Finally doing good!
Nov 04, 2007
Through the Hard Part.....Maybe!
Sep 26, 2007
Don't let anybody tell you that this is a cake walk because I have thrown up repeatedly every day since surgery up until this week. I am down 56lbs in 8 weeks and you can't beat that. I just want everyone to understand what they are undergoing when they sign up for this surgery. I am just now getting my energy level back and am returning to work Monday. I did go back once but after just a week had to be hospitalized again.
I will get some new pics up this week becuase the loss is very noticable and very encouraging.
2 week out today!
Aug 15, 2007
2 weeks out today and down 24lbs. woo hoo! I feel great and am finally starting to get the schedule down. I finally had to just take my food journal and write down vitamin 1 2 3 and then when i take a vitamin I mark one off. I did the same thing for calcium chews, protein shakes, fluids, and 10 minute walks. It sounds amazingly simple but it is the 1st day that I have met all of my requirements. I go back to work on Monday and I want to make sure that I have the schedule down before I throw a monkeywrench into it. My husband told me that he could tell I was losing today in my stomach and it made me feel so good! I will catch you next week with my weigh in.
5 days out!
Aug 05, 2007
Surgery date getting closer!
Jul 22, 2007

July 11, 2007
Jul 11, 2007
Well, I went to my all day dietician meeting at St. Vincent's in Carmel, In. yesterday and I only have 19 day left until my RNY! Everyday that goes by I get a little more nervous. I have been thinking about this for years but now that the day is here I am having bouts of crying, anxiety, and just nerves in general.
I go for all my pre-op testing this Wednesday and I hope I will feel better by then. I had a horrible migrain today!