Just over a year out...

Jul 24, 2010

Wow... what a year! It has been great and my life has been busy. Just gunna keep things short... I'm doing marvelous, feeling on top of the world. Not that I haven't went through some rough times but I came through them without turning to food! What an accomplishment!

I'm done a total of 140 lbs and had the "girls" reduced... I lost the fullness but not a cup size... so something had to be done. The pain in the back of my neck and shoulder was getting worse, I told the doctor it was because I wasn't carrying the weight in my back to counter-balance  LOL

I'm happy where I am weight-wise and really don't want to lose to much more. I did this more for health reasons and I have none now.  I want to thank everyone that has supported and encouraged me. Everyone has be wonderful... and hopefully I'll drop by more often.

Until next time... take care and love to all... group hug y'all  
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5 1/2 month post op...

Dec 26, 2009

OMG!!! what can I say... I feel wonderful! Still have some sensitivity issues with my pouch but I wouldn't change a thing. Down 111 lbs total....

Ok, went on my trip 2 weeks ago and I was able to fit in the seat on the plane. I wasn't rubbing arms or legs with the person next to me... It was so awesome. Oh and that's not all... NO SEAT BELT EXTENDER! (sorry didn't me to scream that... oh yes I did) Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Had about 6-7 inches left over!

When I got back, it was time to see Dr. Zorn. The appointment was so good that I don't have to go back until my one year anniversary. Unless something comes up, I'll still do my labs... just fax them over to him. Now with the labs just done...... only my vitamin A level was low. So I'm taking it for a month and will be rechecked and if all is good..... no more.

So all is great with me, I thank God, Dr. Zorn and myself. Between us all, I am having super success! Let's not forget to thank all my friends, family and this site for all the praises and encouragement. A HUGE thank you to all!

Happy Holidays

102 lbs gone...

Nov 22, 2009

I'm down 102 lbs... it's so hard to believe. It's so amazing, I feel great and skinny  I'm still learning to chew, chew, chew. I'm still getting that one bite to many tho.  is still part of my routine LOL, at least twice a week. But I don't care if it was every day, I'm so happy that I've had this surgery.

It still amazes me that I can eat something one day and the next I can't. But I love a good peanut butter sandwich lol.

On Dec. 10th I'm flying out to see my kids. I'm not taking my seat-belt extenders with me! I'm confident that I'm gunna fit well in the seat . I'll be sure to post how it goes. I'm really excited about this trip, the last time my boys seen me (Apr '09) I was at my heaviest. I'm soo gunna WOW them!!

I go to the Doctor on Dec 17th right after I get back so I'll let ya'll know how that goes too. Wondering about my labs.... 

So until then... take care. I'm off for my walk
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3 months out....

Oct 09, 2009

Well, what can I say... I'm doing great and I feel wonderful. Yes, I have my days when "Lil Miss Priss" wants to act up and that's ok.. I just take care of business and move on and she's happy again. 

I've lost a total of 87 lbs, it's so hard to believe I'm down to 229 from 316. Today, when I looked in the mirror at work, I saw for the first time a skinnier reflection. I thought to myself, "wow, I have lost some weight." So that was "WOW Moment" number 2.

I've started my calcium citrate, it's tough doing 4 wafers but at least they taste ok. Now my B1, gross!!! Thank goodness I can swallow them, just gotta make sure I have some fruit punch Crystal Light to flush it down with. I just deal with the chewable multi-vitamin. That's all I have to say about that! LOL

I finally went and bought a couple pair of jeans and tops. I had to have something that fit and not all baggy. I wasn't looking very pleasant for work... Buying the clothes helped my self-image too.

Otherwise, as I said, all is great. No regrets! I am sooo happy with my decision

Hmmmm... Gotta update

Aug 31, 2009

It's been awhile since I've updated... just haven't felt like it but then I haven't felt up to doing much.

So I went to so the Dr for my 1 month check up on Aug 20th. The questionnaire asking if there is any vomiting... well, I had to mark it honestly so I put every other day to every third day. He didn't like hearing that and explained that the anastomosis constrict during healing and by 6-8 weeks it's at the smallest point. He said, if it's to small that they would have to go in and stretch it just a little but only wanted to do that as a last resort. The Dr put me off work for 2 more weeks and had me come back in a week (Aug 27th). During that week, I only vomited twice and both times were my fault and I told him so. He told me at anytime that I don't hold down my liquids to call him asap. I return to see him in on Sept 17th for my 3 month check up.

I have my moments as to "when will I get to eat normally". I'm so tired of puree foods... such a hassle but it's ok, I deal. I've had a couple of breakdowns but never no regrets! Just 3 min pity party.... Remember it all about me!! lol

I get to go back to work on Sept 10th and I can't wait. I'm starting to go stir-crazy and I need the strict schedule of work.


3 weeks out and it happened........

Jul 27, 2009

This morning when I took my shower I noticed my hair is starting to fall out. I didn't freak cuz I knew it was coming. Just a little disappointed that it came so soon.

But if that wasn't bad enough... In the afternoon, I got the foamies and vomited. I know what I had done wrong. I didn't wait long enough after drinking and eating. So there really wasn't much room for the food, then to top it off I laid down on the couch... Then it started, the pain in my pouch, the burping, next was the foam.... Then I was heading to the bathroom. I think we get the picture.   So I'm back on liquids for 24 hours as the PB book says too. But let me tell ya, it ruined my evening. I was going to head out to the casino.

So practice makes perfect... right there is no perfect... you never know what will cause the foamies.

One week post-op appt.....

Jul 17, 2009

The Dr wants me to start stage 4 tomorrow, I'm a little nervous about this. I'm scared of dumping. But I'll try one new food in the morning, then if I'm ok for the rest of the day I can try another the next morning. One day, one food at a time. Oh the Dr has lifted my driving restriction, I'm so happy about that.

Unfortunately, Aunt flow was here this week, so my weight loss stayed the same.  So I'll weigh myself sometime in the beginning of next week.

The Dr says everything is going great. I'm healing so nicely, everything is going right on schedule (knock on wood, knock, knock, knock) and of course to call him if I need him..... I love Dr. Zorn!!



Jul 14, 2009

I'm seven days post op and I just can't believe I'm down 15 lbs.... IN A FRICKIN' WEEK! It feels so good, what can I say. I feel so awesome, I can't wait to see the Dr just so he can see how well I'm doing.

I'm able to get in 45-60 oz of liquids per day (for now), 71g protein, and about 350 calories a day. At first I thought that was to much, that something was wrong. But after posting and reading, I'm on track!

I've been walking 25-30 min a day and I'm so ready to get back in the gym. Another week, yes!  I have wonderful support in my DH,  my BFF's, friends and this site.

To all my 7-6'ers, I pray that everyone is doing just as great!!  (that's the foam on top of our protein drink) LOL
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Home from the hospital.......

Jul 10, 2009

I got to come home yesterday at 8am, I think made a record for the fastest release. LOL

Surgery was Monday (7/6), the surgery was picture perfect (so I was told). In the recovery room it took a few shots of pain meds to get me comfortable but once I got to my room, I was great. Only needed pain meds when I over-walked otherwise no pain just some discomfort due to the air bubbles settling around my pouch and lungs. Kinda felt weird when I would breath and feel them get pushed around. LOL  I was up walking all the time and my DH was there the whole time. He is a wonderful helper and great supporter. And when he got hungry, he would tell me he was slipping out to have crushed ice and water... Bless his heart, I do love him soooo.

Yesterday, when I got home I was trying to get my 2-3 oz of liquids that the Dr wanted in for the first time. OMG, I hit that "one sip to many" mark and I was done. I didn't get sick but my pouch was to the max and I was in bed sleeping it off for 2 hours. But now I've learned and doing much better today. Still haven't figured out how I'm going to get the 30-40 oz of water a day that the Dr wants. hmmmmm...........

I'm walking around the block at least once a day, then I do a couple of laps around the parking lot where I live a couple of times. So I'm trying.

I'm on Prilosec for 30 days, get to start protein drinks tomorrow and my multi-vitamin & B-12 on Monday. I have my one week follow up on Friday (7/17). Taking no pain meds at all.

All I can say, I'm so happy to be on the losers bench and I'm doing wonderful (even went to Walmart today). Look I'm doing the happy dance!   I pray that all my 7-6'ers are doing just as well and had an uneventful surgery.
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8 more days.....

Jun 28, 2009

It's so hard to believe that I only have 8 days til my surgery. I'm still not nervous, only excited. Just the thought of being 100+ pounds lighter makes me totally ecstatic. I have prepared myself with almost 4 years with research and making sure this is what I want. ~~YES IT IS~~

I have lost 28 lbs since May 1st and hoping to lose a few more by July 2nd. That is when I have my pre-admission appointment and my final weigh-in.  As of right now, I need to lose 118 lbs to reach my goal...  but I still need to find out what my surgeon's goal is, now that makes me a little nervous. 

All in all............ Life is grand


About Me
Chula Vista, CA
Surgery Date
May 08, 2008
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