little past due but century club card.

Dec 16, 2007

As of today down 139.5 lbs.

6 Month visit

Nov 21, 2007

I had my 6 month post op visit this week.  They took a bunch of blood to see how all my levels are.  I'll post results when I get them.

6 months out - 
weight 220 (down from 346)
Blood pressure - 110/60

Feeling great.  Still working out - 2X with trainer and another time (about 3X week).

Coach daughters soccer team

Walk as much as possible.

Life is great.                       

100 lbs gone

Sep 29, 2007

This week I hit one of my goals.  To lose 100 lbs.  As of Thursday my weight was 244.5 (101.5 lost since my day of surgery).  All of this in just over 4 months.

Still woking out 3X a week at gym and walking whenever and wherever possible.  Coaching my daughter soccer team (and even running the field with them).

I'm volunteering more often and a lot more involved in things.

Life is great!  Onwards to my next major goal (weighing in at 200),

3 month visit

Aug 29, 2007

Had my 3 month doctor visit today.  Weighed in at 270 (down about 15 from last month for a total of 76)

Blood pressure was great 110/70.

Also saw nuerologist about numbness in leg.  He said it was probably a pinched nerver and might or might not go away.  As it is more a nuisance than anything I'll stay away from any meds.

Working out at least 3X week at a gym, walking stairs more at work, and just basically ramping up activitiy levels on a day to day basis.

So far so good.

2 Month Post op visit

Jul 19, 2007

I had my 2 month visit today.  My current weight is 285.  Down 16.5 for the month and overall down 61 since surgery.  My knees are definitely thanking me (they haven't hurt at all in weeks).

I have had no issues with anything I've eaten.  My portions are still about 1/4 or 2 OZ per meal and I'm really carefully to chew everything really well.

As far as exercise, I have now joined a gym and am trying to be there at least 3 X a week.  I have a personal trainer there twice a week.  I am also walking more and starting to play tennis some with the kids.

All in all things are going well.  I sometimes still miss some of the old foods but not for long once I start looking at all the positives so far and thinking about the ones to come.

The only issue since surgery is still some numbness in one leg.  I was referred to a neurologist today (It's really not causing me any problems but everyone wants to be safe.  They feel it is from positioning on the operating table.

1 Month Post-Op

Jun 29, 2007

I'm a little late posting but I visited the doctor on June 21.  On the Dr scale I was 301.5 so total down was 44.5 lbs (great for 1 month).  I did have some pain in addition to the numbness over the last couple of weeks.  Doc says it was probably from muscles in the stomach.

I'm now on the final stage of the diet so am slowly adding in additional foods.  So far no problems with eating anything (I'm real careful how i chew).  I'm continuing to walk and use the treadmill.  I plan to join a gym and will probably get a personal trainer to help establish a good program.

1st weigh in - 10 days after surgery

May 31, 2007

I had my first post op doctors visit.  I had weighed in there the week before surgery.  Well, I'm a bit surprised but I'm now down 30 lbs.  From 346 to 316.  Now I get to move from stage 3 to stage 4 (pureed) for the next couple of weeks.  So far no real problems.  Mainly the numbness in my legs but hopefully that will improve.

Back Home

May 24, 2007

Well, I got back home last night.  Surgery went well on the 21st.  They were able to do it laproscopic so that was a big plus.  I'm not 100% but not having any huge issues.  On stage 3 diet now.  A little confused on how to know when I'm hungry (that was part of my problem before - I could go all day without even thinking about eating and then just go crazy at night.)  Taking it 1 day at a time.

About Me
Milford, CT
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 8
little past due but century club card.
6 Month visit
100 lbs gone
3 month visit
2 Month Post op visit
1 Month Post-Op
1st weigh in - 10 days after surgery
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