The Beginning 1/20/2010

Jan 20, 2010

I went to an information meeting last night. drug my cousin along with me for support, she was happy to go so all is good. Found out alot of information and got to see and hear from a few past patients of my surgeon. Turned in paper work at the end of the meeting. Got a call from Dr. Chylistas office today requesting insurance information. Got a call a few hours later says I'm approved, and set up a consult visit for 3 weeks from now. The visit will cover, vitals, information, my height, weight, and blood pressure. And I'll talk to the dr so we can decide which option is best for me. After speaking with him I will schedule my appointment with the psych. and a person to discuss what is involved in the aftercare process. I am so excited, I can't wait. BEGINNING WEIGHT is 364!

About Me
Massillon, OH
Jan 17, 2010
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