Weight Loss -- First Year:
Month----Date----Weight----#'s Lost----Total Lost
.........06/23/00........240...."before" picture taken
0........08/28/00........232......-08...surgery date
If you count the 8 pounds that I lost between 6/23/00 and 8/28/01, I have lost a grand total of 101 pounds forever!!!
I am a 44 year old mother of 3, grandmother of 2 and happily married for 25 years to my wonderful husband. I have been a little overweight for most of my life but the pounds really piled on after I began having children. Through the years I have been on every diet imaginable only to lose weight and gain it back plus a few bonus pounds. About 3 years ago I went to a seminar on medical and surgical weight loss. I kept the literature that I got from the seminar but I put it away and forgot about it. I developed diabetes about 9 years ago, had surgery for a herniated disk in my back about 7 years ago, arthritis in my right knee and hip about 5 years ago, acid reflux and high blood pressure about 2 years ago. When all these ailments seemed to get out of control, I realized that I need to find a diet that works so I can lose the excess weight once and for all. My doctors have been telling me all along that I should eat right and exercise. Of course, diet and exercise helps you lose weight but what about keeping the weight off? I resented doctors telling me that I needed to lose weight. I finally began to realize that I did not have many medical problems until my weight crept up over 200#. Maybe those doctors were right. I DO need to lose weight. I began to search the internet for what I hoped to be my last diet. During my search, I surfed on into this great WLS web site. I began to reconsider WLS. I dug up my old literature from the seminar that I attended and after researching the procedures for months on the internet, I told my PCP about my considering gastric bypass surgery. He was very supportive and told me that all I had to do was to find a surgeon and he would be happy to make a referral for me.

3/24/00 I called several surgeons but none of them would see me without my contacting my insurance company first. The only thing Dr Zemel needed was a referal from my PCP an his office staff would deal with the insurance company.

4/7/00 I had and appointment with the surgeon today and after reviewing my medical history and telling me about the surgery, he said that I am a candidate for WLS surgery because of the co-morbidities that I have and the many unsuccessful attempts over the years to lose weight permanently.

4/14/00 I am scheduled for the required sleep study on 4/20/00 to determine if I have sleep apnea. I am also scheduled for the required Psych evaluation on 4/24/00. My PCP was notified of these appointments and he approved referals for them.

4/21/00 I did my sleep study last night and the respiratory therapist said that preliminary reports do show that I have some apnea and that may be causing my morning "headaches from HELL". She said that I should call my PCP in about three weeks for the final results.

4/24/00 I had my psych evaluation today. The therapist did not have much experience counseling candidates for weight loss surgery but he was very sensitive and understanding. He asked me basically the same questions as the surgeon. He is sure that I will do well after the surgery because I understand the risks and benefits of the surgery. He also feels that because I have been successful at losing weight before, even though I couldn't keep it off, that I am ready to make the diet and lifestyle changes necessary to be successful at losing weight. I agreed that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it work. He will report to my PCP that I have no psychological reasons why I cannot have the surgery. He said that I could call my PCP next week for a report. I will forward my results from these two studies to the surgeon as soon as I receive them. His assistant will contact my insurance company as soon as they get the results.

5/13/00 I finally told my mother that I was considering weight loss surgery. Before today, the only ones who knew that I was considering WLS were my husband and children who were very supportive. My mother did not seem to totally agree to the surgery but she supports my decision. I will probably tell my sisters and my friends about it as soon a I have a surgery date.

5/15/00 My surgeon's assistant called to let me know that my insurance company requires that I have a nutrition consult. As soon as I finished talking to her I called my PCP's office to get a referral for the consult. I have an appointment with the nutritionist on 5/26/00.

5/23/00 I don't have a surgery date yet but I could not wait to tell my sister about my wanting to have the surgery. She asked me if my insurance will cover it and I said yes as long as there is medical necessity. She said that her insurance won't even cover diet pills. I told her that mine won't cover diet pills either but I do believe that they will eventually cover the WLS.

5/24/00 My surgeon's assistant called me today to tell me that I will be getting a denial letter from the insurance company. She said not to worry because when she receives the psych evaluation and nutrition consult reports, she will resubmit the request for surgery to my insurance company for approval. I am dissappointed with this initial denial but I will keep praying and doing whatever the insurance company asks in order to approve the surgery.

5/28/00 I had my nutrition consult last Friday. The nutritionist was very warm and friendly. She has a lot of experience counseling WLS candidates and she is also a diabetes educator. At first it seemed like she was trying to talk me out of the surgery but she was being straight up about what I can and can not eat after the surgery. She said that because I was well informed about the post-op diet, I should not have too many problems after surgery.

6/12/00 I'VE BEEN APPROVED!! My daughter called me at work and said that I got a call from the surgeon's office. She let me listen to the answering machine. The surgeons assistant said that she faxed the needed info to the insurance company last Friday and my approval came today!! It was very hard to keep this info to myself so I told one of my co-workers. She was happy for me. I will be talking to my boss sometime this week to arrange time off from work for surgery. I don't think I'll have any problems getting time off. We hired a student this summer and he can help with my workload. I will be getting a surgery date at the end of the class that I'm required to attend before surgery. I hope it is real soon!!

6/25/00 This is a picture of me at 240# taken on 6/23/00. I hope to post "in progress" and "after" pictures soon.

7/8/00 I am still waiting to attend the required class that is supposed to happen sometime this month.

7/27/00 Last Monday I finally got the call that I have been waiting for. I am scheduled to attend my surgeon's $200 required class which will be held next Tuesday morning at 9:30. I will get my surgery date at the end of this class. It can't be too soon because I am now having pain in my back that travels down my left leg into my left foot. I saw a neurosurgeon who sent me for an MRI to see if I am having a recurrence of a herniated disk. I had the MRI done today and somehow that tube seemed smaller than I was when I had an MRI before. I had back surgery seven years ago and will will probably have to have that surgery again. Hmmm...I wonder if I can have both surgeries done at the same time. I could have the back surgery done first, then the surgeons can just flip me over for the weight loss surgery...hehehe!!

8/4/00 I HAVE A DATE!! I went to the class last Tuesday and I believe it is well worth the money. Dr Zemel and his assistant answered all our questions. He even drew pictures detailing the procedure. My daughter accompanied me to the class and she thought it was good also. The class was very informative and we were each given a video that answers a lot of questions about the surgery. After the class, we received our surgery dates. I had all my pre-op testing done today. I also received my MRI results from the neurosurgeon's office. He said that back surgery is not indicated at this time and when I lose weight, my back problems should decrease. Now it's just a waiting game for me.

8/9/00 I am very disappointed. I got a call from the surgeons office yesterday saying that my EKG was abnormal and I will have to be cleared for surgery by a cardiologist. Needless to say, my surgery has been postponed. I had an ultrasound of my heart today. The cardiologist said that this test showed that my heart seems to be functioning properly but there may be circulation problems. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow morning for a stress test and an ultrasound of the caratoid (sp?) artery to check for blockages. I pray that these tests have negative results and I can still have my surgery. I have to look at the bright side and be glad that if they find anything wrong I can be treated. Thanks to all who e-mailed me with their thoughts and prayers.

8/15/00 I have a NEW SURGERY DATE!! I passed all the cardiology tests and my surgery has been rescheduled for August 28th. Less than 2 weeks to go!!

8/23/00 The big day is getting closer. Five more days!! Official pre-op weight is 232#.

9/10/00 I had surgery on August 28 and was discharged on Labor Day. I was in intensive care for 2 days but this is routine for Dr Zemel's patients. I don't remember too much about those first 2 days. They must have had me pretty drugged because I don't even remember any pain. I don't remember too much about my next 2 days either but there was some pain and I was using that morphine pump as much as it would let me. The daughter and husband told me that I was the "patient from hell" and they had to get my mother to talk me into behaving myself. I asked them to cut back on the morphine because it was turning me into a madwoman and besides that, I was having really strange dreams whenever I was able to sleep. I finally felt human again during my last 3 days in the hospital. I am feeling better each day and waiting to have the staples and gastrostomy tube removed. I have already lost 15 lbs!!!

9/19/00 I am 3 weeks post-op and I went to the Dr today. I am finally free of the staples and that G-tube. It did not hurt when he removed the tube but I did feel a few big pinches as he removed the staples. He kept making small talk and asking me questions about my job and family while he was removing the staples. I think that was his way of keeping me distracted from the pinching. He was done before I knew it. I will see him again in 3 weeks but I am still on liquids in the mean time. I have not been very hungry so 3 more weeks of liquids may not be that bad. I have lost 22 pounds so far and I feel pretty good.

9/28/00 Exactly one month post-op and I am down to 195# for a total loss or 37#. This did not come without problems. I have been throwing up at least once a day ever since last Sunday. I have not been able to get my fluids in and this morning I felt really week and nauseated. I call the Dr and he told me to go the emergency room. The Dr there thought something may be caught in my stomach. I haven't eaten anything solid but I started taking my blood pressure pills last Sunday. I had to have an endoscopy to check and see if the pills were causing the problems. I was sedated and the procedure was done before I knew it. They did not see any blockages but there was some irritation to the new stomach because it was making too much acid. They gave me Prevacid and after about an hour they gave me juice and water to see if I can tolerate liquids. The liquids stayed down and I went home.

10/03/00 I guess I went home too soon!! Again, I started having problems with nausea and vomiting. This time I was throwing up yellow green bitter liquid. I called my PCP who wanted to see me right away. He told me that is was bile and that I should go to the ER right away. I called my surgeon who also agreed tht I should go to the ER. I was admitted this time and was given more tests. There were no leakages or bowel obstructions but blood tests showed I had severe dehydration and potassium loss. I was given I.V. fluids and potassium.

10/06/00 All my blood test were normal and I am able to take in fluids again I was discharged. I must try to get at least 2 quarts of fluids in each day or I will be making another trip to the ER.

10/15/00 Happy birthday to ME!! I had my 6 week checkup last Friday and I have lost 42 pounds. The Dr said that I can eat anything I want as long as I take it slow and chew...chew...chew. Yesterday,I was a bridesmaid in my girlfriend's wedding. It was beautiful. At the reception, I was able to taste a little of everything and it was delicious. I even ate a bite of cake with no problems. Today is my 45th birthday. We did not do anything special to celebrate but our anniversary is in 2 weeks and we'll make up for it then. My next doctors appointment is 11/10/00. I'll post my progress then.

10/28/00 Did not have my Dr appointment yet but I am 2 months post-op today and I have lost 10 more pounds. I am now 180# pounds. 52 pounds gone forever!!!

11/14/00 Went to see the doctor today. I am a little disappointed. My official weight is 183#, not 180#. I am at one of those nasty plateaus and for the past 3 weeks my weight has fluctuated between 180 and 183#. The doctor's assistant said that I should throw away the scale. I agree with her. I will not step on a scale until my next doctor's appointment on Dec. 8. I feel pretty good and am getting a lot of compliments. I borrowed some of my daughter's size 16 jeans and I bought some size 14 slacks for work and they fit pretty good. It feels good to be out of those 22/24 clothes.

11/28/00 Three months post-op today. The scale has finally started moving again. I lost another 4# (no I did not throw the scale away yet). My first post-op Thanksgiving was pretty nice but I did overeat a little. I had a little taste of everything and was satisfied at first but then I started nibbling and picking at food all evening. I hope to do better at Christmas.

12/8/00 It's official!! The scale is moving again. I had my check up today and weighed in at 171#. 61 pounds gone for good in just 14 1/2 weeks and I feel great!!

12/27/00 Four months post-op tomorrow and I have lost 3 more pounds. I think I may have eaten too much during Christmas. I still cannot eat more than 1 cup of food during each meal, but I am grazing and nibbling too much between meals. I also found out that I am able to eat sweets and fats without dumping. I kind of wished that I was a "dumper" in order to have that built-in deterrent to eating junk. I am going to pack all the candy and baked goods that I have left over from the holidays and take it to work so that my co-workers can finish it off. I bought a pair of size 14 jeans today and I do not want to gain any weight and outgrow them. I have not worn that size since 1985. This will be my incentive to get back on track and use the surgery as the tool it is meant to be. My next appointment with the surgeon is 1/5/01 and I will update then.

1/12/01 My appointment was rescheduled for today. I am about 19 1/2 weeks post-op and have lost only 2 more pounds. The Dr suggested that I write down everything I eat and he will be able to tell me if my eating pattern is ok. My weight loss is slowing down but I am pleased. I lost 63 pounds in a little over 4 months. Not bad!!

1/29/01 Five months post-op yesterday, 22 weeks today. I have unofficially lost 7 more pounds since the 12th (I still have not thrown my scale away yet). 70 pounds in 5 months. Pretty good!!
I can't wait to start shopping for my clothes for the Carribbean cruise that my sister, my brother-in-law, my husband and I are taking this spring. I have another appointment with the surgeon on the 16th. I think I may have a hernia near my incision and I will have him check it out. I'll update then.

2/17/01 I went for my check-up yesterday and I have lost another 9 pounds for a grand total of 72 pounds gone forever!! I weigh 160# now! I do have a large hernia and the dr said that I could have it fixed now or I can wait until March or April and have it done at the same time as my panniculectomy. The Dr's assistant took pictures of my apron to submit to the insurance company. I hope they approve the apron removal along with the hernia repair. I'll update soon.

3/8/01 I am approved for my panniculectomy!! I will have surgery on 3/28/01 for a hernia repair and to remove about 10 pounds of fat and excess skin. I have lost another 3 pounds for a grand total of 75 pounds gone forever!! I still weigh a few pounds more than my husband but that will change after this surgery. I am no longer taking insulin and am taking one blood pressure medicine instead of three. I am now wearing a size 12 clothing and I can't wait until I go shopping for my cruise clothes. I feel pretty good and hope to post some after pictures soon.

4/2/01 Had panniculectomy and hernia repair surgery last Wednesday, 3/28/01 exactly 7 months after my original WLS. The surgery was done by Dr Colella, an excellent surgeon who works with Dr Zemel. The surgery went well and I was able to come home yesterday from the hospital. I am having hardly any pain from the hernia repair site but I am having a little pain from the panni surgery site. They removed 10 pounds of fat and excess skin. I have a flat tummy now...something I never had in my life. I 'm feeling pretty good and I can't wait to go clothes shopping. We got a new digital camera so now I can send some after pictures to the site. I will be having the staples, sutures and JP drain removed in about 2 weeks. Will update then.

4/19/01 7 1/2 months post-op and I am down to 149 pounds. I went to the Dr's office to have my staples and drains removed. It did not hurt when the drains were removed but the staples were a different story. Talk about pain!! I started to cry and began to hyperventilate and he had only removed half of the staples. I could not take it anymore. Dr Colella prescribed pain medicine for me to take an hour before my next visit then he would remove the rest of the staples. I agreed.

4/24/01 I had the rest of the staples removed today and I feel so much better. My blood pressure is much better and I will probably have my blood pressure medication reduced. I even lost another 3 pounds. I now weigh 146 pounds. 86 pounds gone forever!! The Doctor thinks i will probably lose another 10 - 15 pounds but I will be happy whether I lose anymore weight or not. Will update after my next appointment.

4/28/01 Eight months post-op wls and 1 month post-panniculectomy today. Unofficial weight is still 146 pounds. I will be going back to work on Wednesday so I did a little clothes shopping. I bought a size 10 dress and a blue jean skirt size 8!! I have never worn these sizes before. I feel great!!

5/24/01 It's official!! I had my Dr appointment today and weighed in at 142 pounds. 90 pounds gone forever!! My blood work results showed that I am anemic so the doctor prescribed some iron pills for me to take. No wonder I have been really tired and chewing ice cubes like crazy! My blood pressure is good and my tummy tuck and hernia repair incisions are healing nicely. My weight loss is slowing down but the dr still thinks that I will lose more weight. I am happy and now I can say that I will do the surgeries again in a heartbeat. I will be posting "after" pictures soon.

6/28/01 I'm 10 months post-op today. My Dr appointment for today was rescheduled for 7/19/00 but I weighed myself at home this morning. My "unofficial" weight is 140 pounds. Another 2 pounds lost for a grand total of 92 pounds gone forever!! I will be going on a cruise next week so I will update when I return.

7/8/01 My hubby and I returned from our cruise last night. We had a wonderful time. Food was available 24 hours a day and even though I could not eat much at one sitting, I was able to graze all day and night. Even with the walking around the ship, walking around the stores in Mexico, climbing a waterfall in Jamaica, and dancing at the nightclubs on the ship, I managed to gain 2 pounds this week. Now that the party is over and food is not available 24 hours I expect to lose that 2 pounds and to lose at least 5 more pounds for good measure. I'll update after my next appointment.

7/19/01 I had my doctors appointment today and I have officially lost another 3 pounds since my last appointment. I lost the weight I gained from the cruise and I now weigh 139 pounds for a grand total of 95 pounds gone forever!! My blood work showed that my iron is low so I must become more diligent in taking my vitamins and iron. I'll update on my 11 month anniversary which is nine days away.

7/28/01 11 months post-op today and I am at 139# and holding...

8/28/01 Hi Amos Family. Happy Re-Birthday to ME!!! I am now one year post-op today. I think I am done losing weight. I have lost 93 pounds since my surgery but it you consider my weight, which was 240 pounds, in my "before" picture which was taken about 2 months before my surgery, I can say that I am a proud member of the "CENTURY + CLUB... -101 pounds total. My weight fluctuates between 139 and 143 pounds depending on the time of the month. I am wearing size 8 to 10 in pants and size 10 to 12 in dresses or tops. I am no longer taking any insulin or oral diabetic meds. I am taking 2 pills a day for blood pressure instead of the 6 that I used to take. I have fewer backaches and my arthritis has not flared up at all since my surgery. I am off the Prevacid for acid reflux and no more Tums for heartburn. My hubby says that I snore no more! I am feeling great!! I still take my vitamins and iron pills but I'd rather take these instead of all the other meds I used to take. I usually make good choices in the food that I eat, but I have occasionally eaten some "bad choice" things. I don't usually dump unless I eat the "bad choice" things in the morning on an empty stomach. Because I don't dump at other times, I have to be more diligent in making my food choices as not to destroy this "miracle tool" that I have been given. I can now say that even though this has not been an easy journey, I would definitely do it again. I want to extend best wishes to all of you no matter where you are in your WLS journey. Congratulations to all of you who are celebrating "Re-Birthdays" today. I will be having my 1 year check-up in about 2 weeks. Will update then.

2/3/02 I have had my one year check-up even though I am taking my iron and vitamins, my bloodwork shows that I am severly anemic. The doctors thought that I may have internal bleeding so I had to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy to check things out. I feel fine and I am maintaing my weight loss but I have problems with grazing and craving sweets that I must overcome. I will update again when I get the results.

4/28/02 I'm 20 months post-op today and am feeling great. I have had an endoscopy and a gastric emptying study to find out why I am anemic. The doctors found that I have erosions in my esophagus and wanted to do a biopsy but the inflamation was too much. I was give Prevacid to take twice a day for 2 months then I had another endoscopy. The inflammation has cleared up somewhat so the Dr said that I will not need a biopsy. There was no internal bleeding thank God!! They didn't find anything so I will continue to take may vitamins and iron and pray for the best. I think my weight loss is complete but I keep gaining and losing the same 5-6 pounds over and over again. I have started walking more and doing less grazing and eating sweets hoping that I can maintain a weight of no more than 145 pounds. In spite of some the problems I had, I am glad I had the surgery and will do it again.

8/28/02 Hi AMOS Family! Happy "re-birthday to me!! I am 2 years post-op today and I am feeling great and enjoying my new life as a healthy weight person. This summer, I was able to play on the playground, camp out in a tent in the backyard, ride a bike and play in the sandbox with my grandsons. I have been unable to do these things for a long time. We have a busy weekend coming up: my in-laws 50th anniversary party on Friday, a family reunion on Saturday and Kennywood Park with my grandsons on on Sunday. It feels wonderful to be able to participate in these activities, that usually involve lots of food, without wondering if anyone is watching how much I eat. I can now eat like a healthy weight person.

My weight has pretty much stablized and ranges between 145-147 pounds. Sometimes I wonder if I am eating too much at each meal but when I remember what I used to eat at each meal I feel better. I am still slighty anemic but I will take vitamins and iron for the rest of my life if I have to. It beats taking insulin, antacids and blood pressure medicines any day!! I still come to visit this site several times a week and will answer any questions anyone may have about life as a post-op. Best wishes to everyone wherever you are in your WLS journey. Thanks to everyone who has followed my story and has wished me well. I promise to update my profile more often.

8/28/03 Hi AMOS family!! Happy re-birthday to me!! It's had to believe that it has been 3 years ago today that I had my WLS. I have gained about 10 pounds from my lowest weight and my weight fluctuates between 149-153 pounds. I am a carboholic and I am having problems staying away from the candy, cookies and snack crackers. Any suggestions from anyone on how to beat these cravings will be helpful. It helps me to get back on track when I think about all the problems I had as an obese person but the cravings always get the better of me again. I also realized that I slip up whenever I am away from my AMOS Family. Visiting the site and reading the profiles, message boards, pictures and the questions also helps me get on track. I will make it a point to visit the family whwnever I feel cravings trying to get the best of me. I'll also keep praying for the strength to beat the cravings because "nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!"
I have been severly anemic because of iron deficiency. I was put on iron tablets and taking B12 sublingually but I was still tired all the time. My blood work showed that I was anemic and was not responding to any iron tablets. I was referred to a hematologist who set me up with iron infusion treatments. I was given iron by IV one a week for 12 weeks. After the treatments I felt a lot better and more energetic. I can't remember what the numbers were but blood test showed an improvement. I will be having more blood work on Sept 23 to see if I will need more iron infusions. In spite of the little weight gain, the anemia and the terrrible carb cravings, I am glad that I had the surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat. I am considering breast reduction surgery and I have already been referred by my PCP to a plastic surgeon for a consultation on Oct 7, 2003. I have had large breasts all my life but even after my losing over 100 pounds, they have not gotten any smaller!! The backaches and headaches from carrying all the excess baggage have gotten stronger and even though I wear a smaller bra band size I still wear the same cup size as before. Can't wait to be relieved of the excess baggage. I'm not going to promise to update more but I continue to visit the AMOS family to see how everyone is doing. Best wishes to all of you no matter where you are in your journey. I will let you all know how the plastic surgery consultation turns out.

10/11/03 I had my plastic surgery consultation on 10/7/03 with Dr White at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. The people in the office seemed very nice, helpful and very professional. Then I met Dr White. He seemed to be a very nice and sensitive man and really put me at ease before he began the examination. He thorougly explained the procedure and was very up-front about it's risks as well as benefits and spent plenty of time with me answering all the questions I had. He asked about my bra size and the size I would like to be. I told him that when I weighed 240 pounds I was squeezing into a 42DDD. After WLS and 101 pounds lighter, down to 139 pounds, I was wearing a 36DDD. I have gained 12 pounds since my WLS surgery, which put me back up to 151 pounds and a 38DDD bra. After I told him the history of my bra size, I said that I would be happy if I can wear a D-cup afterward. He said that he can make me a C-cup which would be the appropriate size for my height and weight. I was pretty excited!! I have not worn a C-cup since I was 13 years old!! He suggested I take the information about the surgery home to review it and talk to my PCP and my family. I told him that I had already done my research and talked to my doctor and my family who all support my decision. He sent me in to talk to the nurse who explained the procedures again and took pictures for my medical record and the insurance company. She said that their office will handle all the insurance issues and for me not to worry about it. I was scheduled for surgery on 12/1/2003 which is perfect time for me because my workload is not as heavy during this time of year. I can celebrate Thanksgiving and I will be well enough to have Christmas dinner at my house with my wonderful family doing all the cooking.

11/23/03 I had my last pre-surgery appointment with Dr White, who went over my test results with me, gave me more time to ask questions and to make sure I still want to have the surgery. I said that I am ready. I was given prescriptions for pain medication and an antiobiotic to have on hand as soon as I get home from the hospital. He said that he'll see me on the first.

12/8/03 Hello AMOS Family. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had my BR surgery as scheduled on 12/1/03 and I can feel the difference in my neck and back already. There was almost 1 and 1/2 pounds of tissue removed from my right breast and about 1 1/4 pounds removed from my left breast. My hospital stay was uneventful and I had no problems. The next morning Dr White came to examine me and ordered a surgical bra for me to wear home. The nurses changed my dressings and helped me into the surgical bra and I was discharged. I had to use pain medication and sleep on my back for the first five days at home. The pain was not nearly as bad as the WLS and the panniculectomy. I am going to see Dr White for my post-op checkup tomorrow.

12/29/03 Season's Greetings and Happy New Year to the AMOS Family!! A lot has happened since I posted last. I had my checkup on 12/9/03 and saw my new breasts for the first time. Dr White is an artist!! They were still swollen and shiny but they are beautiful and perky!! Not bad for a 48 year old grandmother!! By the way, my daughter and her fiancee are expecting their first son on Feb 17, 2004 (The 3rd grandson for my husband and me). Dr White uses mostly dissolvable stiches, surgical glue and steri-strips. There were only a few stiches that had to be removed and boy did that hurt!! On December 19 I went to Walmart and bought 2 bras: a 38C and a 38D. The 38D fits perfectly, my cups no longer runneth over!! I will hang on to the 38C for a while...just in case.
I tried on the 38C bra today, hoping to wear it tomorrow, but it is still a little small. The cups on the 38D are starting to get big but I will still wear it when I go to see Dr White tomorrow. My breasts are still a little swollen and tender and I expect to be able to fit that 36C before I return to work on 1/5/2004. Stay tuned...

1/1/04 Season's Greetings and Happy New Year to the AMOS Family!! It's resolution time and I have resolved to be more honest with myself about the difficulty I am having with maintaing my weight loss. I decided to use Fitday.com to track my eating and get more of a visual indication of mistakes I am making in terms of eating right. I weighed in today at 165 pounds. That is 26 pounds than I weighed on 8/28/01!! I resolve to use my "miracle tool" properly: making better food choices, resume walking and checking in with the AMOS family for more inspiration. I am constantly praying for the strength to stay on the right track.

3/12/04 Hi AMOS Family. I'm happy to report that I lost five of the 26 pounds that I have gained. I still want to lose the other extra 21 pounds and as long as the scale keeps moving in the right direction, I will continue to be motivated and to stay on the right track. I also have another reason to stay on the right track. I want to be around long enough to see my new grandson grow up and I want to be able to keep up with him when I babysit. On Feb 7, 2004 my daughter gave birth to her first child, my 3rd grandson!! He weighed in at 7 lb 9 oz, 22 inches long and a head full of hair. PS: I still can't wear that 36C bra yet...maybe it will fit when I lose that last 21 pounds. Wish me luck and pray for me.

8/30/2004 Hi AMOS Family and thanks to Eric Klein for reminding me of my "re-birth day". On August 28, 2000 I had my surgery. It's hard to believe that it's been 4 years since my WLS. I am still carrying around an extra 20 pounds but I know what I need to do to get rid of it; however, it is easier said than done. I'm still trying to fight cravings for candy and other junk that is easier to eat than food. Every day I pray for strength to keep on track. I'm happy to report that I am feeling well and I can still say that I would do this again in a heartbeat!! Best wishes to the AMOS family wherever you are in your journey. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions, comments...etc. I'm haven't been visiting this site as much as I should, but I promise to visit more and keep my
profile updated.

3/10/05 Hi AMOS family. I finally decided I needed to update my profile after 7 months of just occasional lurking. In these 7 months I have gained the five pounds back plus an additional 3 pounds for a total weight gain of almost 30 pounds. I am getting depressed and beating myself up over this weight gain. My clothes are getting tight but I refuse to buy any "big" clothing. I know my surgery is still intact because I can eat only 8-10 oz of solid food. It is the candy and cookies that are doing me in. I know what I need to do in order to make my "miracle tool" keep working for me. I am considering seeing a nutritionist in order to have some accountability for the food choices that I make and to find out what I can do to reduce my cravings for candy. I will update once I begin my nutrition counseling to let everyone know when I become a loser again. Everyone that believes in prayer, please pray that I am given the strength to overcome my cravings. Best wishes all!!

8/28/06 Happy re-birthday to Me!!. It is hard to believe that I had WLS 6 years ago today. I just want everyone to know that I still am glad that I made the decision to have surgery and would do it again. The only thing that I would have done differently is to use the time that I was losing weight to modify my behaviors and to use my miracle tool more effectively. Instead of trying to eat the same things that I ate before my surgery, I should have used the time to learn to make better food choices. I am still trying to lose the 30 pounds that I have gained during the last 3 years. I know that I can do it. I'll keep checking in on this site to give me inspiration to keep on trying. I'll check in again to update you all on my fight. Best wishes all. 

7/14/07 There is life after weight gain!!  Here is an update on my struggle to lose the 42 pounds that I gained.  I know I said 30 but I was too embarrassed to admit to a 42 pound weight gain.  Beginning in 2003, my weight began to creep back up until  March 2005 when I reached the highest post-op weight of 181 Lbs.  That is 42 pounds more than my lowest post-op weight of 139!  I was very discouraged but continued to lurk the boards where I continue to find encouragement to keep trying to lose that weight and be more consistent with the lifestyle changes I need to succeed.   I also thought of all I went through, the RNY, the panniculectomy and the breast reduction! I have gone through too much to let food get the best of me!  I am in control!! I joined Curves in March of 2005 and along with the Weight Watchers at Work program, I lost 11 pounds and 10 inches by the end ot 2005. Unfortunately, I gained most of it back during last year and ended up at 179 pounds this past January.  On January 22, the VA were I work started a 12-week weight loss competition.  It  reminded me of the fact that there is no secret formula to permanent weight loss.  It encouraged the usual common sense approach of making lifestyle changes which included making better food choices and getting more active.  We were weighed in weekly and was sent an e-mail weekly for encouragement.  I was also consistent in also keeping track of my food intake with Fitday.com even when I didn't make the best food choices.  I didn't win the competetion but when it was over but I considered myself a winner for losing 8 pounds during the 12 weeks.  After the competetion, they allowed us to still weigh in monthly and to send monthly e-mails of encouragement.  I started going back to Curves 3 times a week and walked 2 to 3 miles a day 3 times a week and drinking 8 glasses of water daily.  I also kept realistic goals to stop setting myself up for failure.  I did not follow any specific "diet" plan.  Instead of saying that I'll never eat candy or cookies again or saying that I'll never eat after 8 at night,  I ate raisins when i had a candy craving, A 100 Calore Oreo or Chip Ahoy Snack Pack when I had a cookie cravings and yogurt,fruit or a mini bag of 94% fat-free popcorn when I had the urge to eat after 8.  I also cut back but didn't entirely eliminate fried foods.  I kept up with this and eventually, without any weight gains, I got back down to my current weight of 160!!  I have lost a grand total of 21 pounds since January!!  The VA plans to start the competetion again and I will enter.  I probably won't win the competetion, but the weigh-ins give me some accountability. I will be a winner by being a "loser".  I will pray for strength to continue this lifestyle and to make my goal of 150 pounds by the end of the year.  Best wishes to all of you and be encouraged! 

08/28/2007 Happy Re-Birthday to Me!! It's hard to believe that it's been 7 years since my surgery.  This will be the last entry to my profile but I will keep you updated on my battle to lose the 42 pounds I gained in my blogs. 

About Me
Jefferson Hills, PA
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
June 23, 2000... No, I am not pregnant.
June 2, 2001... 98 pounds gone forever!!

Friends 8

Latest Blog 23
Happy Surgi-versary to Me!!
Worst Weekend Diet Ever!!!
OK...Three Strikes and I'm Out!!
What Happened to Day 3?
Made it through Day 2!!
Motivation and Encouragement
5-Day Pouch Test--3rd Try!!
Day 5...Dont go there!!
