4/15 Eattin Good in th4e Neighborhood

May 26, 2008

So, eight days have passed....no problems. Everything I've trid to eat has
gone down fine.....cream of broccolii soup, pea soup, sugar free pudding, lite yogurt......no problems!  Wish the doctor would let me go back to the gym so I can quit walking around my stupid neighborhood.....man, you notice some people's houses REALLY stink when you walk past them....I ahe NOT weighed myself as of yet (actually I can't...bathroom scales go only to 300)...Going to see the surgeon Thursday and maybe he'll let me drive so I can go out and  do something...

Found ways to make smoothies and get the nasty protein powder down....vanilla yogurt, fresh fruit (peaches, bananas, strawberrys, whatever), throw in the protein powder (hell, the vitamins and calcium supplement while we're at it) 4 cubes of crushed ice and give it hell in the magic bullet......well, I've had worse. 

Seems like it's been raininga bout everyday since I've been home...really makes going out for walks a pain in the ass. We'll see how things are REALLY shaping up Thursday when we see the surgeon....

Strat O Matic Baseball/Crystal Lite=Urine 4/11/08

May 26, 2008

So I get my first outting tonight, playignin my StratOMatic baseball league. I ddin't know whether I'd be able to make it or not, but it's fine...taking along my pillow to keep pressed agaisnt my stomach. Already sick to death of Crystal Lite....gonna hafta find an alternative beverage. 

StratoMatic baseball is perhaps the most frustrating game ever invented, and ESPECIALLY so when you're feeling somewhat out of it (like, say, due to surgery)......I got killed, lost I think 6-8 games.....oh well. Not going to get (too) enraged about it.....go home and get some apnea-free sleep I guess....

Feeding frenzy

May 26, 2008

THis day was my first attmept at eatting anything, I opted for smooth/light peach yogurt with some vile protein powder....I also have these completely disgusting pineapple flavored vitamins from GNC....VILE! There's 100 of em, once they're gone, it's Flintsones chewables from here out. 

So Carla's at work and Grant's back to school, God bless em, so it's up to me to find ways to amuse myself....had my fll of TV for a while in the hospital (you can watch EIGHT straight hours of "Court" shows from 10:00 AM-6:00 PM, whoa)...might as well take a walk up and get a USA Today, maybe stop by Family Video.....got lots of CD's & DVD's that need burning....maybe catch an afternoon baseball game on TV if there is one....Hey....a lot like life was BEFORE surgery.....

Really, so far, I've been amazed at how easy this has all been....the horrors stories of others elicit sympathy, but are not germaine to what I'm feeling. I'm glad I did this, would do it agian 1000 out of 1000 times.

First Day Home 4/9/08

May 26, 2008

Well, I made it...on the way home to begin the new life! Two days of ogling the hottie nuses and morphine-induced stupors is over. They weren't too prompt about letting me out when they said they were....my kid has a baseball scrimmage, for God's sake....but I made it in like the second inning or so. Probably shouldn't have, but I've never missed seeing him play baseball, and God willing I never will. After his scrimmage I hit my first snag as, while riding in the passenger seat to the Walgren's drive through Carla hit a manhole or pothole or something.....OH GOD!. Worse than any pain I'd felt so far...ahhhh well, Vicodin awaits.

This first night, not knowing what to expect I slept downstairs, to be closer to the restroom in case any problems arise. Haven't felt at all hungry yet, we'll see what happens.....

About Me
Springfield , OH
May 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 4
4/15 Eattin Good in th4e Neighborhood
Strat O Matic Baseball/Crystal Lite=Urine 4/11/08
Feeding frenzy
First Day Home 4/9/08
