Where oh where did my boobs go?

Aug 21, 2007

Why is it that my best "feature" has completely disappeared??? When I was heavy and feeling bad about myself, at least I could look in the mirror and say, "you may be fat, but you've got great boobs" now they are gone! I look like a 12 year old girl in shirts! My "top" belly is still hanging around, so it sticks out more than my chest. I wear shirts and they are so baggy and hanging all over me in the shoulder and chest area, and then snug around my belly. LOL It is an odd look, one I'm sure will pass soon. (Let's hope it does anyway!) So if you have seen my boobs can you tell them I kind of want them back? Or if you have some to spare I'll take 'em!  

I'm drowning part II

Aug 17, 2007

I've been back at work since July 10th and I'm not getting caught up at all. Everyday more is added right on top of the backlog I already have. I have asked for help but everyone gets mysteriously "busy" whenever I ask. I feel a lot of pressure to get caught up and hate having higher ups breathing down my neck but there isn't much else I can do. I'm still dealing with the fatigue (Vitamins haven't come yet) and i'm feeling very overwhelmed. Seems like I vent a lot on my blog, and i don't mean to seem so negative, but it helps me to get it out, even if it is just in writing to myself :P


Aug 10, 2007

I really need to .   I'm so exhuasted. I know I'm working alot, and getting up early to excersise, but it is more than that. I am physically drained. I posted today on the main board and several people thought it could be B12, so after Stephie was kind enough to find some cheap vitamins online for me I went ahead an ordered some. I hope they work! I can't keep up my schedule when I'm this tired. I put my head down on my desk for 10 minutes and i'd like to say it helped, but I think I need more like an hour :) 
 This too will get better!!

PK made me do the happy dance :)

Jul 23, 2007

On Sat. I was chatting with PK when she mentioned she would be stopping in Boston in January and would I visit her at the airport. Me being the nosy nelly that I am asked her where the heck she was going. Her reply? "on the cruise" my reply? "what cruise???"   LOL So when she sent me the link and I saw that It may be affordable I jumped on board. I'm so excited! I work about 70 hours/week and really could use a break. It will be a struggle financially, but you know what? For once in my life i'm going to say its worth it! I deserve some relaxing in the sun with some good OH friends. Anyway i was so excited I started doing the happy dance. LOL I've been doing it off and on ever since. Mostly whenever I'm really really tired and just want to crash from working too much. I dance and giggle and think about the sun, friends and some yummy eye candy. Eye candy doesn't have any calories or sugar you know..... ;)

     On a different note, i've been at a stall since week 3. I know I lost too much weight in the beginning and they were concerned but enough already. I haven't lost anything in 4 weeks. At first I was like yeah yeah this is normal everyone goes through this, but now i'm starting to get mad. LOL Let's get this show on the road already!     :)

I'm drowning!

Jul 20, 2007

I was out of work for 5 weeks. No one covers for me when I'm gone so I came back last week and I'm just drowning in work. I feel like I'm not putting a dent in it at all. I have tomorrow off, then I have to work my other job on Sunday. I've picked up a lot of hours there to make up for some of the income I lost while being out of 2 jobs for those 5 weeks. The result is i'm pretty tired, and a bit overwhelmed. But everyday i have a bit more energy so thats good! 27 minutes left of work whooo hooooooooooo

weight progress

Jun 19, 2007

06/05/07    241
06/18/07    213
06/24/07    210.8
06/27/07    207.4
Have been at a stall since 6/27. I refuse to weigh myself till i'm sure its over.
07/25/07    204.8  Is the stall over??? pleeeaassse????
07/30/07    199  ONDERLAND!!!!!!!
08/05/07    195.4
08/13/07    194.4 That's it?? 1 pound all week????
08/20/07    191.2   -50! whoo hooooo
08/27/07    190.6  Well it's something!
09/03/07    188.6
09/10/07    187.2  *sigh* am I 150 yet???
09/17/07    183.0
10/02/07    181.4  any slower and i'd be going in reverse :)
10/08/07    180.0
10/15/07    176.8
10/22/07    173.2
11/05/07    171.8   5 month surgiversary and down 70 pounds!!!!
11/12/07    170.8
11/19/07    169.4 OMG my BMI is in the 20's!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/10/07    167.2
12/17/07    165.0
12/31/07   162.8  getting there....slowly but surely
1/03/08      159.9  holy moly the scale is flying this week! I usually only weigh once/week but i'm so excited i had to post again LOL
1/07/08      156.6
02/05/08    153.6 wow this month sucked! 8 months ago today.....
02/19/08    151
06/13/08    143  Let's keep moving!
06/21/08    141

07/13/08   138
08/21/08   136



About Me
shelley, ID
Surgery Date
Mar 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 136

Latest Blog 26
Eww it's getting gross...who would have thought?
It's been a while since I've said thanks!
1,2,3 hold breath and blow....
What's that? I can't hear you.....
Ok so the scale isn't moving but my size is!!!
Measurements along the way
Why do I feel fatter now that I'm thin?
The f*&$^$g scale won't move.
Too small for plastics?
