This is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 15, 2009

Today is the DAY!!!!! 
It is 5:21a.m. and I have already been awake for about a half hr. Didn't have to be up this early but I couldn't sleep, nor did I sleep very well last night either. Hope that doesn't affect the surgery. I also feel like I'm "full of air" my stomach just feels like  it needs to "pass air" and can't. Hope THAT doesn't hinder anything either. Sorry if that was TMI (too much information). I want to thank the new friends on this website for their words of encouragement. Hopefully I can be of help to some of you too!

I spent yesterday cleaning my room and making it ready for my return home. Right now I have sheets in the dryer waiting to be put back on the bed. Friends from work called last night to wish me luck and tell me their prayers were with me. That was really nice. My daughter is so all children are......I missed her first ever softball game yesterday due to "bowl prep" she came home home from the game and said........"oh God mom..........we really suck!"  (They lost....11-4) I just smiled and said "you just need more practice".

I thought to myself........that's what I need too......more practice........

Practice in paying attention to what I will be eating from now on.
Practice in thinking "Protein first, Protein first, Protein first, Protein first"
Practice in chewing, chewing, and more chewing. And when your done, chew again!
Practice my possitive thinking skills (I'm sure I have some somewhere!)
Practice in making sure I DON"T drink fluids when I'm not supposed to.
Practice in thinking before I speak (I can be such a bitch sometimes) when I'm not feeling good.
Practice exercising like we are all supposed to.
Practice in not being such a procrastinator anymore. (Should probably move this one to the top of the list!
(Whoa! lots of shit to practice!)

Well I best get going and get my shower in and my hair dried. It's 5:44a.m.....I'm so nervous...I'll probably be ready 3 hrs early!

Love to you all!


About Me
St. Louis Park, MN
Surgery Date
Nov 26, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 4
