down 35lbs

Jun 18, 2010

Day 14, Down to 281 from 315 at the beginning. I am allowed to eat 6-4oz meals daily but having difficulty wanting two. Back on some foods with taste, mashed potatoes, mashed pintos, and I did have a desert one evening, 4 oz of ice cold Cantaloupe that was a treat.. Walking daily taking my Golden to the lake or river and letting him swim. I have not been released to enter water yet , can't wait.

10 Days Post Operation (VSG)--Down 30lbs

Jun 13, 2010

6-13-2010 Ten days post op feeling great. Yesterday experienced the Dumping Syndrome reason being got hot mowing then drank too much too fast.  
Have lost 30lbs , but I know I have to get this liquid diet under control.

VSG Surgery Finally Over

Jun 06, 2010

6-4-10 Went in for surgery which was a breeze, awas kept on pain meds most of the day. Would come too and see my son and daughter-in-law then go back out again. Did make myself get up and go for walk later in evening.
6-5-10 Sore and a little nausea most of the day, at points wondered if I had made right decision. Got up and walked alot to try and work soreness and gas out.
6-6-10 Today I feel alive again, still on lite pain meds and walking alot, went home with prescript for pain meds and anti-gas meds.. Hard to tell difference between hungar and surgery pain.

It was the night before surgery.

Jun 03, 2010

Well, I made it to my surgery date tomorrow. Last 10 days on a liquid diet has been easier than I thought, dropped 17 lbs. Got my house in order, all clean. My son's going to pick me up at 4am to go to the hospital. Surgery is scheduled for 6am. After talking with another patient of HSC i'm glad I chose the Vertical Sleeve procedure.


May 12, 2010

After 45 days waiting on insurance approval, received the Great news. Surgery date set for June 4, ready for a new chapter of my life after wife leaving last year.


Waiting on UHC approval

May 01, 2010

Doctor's office said it would be 15 days to hear from insurance company for answer that was March 14th. I called April 27th Hickory Surgicals Insurance rep said she had just called them and approval was pending. Is that a good sign or they are just putng everything off?

ALMOST THERE (to Surgery)

Mar 28, 2010

All the documentation is in, evaluations complete. Now just waiting on insurance approval. Doc talked to be about having vertical Sleeve procedure, don't know about this. Seems like success rate not as good as bypass. Any thoughts.


Dec 19, 2009

  Finally have all documentation in to Weight Mgt program. Having the mental evaluation January 7th, this I don't know about seems like psysician doesn't care to do these type of evaluations. Hopefully can be scheduled for surgery in Febuary 2010

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Mar 21, 2007
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