6 week post op update

Feb 22, 2012

i am around 6 weeks post op and i have lost around 39-40 lbs some days i gain a pound and another day ill loose a pound. first let me say how truely blessed i feel that i was given the oppertunity to even have have this surgury, ive seen it can cost up to 30,000 when u add in hospital charges , anistesa, etc. so with that being said im truely blessed and greatful that the lord allowed this oppertunity to fall in my lap because i nor any member of my family would have been able to afford that amount so again with that said id like to complain now if i may .
okay so i feel like im failing , im am so discouraged at the simple fact that i can not keep down protein at all , its been drilled into our heads about how important protein intake is , i have spent hundred of dollars on all different kinds of protein powder , i have mixed it with water, ice water, almond milk , soy milk , vanilla soy milk, skim milk , ive added fruit in the blender etc , ive bought the pre made "pure protien" in a can ready to drink, adkins protein ready made shakes ..... and well heres what happens i drink it its great tasteing , they all go down smooth and im okay for about 10 min. then bammmmmmm im pukeing my guts up, what is wrong with me what am i doing wrong.....people are telling me that my weightloss will stop and that my body will attack my muscles vs my stored fat and that will lead to sagging  skin....so im really upset and often cry about it , i just feel that i am throwing up too much,  atleast 5 times a day , sometimes i cant even keep down sips of water , the one thing that i have found that i do not throw up is laughing cow cheese, the soft wedges i can eat the hell out of thoses , there 30 calories per wedge and have like 2 grams of fat, i can eat two wedges per sitting  i usually have 4 wedges per day , i just feel that at 6 weeks post up i should be eating normal , healthy foods but normal things like fruit and veggies and lean meats just small portions...i pretty much tolerate fluids and cheese ...is there any one out there who is post op longer than me that can help ???


About Me
Feb 21, 2012
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