
Nov 30, 2011

hi,it's been little over 2 months and i have hit a Plataea.and i'm not lossin anymore.i'm scared that i'm not goin to start lossin again.this scared me really bad and on top of all that i just had a break up with the guy i thought i was goin to be with for a long time.so with all this on me.i don't know if it's because of all of this  is the reason i'm not lossin.but i also find myself being very irritable about evrything.and i'm not like this.i'm the one that brings good cheer and being funny.i love the holidays.but this year i don't even care.i'm not happy at all.is there others out ther that feels the same why???i need help seriously.

post op

Oct 04, 2011

well i have my wls done sept 20th. so i'm 2 wks out.and i'm guess i'm alittle scared of the changes in my bady.first i can't keep the protine stuff down and it is very important to do this.i have dr.app.tomarrow i'll see what's going on with me.see ya later.

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Jun 25, 2006
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