Iam so depressed, I want to look as I did in 12/2006

Mar 30, 2009

Me at 190 in 03/2009Me at 120lbs in 2007

This was me at the end of 2006, I had amazing results with
the gastric lap band. I had had the band since 2005, when I was 220lbs, unfortunately  the happines was short lived the band eroded and perforated my stopmach so my doctors had to remove it and by the time I had my baby in 08/2007 I had gain alot of weight back and no lap band to help me. Now I am getting ready to get my gastric bypass and hopefully see my self the way I did 2 years ago. It 's sad that my before and after pictures are from 120lbs to 190lbs instead of the other way around.


