Hello, I'm April.I'm 30 and have been over weight my whole life. I've been teased all through school and even now as an adult.  I had first looked into WLS about 4 years ago, attending Dr. Snyders seminars. At that time I had Kaiser and my plan didn't cover it. So, I kinda dropped and gained more weight.

Earlier this year I decided I really needed to do something about my weight as I had become very depressed and more negative and more unhappy. I attended another seminar with another surgeon and submitted my insurance. My insurance came back and said that it would cover 80% after my $1,000.00 deductiable but I'd have to go to a "Center of Excellence" (Dr. Snyder), 6 months of monitored weight loss attempts. During that 6 months i joined Weight Watchers and ended up loosing 20lbs. But it was a struggle. As my 6 months was ending I went for my pulmonary testing (which was a lot to do, and wasn't ready for it), then my physc evaluation (that was a little difficult, since she told me she thought I needed to take more time to work on me, meaning my alcohol intake, and family issues), and my labs were the easiest part.  

Finally my 6 months were up and it was time to submit everything to insurance. Well, that didn't go well for about 2 weeks as some paperwork was missing. After the paperwork was straightened out, my insurance said I was approved. Yay! Well not yay,  we had a snow storm and the surgeon's office was closed for like 3 days and then a weekend. So I finally got through to the surgon's office on Monday and that Friday (11/6/09) I had my surgery.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2009
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