A New Attitude

Jan 12, 2010

Jan.12, 2010

Thanks to all of my friends here on OH and a few of my girlfriends here at home, I have a new attitude! First of all, I have come to learn that I am what is considered a "lightweight", how shockingly wonderful, I always thought of myself as a "fat ass"!

Additionally, I have received many responses to questions I have posted in the Q&A section as well as to the forum area. I guess hearing from those who are in my situation or have lived through my situation and have conquered their weight loss issues and have not only reached their goals, but maintaining their healthy weights carries a lot more punch than I could have imagined, you folks are the best! I thank you all so much for the great information and your support and encouragement.

Lastly, I have to tell you, there is nothing better than having a few great girlfriends who tell you how great you are looking and how proud they are of you AND knowing they are being sincere. You can see it on their face and in their eyes, that look of joyful surprise when you first walk into the room. They are genuinely happy for me!

So, I guess I am on the right track after all my doubt! I have ordered 2 containers of Unjury protein powder (Vanilla & Unflavored) and bought a supply of Isopure Zero Carb drinks to help me up my protein intake. I was so dreading those shakes, yuck, but I just needed to try something new as I discovered that my tastes HAVE changed since the surgery. I also have to be more diligent with taking my vitamins, I had been so depressed, I haven't been taking them regularly and need to be sure I am taking them daily. I also bought a few new workout DVDs to help keep me motivated with my exercise. I get bored so easily and need the variety that I can easily get through a choice of workouts, such as weighted ball, resistance bands, bellydancing, weight training, etc.

Trying to imagine myself shrinking is still difficult, I haven't been a healthy weight in possibly 20 years and I always thought those days were over. The other day while out shopping with my 15 yr. old daughter I got an unexpected and wonderful surprise. I was asking her for help choosing a new blouse for spring as I have been told I have no clue what is "in style" and "dress like an old lady". We decided on a blouse, but alas, they were out of my size (L). My daughter (who is at the age when she hates me and thinks I'm the biggest bitch on earth) told me to just get the smaller size (M) as I will fit into it by the time spring arrives. O.K., I guess I'm stupid for not thinking of that myself, but to hear it from HER, means that SHE believes in me and thinks that I really can DO this! That right there, that solitary remark coming from her, is GOLD, my friends, PURE GOLD!

So, with all this good juju, this sincere support, encouragement, and love, how could I possible keep dragging around sad, depressed, and grumpy? My friends and family have brought about the wonderful change in attitude I needed to get myself backon track and dig in my heels and say, "I CAN do this and I WILL do this!"



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Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2009
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