I wrote my story this morning

Nov 20, 2010

Just posting this for me

My first blog - 9 weeks post op

Nov 03, 2010

I haven't written anything in the blog section yet, but since it's 3am and I can't sleep I guess I will give it a shot.

I was 9 weeks out from open RNY yesterday. I am down 45 lbs but have had 2 rather lengthy stalls already. I'm not worrying about the lbs right now since so many other great things are happening for me.

* I am off all of my blood pressure meds
* I can walk without pain (this is in part to hip and knee injections, but I'm sure the weight loss is helping too)
* I joined a gym (and am actually going to it)
* I feel really good

One of my biggest wow moments this week has come from a friend rather than from my own personal victories. I have a friend several years post op who has fallen a bit off track. She has been a major supporter of me and has also become newly reinvested in her own success. She has started again to up her protein and fluids, and is also the one who got me going to the gym (which she is a member of but hadn't gone in months). I am trying to get her back to the rules of the pouch as she still has the tool and success if hers if she chooses to use it. We laugh every time I mention white carbs and her firm grasp on not letting them go :)  - baby steps.

Last night we went to the gym and she let me know that through this last week she has lost 5 lbs! I am so happy for her  to have this reward for just changing a few things up. This should be great motivation for her to keep doing the things that we know as RNY patients really are key to our success.

I think I like this blog thing, I'll probably continue these again so I can look back on my journey.

Is 3:50am too early to make coffee? I hope not.......

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 11, 2010
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 2
