Celio Burrowes

"My first impression of him was he was straight forward and he was really nice. I just met him today 9-5-01. His office staff was really nice as well. I met Monica and Kat. He really emphasizes aftercare. He also wants you to be sure that the surgery is really what you want to do. For me it is what I really want to do. He addressed the risks of surgery as death , which is less than if you were to stay fat. With gastric bypass he stressed that there is a chance of staple breakdown over a period of time unless you have the Fobi Pouch, and that is $4000 out of pocket expense. I rate him as a very qualified doctor and I trust my life in his hands. At this time I have nothing negative to say about him. I have scheduled my psychology exam for 9/13/01. Then from there they will schedule my other exams. The only thing that hurts the most is that if you don't have $4000 you won't get the Fobi Pouch. "
About Me
Jonesboro, Ga
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
this picture was taken in 2001 around august. I was holding my niece
This is my new baby and when I was 7 months pregnant with him. Isn't he beautiful!!!
