Caould not transfer my old web page. Bummer!! 
Bev-35- had roux en y on August 22 2006 top weight 295
weighed in at surgery at 274 
October 29, 2006
weight 227
I just had my stricture fixed. The opening to my stomach was the
size of a pea. I had no idea that it was so small. I feel better that 
I can eat and swallow.  I have so much energy now that I can drink fluids.
November 22, 2006
Hello, I weighed today at 215 I was hopping to weigh 214 oh well. I am starting
gym called 123 Fit it is like CURVES but more intense. I like the people and the program.
I hope to weigh 200 or less by Christmas, we will see. That is my first goal anything 
under 200 would be nice. I can not remember the last time that happened, maybe 
I believe for a month or two in 1997, but soon after gained it all back plus some. I 
have never weighed this little SOBER so I count this as a first since I was in elementry 
school. My strictur is comming back but I am waiting to have the procedure done again 
for a month or so. I am taking the Previcid to see if this helps lower the scar tissue.
I love the support groups that I am going to and for an update on my mom she is now 
weighing in at 159!! Yeah!! Now my best friend just had her surgery this mo. she 
is loosing FAST. Yeah!! We want to be skinny next year, together!! Have a great
Thanksgiving!! I am making a spinach and eggbeaters soufle!! YUMMY.

About Me
sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2005
Member Since
