Surgery next Tuesday.....May 3/ll

Apr 27, 2011

Well, almost the end of my optifast routine, and after the first few days it got much easier.  Easter dinner at my daughter and son-in-laws was a little difficult, but I took an Optifast, chicken broth and she made me a lovely salad (2C.) of spinich and cucumber.  I ate it slowly, cutting it into little bits, and believe it or not, I was full before I could finish.  So I'm getting to the realization that you don't HAVE to finish anything.  I grew up in a house that leaving food was wasting it, so I'm learning new!
I'm nervous about the surgery but have spent a great deal of time on OH, and a lot of the questions I had have been answered by all of the members.
I've lost 6 lbs. so far and I look forward to my new life as a quality eater, not a quantity one....

Day 3 of Optifast

Apr 20, 2011

Hello - my journey started on Monday, April 18th - Day one of Optifast.  Not too bad so far...the chocolate is definitly better then the vanilla.  I've also had two cups of chicken broth each day and 1c. cucumber slices to remember what it's like to chew.  My surgery is at St. Joe's on the 3rd of May, so I'm eager but a little nervous too.  I'm an RN so I probably know a little too much about downturns; however the staff at my pre-admission meeting was very professional and answered all my questions.  My weight today is 220 lbs and I would like to get down to 135 lbs.  I've tried every diet you can think of, actually losing 100 lbs. once, but kept gaining it back.  Now I'm on to pre-diabetes and severe joint pain so my GP recommended RNY.
So I'm on my step at a time.....

About Me
Toronto, XX
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2011
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