Hi, My name is Nikki. I stumbled onto this website looking for additional information from real people about lapband surgery. I am currently looking into having lapband surgery done by Dr. Hilario Juarez at the Banner Good Samaritan Bariatric Center.

A little about me. I am 23 years old. I am a newlywed and ready to start a family. Unfortunatly I am afraid that my fertility has been ravenged by PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). I was diagnosed about 2 years ago and have been on Metformin (1000mg a day) ever since.

I have made several attemps at weight loss. Most recently (and frequent) is Weight Watchers. I have joined and failed over 6 times. I am debating on having lapband surgery to help me get to a healthy weight. I am also hoping that it will restore my fertility and help me start a family as soon as possible. I have attended Dr. Juarez's seminar and have an appt. to meet with him for a surgery consult in June. I hope all goes well and I can get surgery authorization. My only concerns right now is the surgery itself. I've never had any type of surgical procedure and I've never been admitted to a hospital. Im afraid of things like drains and catheters. I don't really know what all is involved. So if anyone out there wants to give me some helpful tips I would greatly appreciate it.

 Thanks for reading and I wish everyone luck on their journey!

About Me
Phoenix, AZ
May 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 6
