Updated Weight

Feb 02, 2012

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 170
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 110
Total Weight Lost: 127
Time Since Surgery: 5 years, 2 months

Haven't updated in years! WOW

Feb 02, 2012

OK, soooo...haven't been here in years but felt compelled to come back. I'm a little over 5 years out.  My weight got down to 151, but I am back up to 170 and am horrified, I need to get these 20 pounds back off and actually move towards attaining my goal of 135-140. So...I need some help. So I'm back and hoping to gain some support and tips to see what everyone else did to get weight off that snuck back on them.  

6 months out

Jun 03, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 210.6
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 69.4
Total Weight Lost: 86.4
Time Since Surgery: 6 months

OK - so I skipped my 5 month update - but to tell you the truth, things have slowed down and I just haven't had anything to report. I have only lost about 11 pounds in 2 months - and about 8 of those were in the last 2 weeks. However, things seem to be moving again. It didn't help that I wasn't following "the rules" like I should have been - but I seem to be back on track again. I am now wearing some 16's. Frankly, if I don't loose another pound - I will be happy with everything overall. I have a picture to update - I'm not sure if it looks much different than the one I took 2 months ago - but oh well.

I have been enjoying some new cothes. I've been picking things that are a lot more "fun".  

4 month check-in

Apr 02, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 221.6
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 58.4
Total Weight Lost: 75.4  
Time Since Surgery: 4 months

Am I getting lazy at updating this or what!? Sorry. It might have something to do with a weight-loss stall, so I didn't have much to report. But I think I am over the hump now and started loosing again. I don't have a picture to post just yet, it might just wait until my 5 month check it.

3 month Check in - actually 3 months and 1 week

Mar 07, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 229.4
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 50.6
Total Weight Lost: 67.6
Time Since Surgery: 3 months (14 weeks)


OK - so I didn't post my last weigh in on Friday and I am a week late on my 3 month check-in, but I just haven't been thinking about any of this. Two of my kids and husband have been sick and I've been teetering between being sick and being well. It looks like I am out of the woods though - so I am VERY thankful for that. 

I told my husband that my next goal was to weigh less than him - so you know what he did? Went on a diet! What a turd! He lost a few pounds - and then a few more after getting sick - so it may take me a little longer to make that goal - but I am happy he is getting rid of the weight he wants to. I know he will feel a lot better - and he knows it too. He's going to have to get skinny with me if he plans on keeping up! HA!

I haven't been eatting much the last few days - food just sounded awful. I have eatten 3 eggs so far today so I am off to a good start. I am meeting a friend for lunch - and will eat then too. We are going to Applebees - I think I'll have the teriaki shrimp skewers. 

I cut all my hair off - not ALL, but a lot. It felt good. I almost feel completely free of my last job. It's been quite a transition and I am making good progress re-identifying myself. Once I realized that my identity was mostly defined by my job - I was able to shake it. It actually really pissed me off that I "lost" who I am while working there - the last 4 years anyway. Now I am back to basics. I am more importantanly a mom and a wife, a sister and a daughter, an aunt and a friend. Of course I know that none of these will pay the bills - but after some MAJOR budget changes - I think I could stay home until Sarah enters school (4 more years). We will be broker than broke - but we will have everything we need - and isn't that all that matters? 

I am looking forward to the summer - and will spend a just a "little" money on flowers this spring. The kids and I will keep a garden - it will be a great learning experience for them...and they can learn to help me cook as well.

We will probably do a lot of camping this summer - cheap camping.

Well, I gotta get...

~Weigh-In Friday~

Feb 23, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 232.4
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 47.6
Total Weight Lost: 64.6
Time Since Surgery: 12 weeks

Things are still going well. I need to get a bit more dedicated to my new way of eatting. I've been lazy...and enjoying it. I'm feeling fine...like nothing ever happened. No more throwing up - although I can count on one hand how many times that happened. I do still get a bit sick if I eat the wrong things. What I found is that I can fo the most part handle a little bit of anything...now isn't that ideal? There is an immediate consequence to eatting too much of the wrong thing - where putting on weight sneaks up on you.

Today a stranger told me a fat joke. Now a person would have NEVER told me a fat joke 3 months ago! I must now be an acceptable "fat". Whatever that is.

Next week I will have my 3 month post-op picture to post! YAHOO!

My saying for the week 
"Envy is a waste of time - I already have everything I need."

~Weigh-In Friday~

Feb 15, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 234.6
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 45.4
Total Weight Lost: 62.4
Time Since Surgery: 11.5 weeks

I had a nice loss this week - I've been getting in most of my protein - so that is probably helping - I've had to shovel snow a couple times as well - and that provided a good work out for me. I expect next week to be a slower week since I lost 4.4 pounds this week. I'm still making the transition from not going to work every morning - it almost feels like I am on maternity leave of something...but before I know it...spring will be here and my job will seem like a distant memory...hopefully.

Physically I am feeling well but have had a couple dumping episodes from there being so much valentines candy around - but it's gone now...so hopefully the dumping will also go.  

Weigh-In Friday

Feb 09, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 239
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 41
Total Weight Lost: 58 
Time Since Surgery: 10.5 weeks

I don't have a lot I want to talk about today - I lost my job on Monday so I'm trying to figure out what is next. Thanks for reading.

Weigh-In Friday

Feb 01, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 240.6
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 39.4
Total Weight Lost: 56.6 
Time Since Surgery: 9.5 weeks


Things are still going well. I've been spending a lot of time shopping around for protein suppliments. In a nut shell - they are all pretty much gross. But I am starting to find a couple that  I can tolerate. Some are shakes I can use as coffee creamer - a couple bars and I'be been eatting a lot of beef jerky, but I am REALLY getting sick of that already.

I am also going to start walking the stairs at work twice a day. It is 6 flights and the last time I did it I needed to rest half way up - so that should be a great lift twice a day since I sit at my desk so much. I have gotten a couple comments from some people here at work, but foe the most part, no one is saying much. I know I must be showing a difference - I guess the people that matter have commented.

2 months post-op

Jan 29, 2007

Start Weight: 297
Current Weight: 243
Weight Loss Pre-op: 17
Weight Loss Post-op: 37
Total Weight Lost: 54 
Time Since Surgery: 2 months

Well, this picture isn't very good - it was taken at a different angle - so it's hard to compare it to last months picture - but it's all I've got. The last 2 months have flown by, but my surgery feels like it was a lifetime ago. I'm able to eat a little more every day and am finally starting to find some protein drinks that I can tolerate. Yesterday I bought some Mocha Muscle Milk and added it to my coffee - it tastes surprisingly good. It's not cheap though - $3.09 for 17 ounces. I am getting into some of my size 20's now. Beofre this all started - my 26's were getting tight - so I'm feeling good about my success so far. I have a bunch of size 18/20 capris that will be perfect when spring hits. I have not really needed to buy much for clothing since I hung on to so many things.

I'll check back in again on Friday for my official weigh-in.   

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2006
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 34
6 months out
4 month check-in
3 month Check in - actually 3 months and 1 week
~Weigh-In Friday~
~Weigh-In Friday~
Weigh-In Friday
Weigh-In Friday
2 months post-op
