New Day's Journey

Aug 23, 2011

Well like many before me I'm starting this process all over again but I look at it as a blessing,because had I got the surgery the first time around,mentally I dont think I would have been prepared for it.I'm just being true to myself.While I was on this path to loss this weight,but first I had to deal with my addiction(food)!!! Now it will be that much easier for me when I get the surgery.I also learned 12/2011 that I'm type 2 diabetes. As of June 20,2011 I started back on this journey with a new surgeon he wants me to loss 30-50lbs before the surgery.I got my YMCA membership zumba/zumba splash here I come!!! New Day's Journey

Update EDG (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy; Upper endoscopy; Gastro

Jul 23, 2009

Wednesday July 22,2009 I had my EDG done all went well, praises to the all mighty
heavenly father!!! I follow up with my Dr. to find out the next step,I have also lost 4lbs34lb more to go!!!!

EDG (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy; Upper endoscopy; Gastroscopy

Jul 13, 2009

Hello everyone I'm a week away from my ( EDG) I'm just PRAYING that everything will be alright!!! Pray for me in my journey I will continue to pray for you all in yours God Bless!!!


First Appointment

May 30, 2009

Wednesday May 27th 2009 I had my 1st appointment.I have decided to go with the lap-band.But because I have a keloid on my belly bUtton from a previous surgery, they have to do an EGD Test first.I have been told that i need to lose 38lbs before my surgery.Pray from me!!!

About Me
Lakewood, WA
Surgery Date
May 29, 2009
Member Since

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