I can always loose a little, but then I loose my wilpower and give up the diet and gain back whatever I've lost, and then some. Over the years I have been the subject of ridicule and tauntings from strangers as well as family members. I believe it's necessary to develop a thick skin (no pun intended) in order to maintain sanity. I have taught myself to laugh loud and often so people know that I am more then just a fat kid, teen and adult. I was fortunate to be very popular and well adjusted kid in public but in private I was in pain. I hated the way I was back then, and even more now. I tried to never let it stop me from doing what I could to enjoy life. I did well in school and maintained good grades and was a good student. I was the "fat girl" who went to senior prom without a date. I didn't let myself be a wall flower, by dancing with all of the guys because I was Bernie and everyones buddy. At the age of 17, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and was told that I would never have children. I was crushed. I kept asking myself what did I do to deserve this and how would I ever find someone to love.  I did get married young, however, the marriage didn't last. 

In 2002, I started to look more into the possiblity of Weight Loss Surgery, and attended my first seminar with a local doctor. After almost a year of testing, I realized that the Doctor and facility didn't make me feel comfortable. I didn't like the staff's unprofessionalism, and I never got the opportunity to meet the doctor face to face in all that time. Years later, after I layed to rest my entire immediate family, (Mother, Father and Brother) for their demons (smoking & drinking). I was determined to conquor my own demon and not let them take me too. I owed it to myself and realized a lot of time had gone by and even more weight had been gained. If I didn't take control, and soon, I could suffer the same fate. 

At work I met several women who had WLS years before. They all looked fantastic and were great inspirations. One spoke so highly of the Doctor who performed her surgery, and insisted that I at least attend the initial seminar and listen to what he had to say. My boyfriend Mark and I took the hour drive to Middletown. 
I was impressed (and attracted) to Dr. Aranow immediately, he's cute, young too (my age). When he talked, he became more then that, he was smart and confident and knew what he was talking about. His presentation didn't leave me with any doubts and by the end of that seminar I knew he would be the surgeon for me. I was please when I got a call that following week with an appointment to meet the doctor face to face. He was very honest and patient. He took as much time as needed to answer any and all of my questions. His expectations were great and didn't beat around the bush. That is, he expects his patients to follow all of the directions set forth or he won't perform surgery. He made me feel like it was me he was treating and not just my weight, if that makes sense.  

About Me
Coventry, CT
Surgery Date
May 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4
